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AFFIDAVIT OF STACI SCAMAN STATE OF TEXAS § PRESENTS: COUNTY OF FALLS § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared STACI SCAMAN, who, being by me first duly sworn, according to law, upon her oath deposed and stated as follows: "My name is Staci Scaman, | am over the age of 21, am of sound mind and competent to make this affidavit. | have not been convicted of a felony or crime involving moral turpitude during the last ten years. Everything stated herein is within my personal knowledge and is true and correct." “Lam the wife of Sheriff Ricky Scaman. We have been married since June 2014. Ricky and | were very good friends of Nanci Anderson and her husband, James. From July 2015 to June 2017, we regularly went out together as couples and families to restaurants and other social events. We spent time together at each others homes and with our families. In fact, Nanci lived in our home for at least two weeks in January 2017, before she and her family moved into their home. Her husband stayed with us on a few of the weekends as well. We also spoke often and communicated by text frequently. Sometimes the texts were between Nanci and me, and sometimes the texts included our husbands as well." “| am aware of the accusations being made by Nanci Anderson at the present time. Given our history as friends who discussed and joked about everything, | am shocked that she would try to create a lawsuit out of these types of communications that she actively participated in and often initiated between both couples. The texts she references about Ricky asking her to find him a hooker is a joke that started when Ricky and | were together with Nanci and her husband. Her husband was trying to sell Ricky a phone system, and Ricky joked that if he could find him a hooker in return he would have a deal. Everybody knew it was a joke, and Nanci Anderson certainly knew that it was a joke and participated in the joke, and oftentimes initiated jokes of a similar nature." "Nanci Anderson never complained to me that the banter that we all had as friends was sexual harassment to her, nor did she indicate that it bothered her in the least, and indeed she often initiated the banter. | believe that she is using the banter that she actively participated in to get back at Ricky because he did not try to get her to withdraw her resignation and ask her to come back to work. She thought that she was indispensable at the Sheriffs Office; she was not indispensable and now she is bitter and angry. She now wants to claim that she was being sexually harassed because she is angry, and she wants to try to hurt Ricky politically and wants to get money from S} mn iC De SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me on this the a. > day of Octaoper, 2017. the County." Further Affiant sayeth not. Texas Affidavit of Staci Scaman, JESSICA HASAN jotary Public, State of Texas My Commission Expires DECEMBER 14, 2017

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