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the Internet. 5 Steps to the Internet will have you on your way to becoming an EasySite Master.

“I am Web Savvy ” TM

• E- m ail



LEARN ABOUT THE INT ERNET. • S ea rch En gi nes

Want t o get a bas i c
New to the Internet? This book
unde rs t andi ng of t hes e
will give you the tools you
need to get involved and have a i t em s? Web -S avvy –
general understanding of how You r gu i d e to s ea rch
to navigate your way around it. en gi n es , e- mai l , e-
Web-Savvy – Your guide to
co mmerce , and s oci al
search engines, e-mail, e-
commerce, and social n etw ork s , is wh at yo u
networks, will have you on ne ed.
your way to becoming an
EasySite™ Master.

“ Although I consider myself to be Internet literate, I still learned

something from this book! Having the ability to practice the exercises
on the web site and having the videos to help me
was great!
Thanks a lot! --Sharon B.

211 South Main Street Sutie 750
Dayton, Ohio 45402 USA
Please visit us for more information on our (937) 223-3040
other books, services and videos © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS /// Page 1

Web Savvy™ – Your guide to search engines, e-mail,
and social networks.
The Complete Guide for Beginners
Brought to you by and

Powered by © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS /// Page 2

This e-book was developed for people want to gain a basic understanding of the Internet including but
not limited to searching, making secure on-line purchases and using social networks. This e-book will
give you the necessary tools to do business on the Internet. It will also prepare you for the workforce
by introducing you to the Internet and using it as a tool for tasks that you may have to perform on the
job or in everyday situations. Although websites are created differently, this web site will give you an
introduction to using certain technologies such as social networks, blogs, search engines and shopping
on-line or e-commerce.

This e-book is accompanied by an on-line tool so that you can follow the tutorials in a real world
setting. The activity website is located at Each person who
purchases this book gets a membership to this community. You also have access to the many other
articles and tutorials available. There are also step by step tutorials at the end of the book. We made it
this way so readers will be able to read the book and use the tutorials as a reference once they have
completed the book.

Note: Tutorials at the of the book are are marked with the Web Savvy logo

This e-book is for anyone who is new to the Internet and wants to acquire basic Internet skills
including, but not limited to, searching, making secure on-line purchases and using social networks.
Individuals must have a basic understanding of computers.
After completing this e-book, you will:
 have a basic understanding of the Internet,
 know how to search for information,
 be able to identify legitimate websites for shopping and research purposes,
 have a basic understanding of Internet Security as it pertains to e-commerce, and
 identify the features of on-line communities including blogging and the use of forums.
This e-book is accompanied with a website that will be used to communicate with others who use this
book as well as post questions in the discussion forum and to apply what has been learned in a real-
world, on-line environment. © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS /// Page 3

Table of Contents
History of the Internet – In a Nutshell......................................................................................................5
Activity Set No. 1 - E-mail...................................................................................................................7
Searching on the Internet...........................................................................................................................8
Activity Set # 2 – Search Engines......................................................................................................10
On-line purchasing or E-commerce........................................................................................................11
Activity Set #3 - E-commerce............................................................................................................11
Social Networks/On-line Communities ..................................................................................................12
Activity #4 – Social Networks............................................................................................................13
Activity Set #1: E-mail.......................................................................................................................16
Adding Attachments to your Gmail e-mails...................................................................................19
Activity Set No. 2: Search Engines....................................................................................................23
Searching using Google.......................................................................................................................23
Activity Set #3: E-commerce/On-line Shopping................................................................................28
Activity Set #4 – Social Networks......................................................................................................29
Join the community!...........................................................................29
Write a Blog in the Community..........................................................30
Manage your blog...........................................................................................................................33
Post a message in the Discussion Forum........................................................................................36
Post a Response in the Discussion Forum on © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS /// Page 4

History of the Internet – In a Nutshell

The Internet as it is known today came into existence in the late 1960s. It started as a project that
linked computers from different colleges together so that they could share information. The colleges
involved in this project were the University of California, Los Angeles, the Stanford Research Institute,
University of Utah and the University of California, Santa Barbara. The name of this network was
called ARPANET.

Since then, the Internet has grown to what we see today. New and established businesses have thrived
by using the Internet for marketing and e-commerce. The number of new websites are growing at a
very high rate.

There are a number of tools that make this possible such as web site editors and on-line web site design

Term Definition
Blog web log or on-line journal
WWW World Wide Web, a series of networked
computers that serves web pages
Discussion Forum on-line forum where individuals exchange
ideas, post questions, offer answers, or offer
help on relevant subjects
Internet A series of networked computers also referred
to as the World Wide Web
E-commerce Electronic commerce – an on-line transaction
between a consumer and a business or between
business over the Internet.
E-mail Electronic mail
E-mail client program on your computer that allows for you
to view/send/receive e-mail
Web server A computer that is connected to a network that
serves web pages
E-mail server A computer that is connected to a network that
handles the sending and receiving of e-mail
URL/Web address Uniformed Resource Locater/ the location or
name of a web site
Browser Application on your computer that is used to
view web pages © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS /// Page 5

Spam Unsolicited e-mail
Virus A program or script that was created to do harm
on your computer or network. They are usually
acquired accidentally through your web
browser or e-mail from the Internet.


 Explain how e-mail works.

 Write and send e-mail messages.

 Manage e-mail messages.

E-mail is a great and great way to communicate with friends, family, potential employers and other
people that you would communicate with quickly. E-mail is sent using an e-mail program, or e-mail
client, on a computer that is connected to the Internet.

Illustration 1: Simple diagram of how e-mail is sent from you to a recipient.

When receiving e-mail, make sure that you are careful when opening attachments such as pictures,
documents, audio, video, etc. Viruses may be embedded in them. It is best not to open an e-mail
attachment unless you know who the sender of the e-mail is. It is best to have an anti-virus program
installed on your computer because they scan each file including e-mail that is sent or received to © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS /// Page 6

protect your computer. Remember, you can visit for on-line tutorials and
videos to help you.

Activity Set No. 1 - E-mail

 Set up an e-mail account using a free e-mail service such as Gmail (visit
 Send an e-mail to
 You will receive a response immediately, Respond to the e-mail and include an attachment
(picture, or document)

Note: If you need additional help, there are tutorials available at the end of this book to guide you
through each task. These tutorials come with accompanying graphics to help you along the way. © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS /// Page 7

Searching on the Internet

 Use a search engine to find information on a particular subject
 Evaluate Web Pages using some basic guidelines
 Identify at least three different search engines


The Internet is a great tool for finding information and performing research on just about any subject.
There are a lot of web pages on the Internet and not all of them would serve as a good reference for
information. When searching on the Internet, we use a search engine. There are many available such
as Google, Yahoo, Dogpile and many others. Search engines are very helpful because they do all of the
hard work in advance. They crawl web pages, gather some information about them and store it in a
database. When we perform a search using a search engine, such as Google, the search engine returns a
list of relevant web pages on the topic that was searched.

Illustration 2: Simple search diagram

When searching on the Internet, you must be mindful of the content that you are viewing. When
reviewing content, as yourself the following questions:

 Is this a relevant website?

 What type of domain is it, .com, .net, .edu, .org?
 Who wrote this web page? © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS /// Page 8

 Do they site their references?

Depending on the subject, the type of extension and references may not be relevant. For example, a
site that sells slot cars, more than likely will not have references on their site, but they may offer
valuable information about the subject and provide the information that you are searching for. This site
is also more than likely to end in .com or .net. A slot car site, for example,, will
not have a .org or .edu extension.

Now, if you are searching for a college, for example, the website will end in .edu, such as Keep this in mind when doing research that the indicators mentioned above apply in
most situations; some companies and organizations will register multiple domain names, to ensure that
they receive the visitors that are trying to find them. The on-line university, Capella, can be found
under and

When searching on the Internet, you use a web browser such as Internet Explorer, or Firefox. Below is
a screen-shot of an Internet Explorer browser, highlighting the address bar. The address bar is where
you type the URL of the website that you want to visit.

Illustration 3: Screenshot highlighting Address Bar on a web browser © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS /// Page 9

Activity Set # 2 – Search Engines
1. Pick a topic and perform research using a search engine. If you need help, try searching on
subjects that interest you. Some examples of topics that you may research are slot cars, free job
training, or resume writing.
2. Evaluate the web pages using the evaluation check list
3. E-mail the topic and the results of the your evaluation of one of the web sites found to on the information that you found.

Note: If you need additional help, there are tutorials available at the end of this book to guide you
through each task. These tutorials come with accompanying graphics to help you along the way. © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 10

On-line purchasing or E-commerce
 Find on-line stores
 Identify secure, on-line shopping
Purchasing items on-line saves time because it is convenient. Shopping on the Internet is no
less safe than shopping in a store or by mail. To help ensure that your on-line shopping
experience is a safe one:

 Know who you’re dealing with. Confirm the on-line seller’s physical address and phone
number in case you have questions or problems.

 Know exactly what you’re buying. Read the seller’s description of the product closely,
especially the fine print.

 Know what it will cost. Factor shipping and handling - along with your needs and budget - into
the total cost of the order.

 Pay by credit or charge card, for maximum consumer protections.

 Check out the terms of the deal, like refund policies and delivery dates.

 Print and save records of your on-line transactions.

When shopping on-line, make sure that you see in the address bar when
entering any personal information. This ensures that your information is being transmitted securely
over the Internet.

When making on-line purchases on the Internet, you are usually presented with many options for
making your payment, it may be your checking account number, credit card or even a service such as

What you decide to use is up to you; just make sure that you are making your purchases securely.

Activity Set #3 - E-commerce

 Visit an on-line store
 Look for identifiers that show you are able to make a secure purchase
 E-mail the URL of the on-line store that you visited along with your notes to

Note: If you need additional help, there are tutorials available at the end of this book to guide you
through each task. These tutorials come with accompanying graphics to help you along the way. © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 11

Social Networks/On-line Communities
 Define a social network or on-line community
 Identify the features of on-line communities.
 Provide examples of a social network or On-line Community
 Write a Blog on

A social network or on-line community is a website which offers its members the ability to share
messages, media, and other information with each other.

While social networking sites can increase a person's circle of friends, they also can increase exposure
to people with less than friendly intentions. Here are tips for helping you to use social networking sites

Keep in mind what information should be private.

• You should post only information that you are comfortable with others seeing.
• Use privacy settings to restrict who can access and post on your website.
• Remember that once you post information on-line, you can’t take it back.

Features of a social network or on-line community are:

• blogs,
• discussion forums,
• photo gallery,
• music sharing,
• video sharing,
• comments,
• chat, or
• instant messaging.

Examples of Social Networks are:


Web logs or blogs as they are often referred to, are a way that people express themselves. It is almost
like an on-line diary. People usually make daily entries in them and they can contain any type of
information. Usually people may write on a specific subject such as the environment, cars, or an
interesting hobby they may have. They usually include pictures and videos in their blogs. We are © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 12

going to create a blog on so that you can become familiar with them and how
they are generally used.
Activity #4 – Social Networks
 Set up a profile in a social network or on-line community; visit to
set up your account
 Write a Blog
 Manage a Blog (delete/add entries)
 Post a message in a Discussion Forum
 Respond to a post in the Discussion Forum
 E-mail your profile name to

Note: If you need additional help, there are tutorials available at the end of this book to guide you
through each task. These tutorials come with accompanying graphics to help you along the way. © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 13

Now that you have completed this book, Web-Savvy – Your guide to search engines, e-mail,
e-commerce and social networks, you will be better equipped for using the Internet as a tool
in a work or home environment. You should also know how to identify secure, legitimate
websites and have a basic understanding of social networks and how to use them. Please visit and for more information and to network
with other students and professionals.

There are a number of opportunities available for people who understands the Internet and how
it works. You do not have to be an expert, but having a general understanding, such as what this
book provides, will give you enough to become an EasySite™ Master and do things such as
become an affiliate, which has unlimited money making opportunities, use the Internet to
improve your personal skills, or using it to shop on-line.

Please visit us again at or as this is the

beginning of a series of books and videos to get you web-savvy!

References © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 14


This section contains tutorials for the exercises given in each section of the Web Savvy e-book. They
are accompanied with graphics to make each tutorial easy to follow and understand. These tutorials are
also available at, but only for registered users. You will have access to
these as son as you join the community using the instructions provided.

Have fun while you are becoming web savvy! © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 15

Activity Set #1: E-mail

Welcome to the Web Savvy tutorial.

This tutorial will show you how to set up a Gmail account. Gmail is a free, web-based, e-mail program
with a lot of features and benefits.
The only requirement for this tutorial is that you are on a computer with Internet access.

To get started, open your web browser and type in the following address:

Once your page has loaded, Click on the link labeled Sign up for Gmail.

Illustration 4: Gmail home page

Complete the registration form. © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 16

Illustration 5: Gmail registration form

There are a few side notes that I would like to include about the registration form:

(1) Gmail provides the ability for you to check to see if your desired name is available; make sure you
do this, it is important to ensure that you get the e-mail address that you want.

(2) When choosing your password, make sure that it is at least 8 characters long; which could be a
combination of letters and numbers, and that is something that you can easily remember. Do not give
your password to anyone and make your password difficult for others to guess.

(3) As a security measure, the Gmail sign up process requires you to enter the special characters that
you see on the screen. They are usually a weird combination of letters and numbers and they are drawn
in a peculiar way. This ensures that an actual person is signing up for the Gmail account and not a
script or bot. If you have trouble seeing the image, Gmail allows for you to hear the letters using your
computer. Make sure that you have your speakers on or have ear phones plugged into your computer.
To have the letters read to you, click the icon that like a wheelchair next to the box that contains the

Make sure you complete the form and click the Submit button at the bottom of the page. © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 17

Once your account has been created, you will be taken to a confirmation page. It will contain three
things that you really need to know about your new Gmail account. Make sure you read this important
information. After you have read the information, click the link labeled, "I'm ready - show me my

Illustration 6: Gmail confirmation page

You will be taken to a page with a new e-mail from the G-mail team waiting for you! © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 18

Illustration 7: Gmail page containing your e-mail

Congratulations, you have successfully created your very own Gmail account! You are on your way to
communicating with friends, family, employers and others in a fun, convenient, instant way.

Adding Attachments to your Gmail e-mails

This Web Savvy tutorial will show you how to add attachments to your e-mail. Attachments are often
necessary if you need to include an external document or photo with your e-mail. You may have a
photo of your pet, for example, that you want to send to another family member. Since we started with
our free Gmail account tutorial, we are going to use Gmail to send attachments in our e-mail to a family
member or friend.

Sending an attachment can be made easier for you if you know exactly where the document or image is
that you want to attach to your file.

To send an attachment to your Gmail, follow the instructions below. © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 19

1. Log in to your Gmail account with your user name and password

Illustration 8: Gmail home page

2. Select the Compose Mail link (this link can be found on the left side of the web page) © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 20

Illustration 9: Gmail page that contains e-mail and Compose link
3. Enter in the To field (you may change this to another e-mail address if
you wish)
4. Enter "See attached document" in the Subject (you may also change this if you wish, just make sure
you enter something that makes sense to the person you are sending it to)
5. Click "Attach a File"
6. Select the file from your computer that you want to add. Once you have selected the file that you
want to attach to your e-mail, you may double-click on it with your left mouse button to select it. © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 21

Illustration 10: Box that allows for you to select the file that you want to attach to your e-mail

7. Type your message in the body of the e-mail.

8. Click send. That's it! © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 22

Activity Set No. 2: Search Engines

This tutorial will show you how to use a search engine to find the information that you need on the
Internet. There are many search engines available, however; for this tutorial we will use the popular
Google search engine.

Searching using Google

Performing a basic search using the Google search engine is a great way to find what you need.

To begin your search, open your web browser and type in the following URL (web address):

Enter the following phrase, "41 willys slot car for sale" and click the Google Search button © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 23

Illustration 11: Google search page with search phrase entered

The list of results will be displayed

Click on any of these results to view the web page (for this demonstration, I clicked on the web site since it looks relevant © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 24

Illustration 12: Google results page
This page displayed relevant information about slot cars, particularly the 41 Willys slot car that we just
searched for. © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 25

Illustration 13: Slot car website -

Let's evaluate this web site using our items that were discussed in the Web Savvy book by answering
the following questions:

(1) Is this a relevant website?

(2) What type of domain is it, .com, .net, .edu, .org?
(3) Who wrote this web page?
(4) Do they site their references?


(1) This web site is relevant; the contents of the web site is based solely around slot cars.
(2) It is a .com ( What this means is that it is a common domain, it is not from a
university, non-profit, or government agency or organization.
(3) The developer of this site is a company who specializes in slot car building © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 26

(4) This question does not apply to this particular web site, however; if this site gave medical
information, for example, they would need to site references. © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 27

Activity Set #3: E-commerce/On-line Shopping

1. Visit an on-line store, an example would be

2. Look for identifiers that show you are able to make a secure purchase
Know who you’re dealing with. Confirm the on-line seller’s physical address and phone
number in case you have questions or problems.

 Know exactly what you’re buying. Read the seller’s description of the product closely,
especially the fine print.

 Know what it will cost. Factor shipping and handling - along with your needs and budget - into
the total cost of the order.

 Pay by credit or charge card, for maximum consumer protections.

 Check out the terms of the deal, like refund policies and delivery dates.
 Look for in the address bar to ensure your purchase is secure

 Make sure you are able to print and save records of your on-line transactions.

3. E-mail the URL of the on-line store that you visited along with your notes to © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 28

Activity Set #4 – Social Networks

Join the community!

1. Open your web browser and go to

Illustration 14: home page

2. Click on Community at the top of the page

3. Complete the form by entering your information in each field

Note: Make sure your password is at least 6 characters long (combination of letters and
numbers) © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 29

Illustration 15: registration form
4. Click the Send Registration button.

5. That's it! You are now officially registered in the community!

Write a Blog in the Community

1. Log in with your login information that you used when you set up your account on © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 30

Illustration 16: home page

2. Click on the link labeled, "Write a blog entry" © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 31

Illustration 17: Log in confirmation page on
3. Enter the Entry title

4. Enter your blog in the space provided. © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 32

Illustration 18: blog entry page

5. Click the button labeled, "Save blog entry"

6. Congratulations! You have just created your first blog!

Manage your blog

To manage your blogs on do the following:

1. Log in with your login information that you used when you set up your account on © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 33

Illustration 19: home page

2. Click on Show your blog on the menu (located on the right side of the page) © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 34

Illustration 20: Login confirmation page with User Menu
3. To edit your blog, click on the notepad icon next to the title of the blog that you want to edit

4. After you have clicked on the notepad icon, you can change the content of your blog simply by
replacing the text that you want to change and save your changes by clicking on the button labeled,
"Save blog entry". © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 35

Illustration 21: Edit blog on

4.a. If you want to delete your entry, simply click the link labeled, Delete this entry.

5. You have now successfully managed your blog.

Post a message in the Discussion Forum

1. Open your web browser and go to

2. Make sure you are logged in to the community, if not, you may log in by entering your log in
information on the front page. © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 36

Illustration 22: home page

3. Once you have logged in, click the link labeled, Discussion Forum © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 37

Illustration 23: Discussion Forum
4. Click on Discussions under the Topics heading

5. Click on New Thread © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 38

Illustration 24: Discussion Forum - New thread button displayed
6. Enter the Subject for your topic or Discussion Forum entry

7. Enter your discussion text in the message area © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 39

Illustration 25: New Thread form in Discussion Forum
8. Click the Submit button

9. That's it.

Post a Response in the Discussion Forum on

1. Open your web browser and go to

2. Make sure you are logged in to the community, if not, you may log in by entering your log in
information on the front page. © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 40

Illustration 26: log in page

3. Once you have logged in, click the link labeled, Discussion Forum

4. Click on Discussions under the Topics heading (you can also click on an item under Recent Posts) © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 41

Illustration 27: Discussion Forum page
5. Once the topic is displayed, you can reply to it by clicking on the button labeled, "Reply Topic"

6. Enter your information in the Message area. © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 42

Illustration 28: Reply to topic in Discussion Forum on

7. Click the Submit button.

8. Congratulations! You just saved your response in the Discussion Forum.

Remember, the community will be updated regularly with new tutorials. Make
sure you visit often so that you can receive the latest information available! © 2008 /// Powered by COMTACTICS ///Page 43

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