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Open-loop freq response & Stability

„ For many real applications,

you may not able to find
the mathematical models
14: Lead and Lag compensators for the plant, and you will
not able to find the root
Chap 14.6, and Page 508-526 locus.
„ But, we typically can
experimentally find the
Prof. Xun Yu open-loop frequency
response (bode plot).
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering „ How will you design the
University of Minnesota, Duluth controller?

Open-loop freq response & Stability Phase and Gain Margin

Open-loop frequency response
Example 2

Gain crossover


„ Phase Margin (PM): angle+180°, when gain=0dB

„ Gain Margin (GM): 0 – magnitude in dB, when Φ =180°
Positive PM and GM are required for system stability.
„ Stable K<2 3 Typically: PM> 40°, GM > 10dB 4

PM and system closed-loop performance D and I control actions
„ Relationship between PM and closed-loop
performance „ PD :
Adds phase
„ Eg: open-loop is a 2nd order sys. but increase
closed-loop freq. response for different PM gain in high

„ PI :
Smaller gain in
high freq.
But decrease

5 6

Lead and Lag compensators Bode design of lead compensator

1 ωm =
Compensator aT Lead Compensator: 1 T a
C= s+
1 (a>1) aT aTs + 1 a −1
s+ C=K = Kp sin φm =
a>1: lead T a<1: lag s+
1 Ts + 1 a +1
Design steps: T 1 + sin φm
1: Determine Kp to satisfy stead state error requirement 1 − sin φm
or bandwidth requirements
2: Evaluate the phase margin (PM) of the uncompensated system using
the Kp value in the first step. (plot the bode plot)
3. Allowing for extra 10° margin, determine the needed phase lead Φm
4. Determine a value from the equation
5. Pick ωm at the crossover frequency. (thus your T is also determined)
6. Draw the compensated frequency response and check the PM
7. Iterate the design, adjust the compensator parameters until meet the
specifications, add another compensator if necessary.
7 8

Bode design of lag compensator
Lag Compensator: s+
aT aTs + 1 a<1
C=K = Kp
1 Ts + 1
Design steps: T
1: Determine Kp to satisfy stead state error requirement
or bandwidth requirements
2: Construct the uncompensated system using the Kp value in the first
step. (plot the bode plot)
3. From the bode plot of the uncompensated system, find the frequency
(named as ω’g)that has the desired phase margin (PM), and determine
how many dB are required to lower the gain to 0 dB. Let this dB number
is m’ >0, then
a = 10 -m’/20
4. Place the frequency 1/aT one decade below the ω’g ( 0.1* ω’g )
5. Iterate the design, adjust the compensator parameters until meet the
9 necessary.
specifications, add another compensator if

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