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Lillian Guzman

Ms Alcaraz, Per 6

Non Fiction Response: Anne Frank Diary Excerpt

1. Anne Frank was very lonely in her annex. She became very close to Peter, her friend. She

then realized she was very lonely and very desperate for more company. She then has a

dream that makes her sad.

2. I have read her whole diary before, so I can connect this excerpt to that.

3. The author’s purpose is to inform. I know because when I read the diary, she said she

wanted to keep this diary so that people would know the struggles of a girl during the


4. The audience is herself, and then later, other people. I know because diaries in general are

meant for one’s self. The choice of audience makes her very honest.

5. The most relevant details is connecting her present situation to her past, when she had

more friends to talk to.

6. Pathos is the most prevalent in the writing. The author exercises her credibility by writing

this from experience.

a. “My longing for someone to talk to has become so unbearable that I somehow

took it into my head to select Peter for this role,” (Frank).

b. “I've been looking for an excuse to linger in his room and get him talking without

his noticing, and yesterday I got my chance,” (Frank).

c. “I turned abruptly away, overcome by emotion,” (Frank).

7. The three previous quotes lead me to believe that a theme is ‘loneliness is depressing’.
8. This text helped me to better understand the struggles of Jewish people during the


9. I wouldn’t change anything.

10. OPTION 1: In the diary excerpt, Frank shows how depressing loneliness is. The author

feels extremely lonely in her annex. For example, the author says, “My longing for

someone to talk to has become so unbearable that I somehow took it into my head to

select Peter for this role,” (Frank). She was very lonely in her annex because she couldn’t

keep in contact with her old friends. The only person who was not related to her but was

around her age was a boy named Peter, so she socialized with him. Loneliness is very sad

and makes people do drastic things.

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