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Inbound- When you travel back to the place you departure, also when other
people come to visit the UK. For example a flight from France flying into the East
Midlands Airport.

Outbound- When tourists travel outside the country they are living on. For
example, a UK citizen going to Italy.

Domestic- When you go on holiday in your own country. For example if you lived
in England and then went to Cornwall.

The importance of tourism.

Tourism is becoming an increasingly important connection to the world, it is the

business that provides services to people from another region or country. It is very
important as most people are willing to spend a lot of money on it, when on
vacation they may pay more than normal however sometimes people go to on
holiday because the costs in that country are cheaper. Tourism needs a reason for
people to travel to other countries, so as long as there is food,accommodation,
sights ect, more money will be earnt which is making tourism bigger each year,
nevertheless if there are money problems in there country e.g credit crunch, the
money earnt by tourism will most likely drop. Employment in tourism leads to the
multi-plier effect, this is when the money is circulated into the economy. This is of
prime importance in areas where there his little industry - e.g Scottish Highlands
or Cornwall. Some countries are over reliant on tourism e.g the Caribbean.

Travel&Tourism Components.

Transportation-When you go on holiday, transport is needed to be arranged for

arrival at the airport and when you get back from your holiday to home, although
you could also use your own transport there and back. It can also be arranged for
when you go out to places on holiday, e.g tours, themeparks, other city's. You can
do this all by either hiring a car This can be done by either hiring a car, or getting
public transport e.g bus, taxi, train.
Ancillary Services- This is an extra service offered to the public it is an inbound,
outbound and domestic. An example of this is toilets, currency exchange, car hire
and insurance.

Trade Associations- Organisations for travel and tourism to help each other this is
outbound and an example of this is Abta.

Tourism Development And Promotion- Trying to encourage people to go on

holiday ( take part in tourism )- Marketing. It is outbound and domestic. E.g
VisitBritain, VisitEngland, Leicestershire Promotion.

Attractions-To attract tourists into the country this is outbound, domestic and
outbound, for example a water park, theme park and guided walks.

Accommodation- A place to stay a while on holiday, it is domestic, inbound and

outbound for example these could be a hotel, caravan, villa, tent, cottage.

Travel Agents- Sell holidays, book flights. Can hire cars, sort out travel to and from
the airport. Retail business sorts out accommodation, this is mostly outbound but
also domestic. For example, America, Thomas Cook and COOP Travel.

Tour Operations- Buy your holiday from, put the whole holiday together, makes
activities, booklets about the ect. Organise outbound and inbound flights. Flights
to Spain and return.

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