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The Syatt Fitness Guide to Warming Up:

A Step by Step Guide for Optimal Performance

By: Jordan Syatt

The information in this article is offered for educational purposes only; the reader should be
cautioned that there is an inherent risk assumed by the participant with any form of physical
activity. With that in mind, those participating in strength and conditioning programs should
check with their physician prior to initiating such activities. Anyone participating in these activities
should understand that such training initiatives may be dangerous if performed incorrectly. The
author assumes no liability for injury; this is purely an educational manual to guide those already
proficient with the demands of such programming


Throughout my life I’ve been extraordinarily fortunate to work with some of the brightest and
most generous professionals within the fitness industry. While each and every one has contributed
to my growth and development as a coach, much of the knowledge presented in this guide is based
on my internship experience at Cressey Performance. As such, I would like thank Eric, Tony,
Chris, Pete, and, of course, Tank for the endless hours and limitless patience which they devoted
to answering my questions and challenging me to become a smarter and well-rounded coach.


As I previously wrote in this article, the efficacy, value, and ideal method of warming up for exercise and
athletic performance has long been a highly debated topic among professionals within the strength and
conditioning industry.

Some coaches affirm that warm-ups are equally [if not more] important as the actual training
session, while others insist they’re pointless and a waste of time.

Personally, I fall somewhere in between these two extremes.

However, considering that warming up has been shown to improve performance, along with my
personal experiences, both including and excluding warm-ups from my routine, I do believe that
effectively warming up prior to strength training will positively impact strength, performance, and

As such, through writing this article it is my goal to provide you with the necessary tools to aid you
in the process of creating your own warm-up routines. In the following pages I’ve outlined 3
separate templates (1 upper body, 1 lower body, and 1 total body), each of which function as a
step-by-step guide designed to help you construct your own warm-up regimens.

All you need to do is follow the charts in chronological order and choose one option from each
subsequent category. Once you arrive at the end of each template you will have created your own
upper body, lower body, or total body warm-up routine respectively.

To minimize confusion, I’ve hyperlinked every movement and drill to a video on my YouTube
channel. If you are unsure of how to perform a specific exercise, simply click on the corresponding
hyperlink to watch a video tutorial.

It’s important to note that this guide is in no way, shape, or form an exhaustive list of possible
warm-ups. While each template provides you with numerous (probably hundreds) warm-up
variations, this guide barely scratches the surface.

I hope you enjoy this guide and find it to be a useful and educational tool. As always, if you have
any questions, comments, or suggestions feel free to leave a comment on my website,, or e-mail me directly at

Never Minimal. Never Maximal. Always Optimal.


Upper Body Warm-Up
Step 1: Self Myofascial Release with a Lacrosse Ball - Video

Pec Minor & Deltoid Upper Trap & Rotator Cuff Bicep &
Caracoid Process (Front/Med/Rear) Levator Medial
Scapulae Epicondyle

Step 2: Self Myofascial Release with a Foam Roller - Video

T-Spine Lats Triceps

Step 3: T-Spine Mobility - Pick 1 Exercise

Quadruped Bent Over Thoracic Half-Kneeling Side-Lying

Extension/Rotation: Extension/Rotation: Extension/Rotation: Internal/External
1x10/side 1x10/side 1x10/side Rotation:

Step 4: T-Spine, Chest, and Shoulder Mobility - Pick 1 Exercise

Arm Swings: Side-Lying Bent Over Thoracic Back-to-Wall

1x10/side Internal/External Extension/Rotation Shoulder Flexion:
Rotation: 1x10/side 1x10/side 1x10

Step 5: Activation - Pick 1 Exercise

Wall Slides: 1x8 Bent Over Y’s and T’s: Bent Over Row with Scap Pushup: 1x8
1x8 External Rotation: 1x8

Step 6: Whole Body Movement - Pick 1 Exercise

Inch Worm: 1x5 Yoga Pushup: 1x6 Box Bear Crawl + Push-up:
1x1 Box

Step 7: Go Lift Some Weight!

Lower Body Warm-Up
Step 1: Self Myofascial Release with a Lacrosse Ball - Video

Plantar Fascia Calves Peroneals Glutes & Piriformis TFL & Psoas

Step 2: Self Myofascial Release with a Foam Roller - Video

Adductors Quads IT Band T-Spine

Step 3: Ankle Mobility – Pick 1 Exercise

Wall Ankle Mobilizations: Toe Raised Wall Ankle Rocking Ankle Mobilizations:
1x10/side Mobilizations: 1x10 1x10/side

Step 4: Sagittal Plane Hip Mobility – Pick 1 Exercise

Rear Foot Elevated Rear Leg Elevated Hip Forward Leg Swings: Half Kneeling Hip
Hip Flexor Mobs w/ Flexor Mobilizations: 1x10/side Flexor Mobs:
Lat Stretch: 1x10/side 1x10/side 1x10/side

Step 5: Frontal Plane Hip Mobility – Pick 1 Exercise

Split Stance Adductor Mobs: Lateral Leg Swings: Static Lateral Lunge:
1x10/side 1x 10/side 1x8/side

Step 6: T-Spine Mobility – Pick 1 Exercise

Quadruped Side-Lying Half-Kneeling Bent Over Thoracic

Extension/Rotation: Internal/External Extension/Rotation: Extension/Rotation:
1x10/side Rotation: 1x10/side 1x10/side 1x10/side

Step 7: Sagittal Plane Glute Activation – Pick 1 Exercise

Glute Bridge: 1x8 Single-Leg Glute Bridge: Single-Leg Glute Bridge with
1x8/side External Rotation: 1x8

Lower Body Warm-Up Continued…
Step 8: Frontal Plane Glute Activation – Pick 1 Exercise

Side-Lying Clam: 1x8/side Advanced Side-Lying Clam: Side-Lying Straight Leg Hip
1x8/side Abduction: 1x8/side

Step 9: Whole Body Movement – Pick 1 Exercise

Walking Spiderman Lateral Lunge w/ Reverse Lunge w/ Squat to Stand w/

w/ Overhead Reach: Overhead Reach: Postero-Lateral Reach: Overhead Reach:
1x5/side 1x5/side 1x5/side 1x5

Step 10: Time to Get Strong!

Total Body Warm-Up
Step 1: Self Myofascial Release with a Lacrosse Ball

Lower Plantar Fascia Calves Peroneals Glutes & TFL &

Body Piriformis Psoas
Upper Pec Minor & Deltoid Upper Trap Rotator Cuff Bicep and
Body Caracoid (Front/Med/Rear) & Levator Medial
Video Process Scapulae Epicondyle

Step 2: Self Myofascial Release with a Foam Roller

Lower Adductors Quads IT Band T-Spine

Upper T-Spine Lats & Triceps

Step 3: Ankle Mobility – Pick 1 Exercise

Wall Ankle Mobilizations: Toe Raised Wall Ankle Rocking Ankle Mobilizations:
1x10/side Mobilizations: 1x10 1x10

Step 4: Sagittal Plane Hip Mobility – Pick 1 Exercise

Rear Foot Elevated Hip Rear Leg Elevated Hip Forward Leg Swings: Half Kneeling Hip
Flexor Mobs w/ Lat Flexor Mobs: 1x10/side 1x10/side Flexor Mobs:
Stretch: 1x10/side 1x10/side

Step 5: Frontal Plane Hip Mobility – Pick 1 Exercise

Split Stance Adductor Mobs: Lateral Leg Swings: Static Lateral Lunge:
1x10/side 1x 10/side 1x8/side

Total Body Warm-Up Continued…
Step 6: T-Spine Mobility – Pick 1 Exercise

Quadruped Side-Lying Half-Kneeling Bent Over Thoracic

Extension/Rotation: Internal/External Extension/Rotation: Extension/Rotation:
1x10/side Rotation: 1x10/side 1x10/side 1x10/side

Step 7: T-Spine, Chest, and Shoulder Mobility – Pick 1 Exercise

Arm Swings: Side-Lying Bent Over Thoracic Back-to-Wall

1x10/side Internal/External Extension/Rotation Shoulder Flexion:
Rotation: 1x10/side 1x10/side 1x10

Step 8: Sagittal Plane Glute Activation – Pick 1 Exercise

Glute Bridge: 1x8 Single-Leg Glute Bridge: Single-Leg Glute Bridge with
1x8/side External Rotation: 1x8

Step 9: Frontal Plane Glute Activation – Pick 1 Exercise

Side-Lying Clam: 1x8/side Advanced Side-Lying Clam: Side-Lying Straight Leg Hip
1x8/side Abduction: 1x8/side

Step 10: Upper Body Activation – Pick 1 Exercise

Wall Slides: 1x8 Bent Over Y’s & T’s: Bent Over Row with Scap Pushup: 1x8
1x8 External Rotation: 1x8

Step 11: Whole Body Movement – Pick 1 Exercise

Walking Spiderman Lateral Lunge w/ Inchworm: 1x5 Push-up Plank:

w/ Overhead Reach: Overhead Reach: 1x5/side
1x5/side 1x5/side

Step 12: Ready to train!

Bonus Section:

3 Quick & Easy Warm-Ups for the Busy Training Warrior

In an ideal world, every person would have numerous hours each day to devote to their own
personal well-being. We would take our time preparing hearty and nutritious meals, read our
favorite novels, enjoy time with our family, and train without feeling the need to rush or hurry
through our routine.

Unfortunately, however, we don’t live in an ideal world.

Realistically, many of us simply don’t have the time to devote to 15 minute warm-ups on top of
another 45-60minutes of strength training. As such, I’ve created the following 3 quick & easy warm-
ups for the busy training warrior.

If you’re short on time but don’t want to neglect the benefits of effectively warming up, choose any
1 of the 3 warm-up routines below. Each warm-up should take no longer than 10 minutes (at
most!) and will effectively prepare your body for a safe and efficient training session.

Quick and Easy Warm-Up Option #1: Watch Full Video Here
1. Rocking Ankle Mobilizations: 1 x 10/side
2. Quadruped Extension/Rotation: 1 x 10/side
3. Forward Leg Swings: 1 x 10/side
4. Lateral Leg Swings: 1 x /10/side
5. Arm Swings: 1 x 10
6. Glute Bridge: 1 x 8
7. Wall Slides: 1 x 8
8. Reverse Lunge w/ Postero-Lateral Reach: 1 x 4/side
9. Yoga Pushup: 1 x 6
10. Walking Spiderman w/ Overhead Reach: 1 x 3/side

Quick and Easy Warm-Up Option #2: Watch Full Video Here
1. Toe Raised Wall Ankle Mobilizations: 1 x 10/side
2. Half Kneeling Hip Flexor Mobs: 1 x 10/side
3. Adductor Dips: 1 x 10/side
4. Half-Kneeling Extension/Rotation: 1 x 10/side
5. Side-Lying Clam: 1 x 8/side
6. Forearm Wall Slides w/ Scapular Retraction: 1 x 8
7. Lateral Lunge w/ Overhead Reach: 1 x 5/side
8. Inchworm: 1 x 3
9. Squat to Stand w/ Overhead Reach: 1 x 3

Quick and Easy Warm-Up Option #3: Watch Full Video Here
1. Wall Ankle Mobilizations: 1 x 10/side
2. Rear Leg Elevated Hip Flexor Mobilizations: 1 x 10/side
3. Split Stance Adductor Mobs: 1 x 10/side
4. Quadruped Extension/Rotation: 1 x 10/side
5. Bird Dog: 1 x 6/side
6. Bent Over Row with External Rotation: 1 x 8
7. Yoga Plex: 1 x 3/side
8. Push-up Plank: 1 x 3/side
9. Overhead Squat: 1 x 5


And that’s a rap!

I sincerely hope you enjoyed this guide and that it helps you move one step closer to achieving
your ultimate goals.

Again, I’d like to thank the entire staff at Cressey Performance for their infinite knowledge,
patience, and dedication to educating me and the entire fitness community.

Finally, I’d like to thank you, each and every one of my supporters, without which none of this
could ever be possible. I can’t possibly articulate how fortunate I am to have such a vast group
of friends, colleagues, and readers, all of whom make up my dearly loved fitness-family.

Thank you. You inspire me each and every day.

Never Minimal. Never Maximal. Always Optimal.



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