Scene 4: Brick Pig

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CL: You have to build the house with something strong, with something durable
that you can use.
His meets the mole lord who is moving a stone.
CL: Hello, Mr. Mole, let me help you.
Mole: thanks young man.
CL: Excuse my curiosity, but what are you doing?
Topo: I'm removing all the stones from my field.
CL: Why does he do it?
Topo: because I want to plant my potato field.
CL: But, why the stones?
Topo: because they are confused with potatoes.
CL: If you want to help me remove the stones.
Topo: It's good boy, thank you.
After removing all the stones from the mole lord's field.
CL: you believe that the good sea builds my house of stones.
Mole: clear they are very strong and durable.
CL: Then, what if I give him a penny for his stones.
Topo: do not worry young man, I give you the stones for helping me. Better that
you think if I charge you the penny for this song that I no longer use.
CL: Okay, sir, topo, thank you.
The pig goes to the place where he will build his stone house.
They reach the other two scared pigs, to the stone house.
CP: Can you?
CL: Marco, Joe
CM: He already came here?
CL: Who?
CP: The wolf
At that moment the wolf arrives, the piglets enter the house, and close the door.
Wolf: Little pigs, little pigs, let me in.
CM, CP: That's what he told us.
CL: Not for all the gold in the voracious werewolf world.
CM, CP: We also said that.
Wolf: and they will say it for the last time.
Well, I'll blow, I'll blow and I'll knock it down.
CP: He also told us that.
CM: And then Cataplum! The wolf blows the house but does not break it (X2)
Then the wolf decides to enter through the chimney of the house.
CL: What is that?
CP: It's the wolf, it's going to enter through the chimney.
CP, CM: Oh no, he will eat us.
CL: It will not, quickly help me.
Wolf: I should have thought about this before, it's much easier than blowing so
The wolf enters through the chimney but falls into the pot and the pigs catch it.

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