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4pplt('d (;eoche)mstrx. Vol I. pp 10q-1tl9.

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Printed in (}teat Brilain ~ lONe, P e r g a m o n Pros, 1 It]

Microbiological exploration for mineral deposits: a new technique

Western State College, Gunnison, CO 81231), U.S.A.


ARCO Exploration Company, P.O. Box 1346, Houston, TX 77251. U.S.A.

Abstract-~The measurement of metal resistance in microorganisms is a cost-effective technique that

should be used to supplement the presently employed inorganic geochemical methods of exploration. The
method is based on the measurement of metal tolerances in the total microbial population by means of the
use of culture techniques. It is strongly recommended that the culture technique demonstrated here bc
integrated into reconnaissance exploration programs that require efficient focusing to be successful. Thc
technique was developed and successfully tested in the Tomichi Mining District, Colorado, U.S.A., where
the environment is subalpine to tundra and the metals sought include Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag, and Au. It is easily
adapted to most environments and metals, and draws additional advantage from being able to detect
mineralization at greater distance and with lower sample density than standard inorganic sampling

INTRODUCTION al., 1978; SJOGREN and PORT, 1981; TIMONEY et al.,

1978; TRAXLERand WOOD, 1981 ; VARMAet al., 1976).
TRADITIONAt, geochemical exploration for mineral Little attention has been given to the distribution of
deposits involves the sampling of various inorganic metal tolerant bacteria in the vicinity of ore deposits,
media and their subsequent analysis for the element however.
being sought or its pathfinders. The presence of Preliminary studies in the Tomichi Mining District
mineral deposits also influences the biotic community of Colorado demonstrated higher than expected
and, therefore, some exploration programs include levels of antibiotic and heavy metal resistant bacteria
the sampling of biological materials, most notably in Tomichi Creek near known mineral deposits. The
vegetation. Microorganisms also represent a poten- presence of both antibiotic and heavy metal resis-
tial tool for exploration. tance is to be expected because genes for both types
Like other organisms, bacteria are sensitive to the of resistances are frequently located on the same
toxic effects of heavy metals. Genetic mechanisms plasmid (CALOMIRISet al,, ! 984; HARNEqq"and GYLES,
which render organisms tolerant to the effects of 1984; McHuGH et al., 1975; NAKAHARAet al., 1977:
metals in their environment are widespread, how- SJOGREN and PORT, 1981). These preliminary data
ever, and many bacteria are thus able to live in the suggested the use of antibiotic or heavy metal resis-
presence of relatively high metal concentrations. This tant bacteria as a potential exploration tool.
genetic information is most commonly present on Resistance to an antibiotic can be readily
elements called plasmids, pieces of D N A separate demonstrated by incorporation of the antibiotic into
from the bacterial chromosome. Plasmid-borne resis- a suitable growth medium for bacteria. Therc arc,
tance has been demonstrated for Cd (DEVANASet al., however, two negative aspects to the use of antibiotic
1980; NAKAHARAet al., 1977; PEARL, 1980; SUMMERS, resistance for exploration. There is no definite corre-
1984), Hg (SUMMERSet al., 1978), Ag (HAEFEIAet al., lation between specific antibiotics and the presence
1984; McHuGH et al., 1975). As (CHEN et al., 1985; of a particular metal or metals, This is due primarily
NOVlCK and ROTH, 1968; SUMMERSet al., 1978), Pb to the unstable nature of bacterial plasmids which
and Sb (SUMMERS, 1984), Te (TAYLORand SUMMERS, frequently undergo rearrangements of thc genes
1979), Cr, Ni and Zn (SUMMERSet al., 1978). which they contain (CAMPBELl., 1981; CHAU et al.,
Because the toxicity of heavy metals represents a 1982; RUBENSet al., 1979). Antibiotics are also unsta-
selection pressure influencing the microbial commu- ble and require refrigeration; this makes them incon-
nity, more metal tolerant organisms should be found venient for field work.
where metals are present than in locations unaffected Heavy metals can be incorporated into growth
by metals, The occurrence of such tolerant forms in media to demonstrate the presence of resistant strains
ecosystems polluted by heavy metals and in clinical if the necessary concentrations are determined.
settings where silver nitrate is used as an antiseptic is Metals can also be used in othcr methods such as
well documented (DEVANASet al., 1980; HOUBAand luminometry and isotope incorporation because the
REMACLE, 1980; McHUGH et al., 1975; NAKAHARAet effects of metals do not require actively growing cells.

1()4 G.B. Michaels and W. C. Riese

METHOD DEVELOPMENT A range of metal concentrations should be used for

each metal ion being evaluated. Attempts to use a
Culture media a n d metal concentrations
single concentration may lead to deceptive results: if
A medium with a low nutrient content is required the concentration is too low, everything will appear
for use in evaluation of oligotrophic (low nutrient) resistant: and if concentrations are too high, either no
systems. An excess of nutrients will inhibit the organisms will grow or there will not be enough
organisms which are characteristic of waters with low growth to give statistically valid data. Use of a range
nutrient c o n t e n t (FLETCHER and MARSHALL. 1982). of concentrations will also be helpful in assessing data
previous work in our laboratory has shown the variations caused by seasonal changes in aquatic
Casein-Peptone-Starch (CPS) agar of COLUNS and p o p u l a t i o n s (BELL et al., 1980; GOULDER, 1980;
Wn.LOUGHBV(1962) tO be effective for these systems HAACK and McFETERS, 1982: NELSON and VISSER,
as is also documented in the literature (JONES, 1970; 1978). Attempts to use mixtures of metals provide
SrAr'LES and FRV, 1973). This medium is not commer- inconclusive results, although bacteria resistant to
cially available in dehydrated form, however, and multiple metals can be isolated (HARNEa-rand GYLES,
must be made up from the component chemicals. The 1984; TRAXLERand WOOD, 1981: MICHAELS, unpub-
Environmental Protection Agency has recently lished data).
developed a medium designated R2A, a low nutrient The incubation time required for adequate
medium designed for testing drinking water development of visible colonies on agar medium or
(REASONER and GELDREICH, 1985). This medium is as membrane filters is 5 to 7 days at a temperature
effective as CPS for evaluating oligotrophic surface approximating that of the water sampled. Visible
waters (MICHAELS,unpublished data) and is commer- colonies may appear earlier, but the numbers will be
cially available in dehydrated form suitable for pre- low and the organisms represent only the fastest
paring both broth (liquid) and agar (solid) media. growing segment of the population. A significant
Metal concentrations to be utilized for determining increase in population occurs beween 3 and 5 days.
the presence of tolerant organisms will vary depend- Cultures must not be incubated at temperatures
ing upon the type of system being evaluated and the above 20°C if the water does not exceed that tempera-
medium used. The higher the nutrient content of the ture (BABICHand STOTZKY,1980; MOSSERet al., 1976:
medium, the higher the metal concentrations that MICHAELS, unpublished data) or selection again
will be required because media components, includ- occurs for only a fraction of the population and these
ing agar, bind metals (BABICH and STOTZKV, 1980). may not be the metal-tolerant forms. Some data
The nature of the system being tested will also affect suggest that while the quantitative numbers of
the required concentration of metals because a colonies growing on the plates may be the same at 5
number of ions and organic compounds provide pro- and 20°C there is a definite qualitative difference in
tective effects, and the toxicity of many metals is the population (NELSON and VmSER, 1978). Because
affected by the pH of the system (BABICH and culture methods are already selected for that fraction
STOTZKY, 198(};GADDand GRIFFITHS.1978: LAEGREID of the population that will grow on the chosen
et al., 1983). Metal concentrations effective in the medium, any factors which may further limit the
oligotrophic waters of the Gunnison watershed and types of organisms present should be minimized.
which should be effective for use in other oligotrophic Little problem is encountered with overgrowth of
systems are shown in Table 1. the plates by fungi when using either agar or mem-
brane filters with broth-soaked pads. Te and Pb are
the most likely metals to show fungal colonies, but
Table 1. Metal concentrations to determine tolerance even this is limited. If a problem with fungi does
Metal (or ion) Concentration (~tg/ml)* occur, it can be eliminated by the addition of cyclo-
heximide to the medium.
Arsenate 2000, 4000
(as sodium arsenate) S a m p l e types
Cadmium 10, 25, 50, I(X)
(as cadmium chloride)
Copper 5[I. 100, 150, 2(X) Three types of samples can be obtained from aqua-
(as copper sulfate) tic systems: grab samples, which represent the water
Lead 500, 750, 1000 column; sediment samples, which represent the
(as lead acetate or lead nitrate) populations of the stream bottom: and samples of the
Mercury 1,5. 1{I
sessile populations which are present on surfaces
(as mercuric chloride)
Silver 5, 111 within the streams. Of these samples, the grab sample
(as silver nitrate) is the easiest to obtain and is the most representative
Tellurite 150, 2511,5011 of the drainage area. It has the fewest organisms,
(as potassium tellurite) however, so particular care must be taken during
Zinc 2IX)[),4000
(as zinc chloride) sampling and experimental procedures (EL-
SHAARAWI et al., 1981; JONES and SIMON, 1980;
* Concentration ol melal ion. KOSmSKI et al., 1979). Grab samples should always
New microbiological technique for mineral exploration 105

be taken in an area of rapid flow and as far from the rate, there may be qualitative changes in the popula-
stream bank as possible. tion. These changes may lead to misinterpretation of
Sediment samples represent populations of longer the data. Additionally, the ultraviolet component of
residence time and are thus more characteristic of the sunlight is damaging to many organisms (FtmoKA and
immediate area, although upstream organisms may NARIKAWA, 1982). Samples should therefore be pro-
also attach to the sediments. In rapidly flowing tected from direct sunight until they are processed.
streams, bacteria are usually free in the water column
(GEEsEY and Cos'rERTON, 1979) and are less likely to Comparison of culture methods
attach to sediments. In standing water or slow-flow-
ing streams, a significant proportion of the bacteria in Spread plating, the use of an agar-based medium
the water column are attached to suspended particles on which the water sample is spread with a bent glass
which more readily precipitate (BELL and ALBmC3HT, rod, is the most advantageous method for determin-
1982). Sediment samples are often more difficult to ing the background or control counts. Membrane
obtain and in cases where stream beds are extremely filtration using broth-soaked pads as a source of
rocky may not be available. Because more bacteria nutrients is the most advantageous culture method
are present per unit volume of sediment than are for testing metal tolerance. The metals can be added
present in the water column, dilution of the sample is to the broth after it has cooled, and there is no
necessary which may pose a problem under field problem with solidification during handling as there
conditions. Sediments also provide adsorption sites is with agar-based media. Moreover, eliminating the
for metal ions, particularly if the clay mineral content agar also eliminates one source of potential metal
is high, and this can cause problems with effective binding. Suitable water samples can be filtered
metal concentrations (BAB1CHand STOTZKY, 1980" through commercially available membrane filters
GADD and GRIFm'HS, 1978). designed for the cultivation of microorganisms, and
Samples of the sessile populations in the glycocalyx the filters placed directly on the media-soaked pad in
covering rocks and other surfaces in an aquatic system disposable dishes of the correct size. Broth-soaked
represent organisms of longer residence time but pads can also be used for controls, but this requires
which are influenced by upstream conditions. dilution of the sample.
Organisms growing in the glycocalyx release "swarm
cells" which colonize new areas; these cells are pre-
1981). Glycocalyx samples are not always easy to
obtain and are difficult to quantify, making site-to- General geology
site comparison more difficult. The protective effect
provided by metal adsorption to the glycocalyx The area to which we applied this exploration
polysaccharides may also cause problems with effec- technique is in the Garfield Quadrangle, Chaffee and
tive metal concentrations. Gunnison counties, in west-central Colorado,
In our experience, grab samples are the best for U.S.A. It lies between longitude 1(16°15' and
evaluation of aquatic systems. Sample volume 106°30'W, and latitude 38030 ' and 38°45'N.
requirements are quite low, often less than 100 ml, The rocks of the area range in age from Pre-
and media can be inoculated in the field. Prepared cambrian to Quaternary. Precambrian rocks consist
media are easy to transport and field procedures are of metamorphosed sedimentary and intrusive igne-
simple. Glassware for spreading the control plates ous bodies; Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks are
can be conveniently sterilized by dipping into a con- sedimentary; and the Tertiary rocks are intrusive,
tainer of alcohol and firing with a lighter. Membrane volcanic and volcaniclastic. All are mantled and loc-
filters of the size normally used for cultivating bac- ally obscured by Quaternary moraines, glaciofluvial
teria are commercially available. The filter holders deposits, landslides, talus, and alluvium which
used to create a vacuum for pulling the water sample together with extensive vegetation make exploration
through the filters are available as sterile disposable extremely difficult. Structure is complex and domi-
units or as resterilizable units; hand vacuum pumps nated in style by Laramide thrusting, folding, and
are readily available. Our data indicate that it is not normal faulting which has dropped Paleozoic carbo-
necessary to use a separate sterile filter holder for nates into the Precambrian crystalline rocks where
each site: rinsing the holder with water from the site they, and the ore deposits they host, have been
being tested is sufficient to remove the previous preserved (DINGS and ROBINSON, 1957: CRAWFORI),
sample. 1913).
It is desirable to process water samples as soon as
possible after they are obtained in order to avoid the Description of the ore deposits
problems caused by continued metabolic activity
within the samples. Organisms will continue to grow Our work centered in the Tomichi Mining District,
and metabolize while the samples are being trans- in the extreme south-central portion of the quad-
ported, and because not all bacteria grow at the same rangle. The deposits here are replacement types and
1116 G. B. Michaels and W. C. Riese

Table 2. Levels of heavy metals inhibitory to bacterial populations

Ion Concentration Source

Hg 1 ppm ( 1 /~g/ml) freshwater aquatic systems

1 x 10 4M (20 gg/ml) factory sedimentation pond
5-10 ktg/ml this report
Cd 1 ppm (1 gg/ml) freshwater aquatic system
500 ppm (500 #g/ml) marine sediment
1.8 x 10-4M (20011 p.g/ml) factory sedimentation pond
50-100 gg/ml this report
Ag 1 ppm (l /xg/ml) freshwater aquatic system
1 x 10-3M (1117 /xg/ml) silvermine
10/zg/ml this report
Cu 1 ppm (1 /.Lg/ml) freshwater aquatic system
200/zg/ml this report
Pb 1 ppm (1 gg/ml) freshwater aquatic system
250 ppm (2511/xg/ml) freshwater aquatic system
500--100(1/zg/ml this report
Zn I × l0 2M (6538/xg/ml) factory sedimentation pond
20110-4000 #g/ml this report

occur in a syncline of Paleozoic carbonates which has sedimentation pond and silver mine show higher
been normally faulted into the underlying Precamb- resistance levels (HOUBA and REMACLE, 1980:
rian crystalline rocks. These replacements assume HAEFEffl et al., 1984). Most of the streams in the
two distinct forms: replacements along fault zones, watershed are affected by mineral deposits by the
the most significant, and replacements along bed- time they reach the valley floor, hence the elevated
ding, which resemble the deposits of the Leadville levels of metal resistance present. The numbers of
District, Colorado. The ore mineralogy is a granular aquatic bacteria resistant to antibiotics are also high
aggregate of sphalerite and galena with variable when c o m p a r e d to other unpolluted streams which
amounts of pyrite and chalcopyrite. The galena is have been studied (BURTON et al.. 1982: FEARYet at.,
c o m m o n l y argentiferous and the pyrite auriferous. 1972; KELCH and LEE, 1978: KOBORI et al., 1984).
All occur in a gangue of marbelized limestone or When specific streams originating above metallo-
dolomite with variable amounts of quartz or silicified genic zones and flowing through them are examined,
limestone. Much of the near-surface ore is strongly elevated levels of resistant bacteria are found below.
oxidized, but there is little or no oxidation below This can be shown for Tomichi Creek in the Tomichi
depths of about 30 m (DINGS and ROBINSON, 1957). District as well as for nearby Gold Creek in the Gold
This area was selected because we believed the Brick District, where Au is the primary metal re-
deposits and their attendant mining wastes would covered.
provide a strong metal influx to area streams, which Seasonal fluctuations which we have observed in
because of their remote location should be free of any the data suggest that soil bacteria washed into the
antibiotic contamination. In this area the microbial stream by snowmelt and run-off represent a major
response to metals could be examined in a natural source of resistant organisms. This is shown for the
setting with no influences from the use of antibiotics. antibiotic chloramphenicol in Table 3. Peaks
This area also provided drainages with comparable observed in early season sampling tend to flatten out
geology in the same ecozone which have no known in late s u m m e r when less run-off occurs. Addition-
deposits in them; this assured that we would be able ally, there are often increases in the native aquatic
to estabish background responses for the same population about this time (HAAf'K and MCFETERS,
species that we were sampling in the mineralized 1982).
portions of the district. Mining activity stopped in the
Tomichi Mining District around 1953, so any other
influences on the microbial population have, hope- Table 3. Effect of snow melt on incidence of chlor-
fully, also been mitigated. amphenicol resistance in stream populations

Percent of heterotrophic population

May June July
The data presented in Table 2 indicate that bacteria
from streams in the Tomichi Mining District are able All sites 14.62 18.2 8.45
Control sites* 19.97 211.45 13.43
to grow in the presence of higher concentrations of
Human/animal 13.111 17.57 8.(11
heavy metals than has generally been reported in the
literature. Only the organisms from a factory * Not influenced by human or domestic animal activity.
New microbiological technique for mineral exploration 11)7

Large animal populations in an area may also bacteria are large enough to be trapped on these
influence the incidence of heavy metal and antibiotic filters. In samples collected in late season, a sub-
resistant bacteria. Bacteria from feces of over 200 stantial portion of the cells did pass through a (I.45
native animals were obtained and tested. Sixty-five filter. This may be related to seasonal population
per cent of these animals host bacteria with some changes. The major problem which this poses is one
antibiotic resistance: most show resistance to at least of obtaining a cell-free water sample to use as a
one metal. These bacteria may be carried into control when other non-cultural techniques are used
streams, thereby influencing the number of resistant for analysis; this study was therefore not affected.
organisms present. This further suggests that fecal Metal resistance studies must also consider the
samples may be collected for analysis of bacterial effects of pH on the system. In general, an acidic pH
resistance in an area. We observed, for example, that increases the toxic effects of metals by increasing
deer and elk ranging in the vicinity of Homestake's solubility and changing ionic form, while alkaline pH
Pitch Project, a U mine, host high levels of Pb-resis- tends to decrease toxicity except for Cd (BAB1C}tand
tant bacteria. As was the case with the stream data, STOTZKY,1980: GADD and GRIFFITHS, 1978). Stream
the levels of metal and antibiotic resistant bacteria in sites most affected by mineral deposits will show less
fecal samples are higher than previously reported in significant pH effects than sites which are not so
the literature (HUBERet al., 1971 : MARE,1968). affected.
Animal and aquatic bacteria may interact via their The presence of certain divalent cations, especially
ability to transfer plasmids from one bacterium to Ca and Mg, can also affect the toxicity of metals to
another. This process is called conjugation and has bacteria (BABICH and STOTZKV, 1980: GADD and
been demonstrated in limited experiments with GRIFF1THS, 1978). Aquatic systems which show ele-
strains isolated from the area. The transfer of metal vated levels of these ions may also show elevated
resistance was not specifically tested in this study but levels of apparent metal resistance due to the protec-
can be expected due to the genc distribution on tive eff~:ct of these elements. When microbiological
plasmids noted earlier and is well documented in the data are being used for exploration, Ca and Mg levels
literature (URETER,1984: SUMMERSet al., 1978). The must be considered: areas with extensive outcrops of
presence of metals in the environment represents a dolomite, for example, may frequently show high
selection pressure for resistant genes which thus tend concentration of Ca and Mg in stream waters.
to increase, whether the bacteria are in the water or Metal ion interactions are also known to occur. Cd
in the intestinal tracts of animals which drink the may influence apparent Zn resistance levels: inhibi-
water and eat the plants affected by the mineral tion by Hg may be affected by Mn, Cu, Co, Ni, Pb,
deposits. Fe, or Cr (BABICHand S'rOTZKV, 1981)). Fe affects the
Due to the relationship between metal and anti- toxicity of Cu, and sulfide as H~S may precipitate
biotic resistance, data of the type presented here toxic metal ions as insoluble sulfides (GADD and
must be interpreted carefully if large numbers of GRIFEIIHS, 1978). Metal interactions of this type will
domestic animals are present in the area of explora- not prevent detection of metal resistant bacteria but
tion. This is especially true if antibiotic-containing the concentrations required in the cultures will be
feeds are being used, because this practice selects for affected.
antibiotic resistant intestinal bacteria. Clay minerals and organic compounds such as
Resistance to ultraviolet (UV) radiation has been humic and fulvic acids have a marked influence on
linked to plasmids with metal and antibiotic resis- metal toxicity. These materials adsorb metals and in
tance (BREEZEand OBASEIKI-EBOR, 1983; DRABBLE so doing reduce the amount available for biotic use
and STOCKER, 1968). UV radiation resistance at high (BABICH and STOTZKY. 1980; GADD and GRIFFITHS,
altitudes has not been studied, although UV resis- 1978; LAEGREID et al., 1983). Very little organic
tance is well documented in laboratory experiments. material or clays are typically present in systems such
This'may represent a selection pressure in streams as the one we studied and were not deemed an
which originate above timberline and are subject to influence in this study.
intense radiation from sunlight. Preliminary data
indicate elevated levels of UV resistance among bac-
teria from the headwaters of Tomichi Creek which
originates at about 365(I m. This does not appear to The data presented in this study indicate that
have influenced the outcome or results of this study, microorganisms represent a potential exploration
however. tool and that cultural methods are an effective and
Reports in the literature indicate that starvation convenient method of measuring the presence of
effects in oligotrophic systems may cause the bacteria metal resistant bacteria. Additional background level
present to be extremely small (FLETCHER and data from nonmineralized areas will be helpful in
MARSHALL, 1982: FRY and ZIA, 1982: KJELLEBERGel future investigations because the values reported to
al., 1983). This caused concern that the standard 0.45 date are almost exlusively concerned with metal
p~ membrane filter might be too large in pore size. pollution.
Our data showed, however, that most cultivable The use of several metals is recommended.
1118 G . B . Michaels and W. C. Riese

B e c a u s e t h e r e are p a t h f i n d e r s for m o s t m e t a l s o f CRAWFORD R. D. 119131 Geology and ore deposits of the

e c o n o m i c c o n s e q u e n c e this s h o u l d n o t be a p r o b l e m . Monarch and Tomichi districts, Colorado. Colo. Geol.
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