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ewtwePILLARS OF Islam(Arkan al Islam)

Umar (Ra) narrates that once a man came to Prophet (SAWS) and sat in front of him with his hands on
the thighs of Prophet


Pillars of Islam
Shadah(Divine Testimony)
It involves bearing Witness to two things;

 Tauhid
 Risalah
Tauhid is Islamic Monotheism which maintains that there is Only One God that is Allah. It is not a new
concept but all the Ambiyah( Prophets) preached this concept. Tauhid means that only Allah is to be
Worshiped and only his aid is to be seeked. Also Tauhid involves that Allah’s Asma(Names) and Qualities
(Sifat) are special to Allah only.

There are Three Types of Tauhid and Muslims are required to believe in all of them to be a witness to

1. Tauhid Ar Rubboiyah (Oneness in Lordship)

This means that Allah is the designer, creator, Sustainer and sole ruler of this entire Universe. “Rubb” is
an Arabic term meaning “To raise” or “to rear”; in general use a parent is the rub of his child providing him
with all his needs. Allah alone created this Universe and the Heaven without help from anyone.

“His Throne extends over the Earth and the Heaven…” (2:255) this means Allah rules the Heaven and
Earth as Throne is a symbol of rule.

Allah created the Mankind and also provide the Provisions like Rain and Fruits for their sustenance as
Quran says “O people! Adore your Guardian-Lord who created you and those who came before you so
that you may have a chance to learn Righteousness. He who has made the Earth your couch and
Heaven your canopy and sent down rain from it and by it brought forth fruits for you sustenance, Then do
not set up rivals with Allah when you know” (2:21-22)

2. Tauhid al Ulliyah
3. Tauhid of Asma wal Sifat (Oneness in the Qualiities and Names of Allah)


Like the Arabic Saying goes “Things are known by its opposites” so for a better comprehension of
Doctrine of Tauhid knowing what Shirk;Opposite of Tauhid, is necessary.

Shirk in Arabic means “Partnership” but in Islamic terminology it means assigning partners with Allah in
his Lordship,Worship or His Asma wal Sifat.
Shirk is unpardonable as “Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with Him;He forgives whatever
else to whom he will” and Prophet (SAWS) declared to

Shirk of Worship

It is when a person worships another deity, Jinn, Idol or Saint beside Allah

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