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Introduction to Curriculum Development ------------------------------------------------ 1

Process in Curriculum Development ------------------------------------------------ 2

Prototype Curriculum ------------------------------------------------ 3

Roles of School’s Stakeholders in the development of a curriculum -------------------------------- 4

Null/Censored Curriculum ------------------------------------------------ 5

Hidden Curriculum ------------------------------------------------ 6

Curriculum Conception and Philosophy ------------------------------------------------ 7

Curriculum Aims, Goals and Objectives ------------------------------------------------ 8

Curriculum Context Versus Curriculum Experience ------------------------------------------------ 9

Curriculum Evaluation ------------------------------------------------ 10

Factors that must be Considered in the Development of a Curriculum --------------------------- 11

Learner’s Needs: a must in the development of a curriculum -------------------------------------- 12

K-12 Basic Education Curriculum ------------------------------------------------- 13

Analysis of MVGFCI Vision and Mission Statements as it relates

to Curriculum Development in the School ------------------------------------------------- 14

Subject design vs. Integrated design ------------------------------------------------- 15

Learner-Centered Curriculum ------------------------------------------------- 16

Problem-Centered Design ------------------------------------------------- 17

K-12 Curriculum of ASEAN member-countries ------------------------------------------------- 18

Linear Curriculum Development ------------------------------------------------- 19

Cyclical Curriculum Development ------------------------------------------------- 20

My Dream School ------------------------------------------------- 21

Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges Inc.,
Cabanatuan City

Teacher-Education Department
Course: Curriculum Development
Subject Matter: Introduction to Curriculum Development

Reading Assignment 1
1. Meaning/definition of curriculum and curriculum development;
2. Examine the MVGFCI-TED BSED and BEED curriculum;
3. Read the Program Standards and Guidelines (PSG) of CHED for BEED and BSED programs (Check CHED

Activity 1

1. Note down what you have understood about curriculum and curriculum development.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________ .
2. Based on what you’ve read, how can you now describe the MVGFCI BEED and BSED curriculum?
_____________________________________________________________________________________________ .

Attachment required:
1. Reviewed literatures on curriculum development with citations; and
2. Copies of curriculum models reviewed.

Submitted by: ______________________

Year ≠ Level: ______________________
Date Submitted: ____________________

Comments/Suggestions of the Instructor

Signature of Instructor

Signature of Student

______________ Rating: __________

Note: A rubrics shall be used as guide in rating.

Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges Inc.,
Cabanatuan City

Teacher-Education Department
Course: Curriculum Development
Subject Matter: Process in Curriculum Development
( 3 HOURS )

Reading Assignment 2
1. Research on what an “ideal curriculum” is;
2. Read on the process of curriculum development and their full procedure and how each stage is being
carried out.

Activity 2

1. Browse the internet and check 3 models of a curriculum of Higher Education Institution in the

2. Print them, read, reflect and submit.

Attachment required:
1. Reviewed literature with citations; and
2. Copies of curriculum models of HEIs in the Philippines

Submitted by: ______________________

Year ≠ Level: ______________________
Date Submitted: ____________________

Comments/Suggestions of the Instructor:

_____________________________________________________________________________________________ .

Signature of Instructor

Signature of Student

______________ Rating: __________

Note: A rubrics shall be used as guide in rating.

Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges Inc.,
Cabanatuan City

Teacher-Education Department
Course: Curriculum Development
Subject Matter: Prototype Curriculum
( 6 HOURS )

Assignment 3
1. Obtain BEED/BSED curricula of 3 Private Higher Education Institution in Cabanatuan City and compare.
2. Try to interview your Dean regarding preparation, application, implementation and evaluation of a
3. Prepare a letter requesting for an interview with the Dean; and
4. Prepare an interview guide to be checked first by the Curriculum Instructor.

Activity 3

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having an official curriculum prescribed to all Higher
Educational Institutions in the Philippines.
____________________________________________________________________________________________ .

Attachment required:
1. Approved letter request and interview guide
2. Transcript of the interview
3. Copies of official curriculum of HEIs

Submitted by: ______________________

Year ≠ Level: ______________________
Date Submitted: ____________________

Comments/Suggestions of the Instructor:

_____________________________________________________________________________________________ .
Signature of Instructor

Signature of Student

______________ Rating: __________

Note: A rubrics shall be used as guide in rating.

Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges Inc.,
Cabanatuan City

Teacher-Education Department
Course: Curriculum Development
Subject Matter: Roles of School’s Stakeholders in the development of a
( 6 HOURS )

Assignment 4
1. Choose from among the MVGFCI’s administrators, heads of support units, faculty members and staff to
interview regarding their participation on the development of a curriculum, its implementation and
2. Prepare a letter request duly noted by curriculum development instructor and an interview guide as
3. Present output in class.

Activity 4

Discuss the roles of administrators, teachers and other stakeholders of an educational institution in
ensuring the success of the implemented curriculum.
____________________________________________________________________________________________ .

Attachment required:
1. Literatures reviewed on roles of administrators, teachers and stakeholders of educational institutions;
2. Approved letter request and interview guide;
3. Transcript of the interview; and
4. Reflective essay.

Submitted by: ______________________

Year ≠ Level: ______________________
Date Submitted: ____________________

Comments/Suggestions of the Instructor:

____________________________________________________________________________________________ .

Signature of the Instructor


Signature of Student
______________ Rating: __________
Note: A rubrics shall be used as guide in rating.
Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges Inc.,
Cabanatuan City

Teacher-Education Department
Course: Curriculum Development
Subject Matter: Null/Censored Curriculum
( 3 HOURS )

Activity 5

1.Browse the internet and check at least 3 models of a null or censored curriculum.

Attachment required:
1. Copies of reviewed null/censored curriculum models.
2. Reflective essay.

Submitted by: ______________________

Year ≠ Level: ______________________
Date Submitted: ____________________

Comments/Suggestions of the Instructor:

__________________________________________________________________________________________ .

Signature of Instructor


Signature of Student Rating: __________


Note: A rubrics shall be used as guide in rating.

Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges Inc.,
Cabanatuan City

Teacher-Education Department
Course: Curriculum Development
Subject Matter: Hidden Curriculum
( 3 HOURS )

Assignment 6
1. Interview 1 senior high student, 1 college student (any academic program of your choice);
2. Prepare a consent form for the interview and an interview guide, before implementation, both must
be approved by the instructor;
3. Present output in class.

Activity 6

1. List down at least 5 examples of a hidden curriculum and explain how they are being implemented
in schools.

2. Explain why you considered them as hidden curriculum.

Attachment required:
1. Consent form and interview guide;
2. Copies of reviewed literature;
3. Transcript of the interview; and
4. Reflective essay

Submitted by: ______________________

Year ≠ Level: ______________________
Date Submitted: ____________________

Comments/Suggestions of the Instructor:

_________________________________________________________________________________________ .

Signature of Instructor


Signature of Student
______________ Rating: __________
Note: A rubrics shall be used as guide in rating.
Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges Inc.,
Cabanatuan City

Teacher-Education Department
Course: Curriculum Development
Subject Matter: Curriculum Conception and Philosophy
( 3 HOURS )

Assignment 7
1. Obtain a curriculum of any of the academic offering of the school;
2. Analyze and seek the assistance of the Dean’s concerned regarding the philosophy behind it and
the school of thought used;
3. Present output in class.

Activity 7

Examine a particular curriculum, from your analysis, extract its philosophy and identify what
curriculum conception it is leaning to. Write your analysis below:
_________________________________________________________________________________________ .

Attachment required:
1. Copy of the curriculum obtained;
2. Proof of consultation with the Dean; and
3. Copies of reviewed literature.
4. Reflective essay

Submitted by: ______________________

Year ≠ Level: ______________________
Date Submitted: ____________________

Comments/Suggestions of the Instructor:

_________________________________________________________________________________________ .

Signature of Instructor


Signature of Student
______________ Rating: __________

Note: A rubrics shall be used as guide in rating.

Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges Inc.,
Cabanatuan City

Teacher-Education Department
Course: Curriculum Development
Subject Matter: Curriculum Aims, Goals and Objectives
( 3 HOURS )

Activity 8

Obtain a copy of the BEED/BSED curriculum of MVGFCI. Analyze the relationship among these
Curriculum Aims:
Curriculum Goals:
Curriculum Objectives:

Attachment required:
1. Approved written permission of concerned MVGFCI authority;
2. Copies of the BEED/BSED curricula;
3. PSG of BEED/BSED curricula;
4. Copies of reviewed curriculum

Submitted by: ______________________

Year ≠ Level: ______________________
Date Submitted: ____________________

Comments/Suggestions of the Instructor:

__________________________________________________________________________________________ .

Signature of Instructor

Signature of Student
______________ Rating: __________
Note: A rubrics shall be used as guide in rating.
Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges Inc.,
Cabanatuan City

Teacher-Education Department
Course: Curriculum Development
Subject Matter: Curriculum Content Versus Curriculum Experience
( 3 HOURS )

Activity 9

Provide examples of curriculum content from your self-made lesson plans which were approved by the
TED Dean and executed in your demo class and try to highlight the contents and learning experiences and write
on the last column below how they became congruent:
Content Learning Experiences Remarks

Attachment required:
1. Copies of reviewed/approved lesson plans.
2. Written analysis

Submitted by: ______________________

Year ≠ Level: ______________________
Date Submitted: ____________________

Comments/Suggestions of the Instructor:

__________________________________________________________________________________________ .

Signature of the Instructor


Signature of Student
______________ Rating: __________
Note: A rubrics shall be used as guide in rating.
Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges Inc.,
Cabanatuan City

Teacher-Education Department
Course: Curriculum Development
Subject Matter: Curriculum Evaluation
( 3 HOURS )

Activity 10

Analyze the RBEC curriculum evaluation tool used by DepEd. Examine how the evaluation instrument
measure the success of the curriculum using these guide questions:
1. What competencies and performance standards are evaluated?

2. How often did DepEd use this tool in the past?

3. How did DepEd evaluate the hidden curriculum in RBEC?

4. What decisions and actions are made after getting the results of the curriculum evaluation?

Attachment required:
1. Approved written permission from DepEd personnel;
2. RBEC curriculum evaluation tool; and
3. Written analysis.

Submitted by: ______________________

Year ≠ Level: ______________________
Date Submitted: ____________________

Comments/Suggestions of the Instructor:

___________________________________________________________________________________________ .

Signature of Instructor


Signature of Student
______________ Rating: __________

Note: A rubrics shall be used as guide in rating.

Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges Inc.,
Cabanatuan City

Teacher-Education Department
Course: Curriculum Development
Subject Matter: Factors that must be Considered in the Development of a
( 3 HOURS )

Activity 11

1. Enumerate and explain different social issues, needs, and demands that should be considered in
developing a curriculum.

2. Discuss how these influence a curriculum in terms of:

• Aims, goals, and objectives

• Content

• Learning experiences

• Evaluation

Attachment required:
1. Reviewed literatures

Submitted by: ______________________

Year ≠ Level: ______________________
Date Submitted: ____________________

Comments/Suggestions of the Instructor:

_________________________________________________________________________________________ .

Signature of Instructor


Signature of Student
______________ Rating: __________

Note: A rubrics shall be used as guide in rating.

Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges Inc.,
Cabanatuan City

Teacher-Education Department
Course: Curriculum Development
Subject Matter: Learner’s Needs: a must in the development of a curriculum
( 6 HOURS )

Activity 12

1. Interview one fourth year college student (from any person) and try to get the following:
* their needs and issues that should be considered in curriculum development.
* know how these needs, their learning and thinking styles, and issues must be considered in the
development of a curriculum.

Attachment required:
1. Approved written permission from interviewee;
2. Copy of the interview guide;
3. Transcript of the interview; and
4. Reflective Essay

Submitted by: ______________________

Year ≠ Level: ______________________
Date Submitted: ____________________

Comments/Suggestions of the Instructor:

____________________________________________________________________________________________ .

Signature of Instructor


Signature of Student
______________ Rating: __________

Note: A rubrics shall be used as guide in rating.

Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges Inc.,
Cabanatuan City

Teacher-Education Department
Course: Curriculum Development
Subject Matter: K-12 Basic Education Curriculum
( 3 HOURS )

Activity 13

1. Review the legal basis, history and implementing guidelines of the K-12 Basic Education Curriculum;
2. Choose one subject/course to analyze;
3. Identify different skills, processes, values, and concepts which are important to learn in each subject.

Attachment required:
1. Copy of the entire K-12 Basic Education Curriculum;
2. Written analysis

Submitted by: ______________________

Year ≠ Level: ______________________
Date Submitted: ____________________

Comments/Suggestions of the Instructor:

__________________________________________________________________________________________ .

Signature of Instructor


Signature of Student
______________ Rating: __________
Note: A rubrics shall be used as guide in rating.
Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges Inc.,
Cabanatuan City

Teacher-Education Department
Course: Curriculum Development
Subject Matter: Analysis of MVGFCI Vision and Mission Statements as it relates
to Curriculum Development in the School
( 3 HOURS )

Activity 14

1. Examine MVGFCI’s old and new vision and mission statements and note the differences in terms of:
1.1 relevance; and
1.2 timeliness.

2. How does MVGFCI\s mission, vision and core values reflected in all lessons and activities in the
classroom level? in the different activities/program of the school?

Attachment required:
1. Copy of MVGFCI vision and mission statements; and
2. Written analysis.

Submitted by: ______________________

Year ≠ Level: ______________________
Date Submitted: ____________________

Comments/Suggestions of the Instructor:

____________________________________________________________________________________________ .

Signature of Instructor


Signature of Student
______________ Rating: __________
Note: A rubrics shall be used as guide in rating.
Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges Inc.,
Cabanatuan City

Teacher-Education Department
Course: Curriculum Development
Subject Matter: Subject design vs. Integrated design

Assignment 15

1. Read: Subject design vs. Integrated design;

2. Prepare to interview 1 instructor in College with an approved course plan for his/her course (area of
specialization) and instructional plans as well for the course;
3. Have a letter approved and an interview guide;
4. Present output in class.

Activity 15

1. Identify disciplines in MVGFCI that uses subject design approach;

2. Identify disciplines in MVGFCI that uses Integrated curriculum design;

3. Write your analysis and state the disadvantages of subject design and integrated design.

Attachment required:
1. Copy of reviewed literature;
2. Approved letter request and interview guide;
3. Reflective essay

Submitted by: ______________________

Year ≠ Level: ______________________
Date Submitted: ____________________

Comments/Suggestions of the Instructor:

___________________________________________________________________________________________ .

Signature of Instructor


Signature of Student
______________ Rating: __________
Note: A rubrics shall be used as guide in rating.
Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges Inc.,
Cabanatuan City

Teacher-Education Department
Course: Curriculum Development
Subject Matter: Learner-Centered Curriculum

Assignment 16
1. Interview Dr. Ruth G. Luciano/Dr.Raymond R. Tabajonda/Dr.Celia R. Castillon/Mr. Mickel John
Salvatierra regarding implementation of Constructivist (Learner-Centered) approach in MVGFCI;
2. Prepare a request letter and interview guide to be approved by the Curriculum Development
Instructor; and
3. Develop an observation checklist for the students.

Activity 16

1. Identify other schools that uses a learner-centered curriculum in Cabanatuan City;

2. Observe how students behave in school using a learner-centered curriculum;

3. Identify the advantages of having a learner-centered curriculum; and

4. Analyze a sample instructional plan of any of the College Instructors in MVGFCI using these guide
*What skills, knowledge and values are emphasized in the curriculum?
* What learning experience are provided?
* What type of learning environment is required for its implementation?
* What are the requirements of the curriculum for the teachers?

Attachment required:
1. Approved letter request and interview guide;
2. Transcript of the interview
3. Observation checklist
4. Reflective essay

Submitted by: ______________________

Year ≠ Level: ______________________
Date Submitted: ____________________

Comments/Suggestions of the Instructor:

___________________________________________________________________________________________ .

Signature of Instructor

Signature of Student
______________ Rating: __________
Note: A rubrics shall be used as guide in rating.
Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges Inc.,
Cabanatuan City

Teacher-Education Department
Course: Curriculum Development
Subject Matter: Problem-centered design

Reading Assignment
1. Literatures discussing problem-centered design.

Activity 17

1. Analyze a school curriculum in Nueva Ecija that uses a problem-centered design. Discuss the
advantages and issues related to its implementation.

2. Identify other personal or social issues and problems that can be a theme for a problem-based

Attachment required:
1. Reviewed literatures
2. Sample of a problem-centered curriculum

Submitted by: ______________________

Year ≠ Level: ______________________
Date Submitted: ____________________

Comments/Suggestions of the Instructor:

__________________________________________________________________________________________ .

Signature of Instructor


Signature of Student
______________ Rating: __________
Note: A rubrics shall be used as guide in rating.
Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges Inc.,
Cabanatuan City

Teacher-Education Department
Course: Curriculum Development
Subject Matter: K-12 Curriculum of ASEAN member-countries

Activity 18

1. Analyze the curriculum standards of countries like Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, Singapore, and China in
Education and compare them with our K-12 system.

Attachment required:
1. Reviewed literatures
2. Written analysis

Submitted by: ______________________

Year ≠ Level: ______________________
Date Submitted: ____________________

Comments/Suggestions of the Instructor:

____________________________________________________________________________________________ .

Signature of Instructor


Signature of Student
______________ Rating: __________

Note: A rubrics shall be used as guide in rating.

Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges Inc.,
Cabanatuan City

Teacher-Education Department
Course: Curriculum Development
Subject Matter: Linear Curriculum Development

Activity 19

Review the linear curriculum development models in the Philippines. Identify their strengths and

Attachment required:
1. Reviewed literatures

Submitted by: ______________________

Year ≠ Level: ______________________
Date Submitted: ____________________

Comments/Suggestions of the Instructor:

_________________________________________________________________________________________ .

Signature of Instructor


Signature of Student
______________ Rating: __________

Note: A rubrics shall be used as guide in rating.

Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges Inc.,
Cabanatuan City

Teacher-Education Department
Course: Curriculum Development
Subject Matter: Cyclical Curriculum Development

Activity 20

Review the cyclical curriculum development models in the Philippines. Identify their strengths and

Attachment required:
1. Reviewed literatures

Submitted by: ______________________

Year ≠ Level: ______________________
Date Submitted: ____________________

Comments/Suggestions of the Instructor:

____________________________________________________________________________________________ .

Signature of Instructor


Signature of Student
______________ Rating: __________

Note: A rubrics shall be used as guide in rating.

Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges Inc.
Cabanatuan City

Teacher-Education Department
Final Output in Curriculum Development

1. Look for a partner-classmate;

2. Sit down together and plan to build a ‘’specialized school with a:

• Name (with complete description);
• Physical lay-out of the school;
• Vision, Mission, Goals and Core Values.

3. Discuss what program will be offered first in the school, justify why.

4. Develop a curriculum using the different models reviewed previously;

5. Have a faculty line-up (hypothetical);

6. Develop, course plan and 1 instructional plan from the macro curriculum that has been develop.

7. Discuss output before a panel of examiners.


1. Introduction to Curriculum Development

• Reviewed literatures on curriculum development with citations; and

• Copies of curriculum models reviewed.

2. Process in Curriculum Development

• Reviewed literature with citations; and

• Copies of curriculum models of HEIs in the Philippines

3. Prototype Curriculum

• Approved letter request and interview guide

• Transcript of the interview
• Copies of official curriculum of HEIs

4. Roles of School’s Stakeholders in the development of a curriculum

• Literatures reviewed on roles of administrators, teachers and stakeholders of educational

• Approved letter request and interview guide;
• Transcript of the interview; and
• Reflective essay.

5. Null/Censored Curriculum

• Copies of reviewed null/censored curriculum models.

• Reflective essay.

6. Hidden Curriculum

• Consent form and interview guide;

• Copies of reviewed literature;
• Transcript of the interview; and
• Reflective essay

7. Curriculum Conception and Philosophy

• Copy of the curriculum obtained;

• Proof of consultation with the Dean; and
• Copies of reviewed literature.
• Reflective essay

8. Curriculum Aims, Goals and Objectives

• Approved written permission of concerned MVGFCI authority;

• Copies of the BEED/BSED curricula;
• PSG of BEED/BSED curricula;
• Copies of reviewed curriculum

9. Curriculum Context Versus Curriculum Experience

• Copies of reviewed/approved lesson plans.

• Written analysis

10. Curriculum Evaluation

• Approved written permission from DepEd personnel;

• RBEC curriculum evaluation tool; and
• Written analysis.

11. Factors that must be Considered in the Development of a Curriculum

• Reviewed literatures

12. Learner’s Needs: a must in the development of a curriculum

• Approved written permission from interviewee;

• Copy of the interview guide;
• Transcript of the interview; and
• Reflective Essay

13. K-12 Basic Education Curriculum

• Copy of the entire K-12 Basic Education Curriculum;

• Written analysis
14. Analysis of MVGFCI Vision and Mission Statements as it relates to Curriculum Development in the


• Copy of MVGFCI vision and mission statements; and

• Written analysis

15. Subject design vs. Integrated design

• Copy of reviewed literature;

• Approved letter request and interview guide;
• Reflective essay

16. Learner-Centered Curriculum

• Approved letter request and interview guide;
• Transcript of the interview
• Observation checklist

17. Problem-Centered Design

• Reviewed literatures
• Sample of a problem-centered curriculum

18. K-12 Curriculum of ASEAN member-countries

• Reviewed literatures
• Written analysis

19. Linear Curriculum Development

• Reviewed literatures

20. Cyclical Curriculum Development

• Reviewed literatures

21. My dream school

• Its name

• Lay-out

• Visio, Mission, Goals and Core Values

• Curriculum

• Faculty Line-Up

• Reflective essay
• Sample Course Plan

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