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Marco Antonio 
Writer, Reaccanice, Learner  


The School of Arts & Enterprise, Pomona CA-Vocal 

Performance  ● Persistent  
● C
​ ommunication skills  
May 2018 
● A​ nalytical and problem-solvin
Performed choreographed number of Beat It by Michael Jackson for  skills  
● Leadership/management skills
the SAE’s Annual Arts Festival. 
● Fast-learning skills 
● Interpersonal 
The School of Arts & Enterprise, Pomona Ca​ —​Vocal  ● Intermediate in Excel 
Performance  Spreadsheet 
December 2017  ● Beginner in Photoshop 
● Beginner in Illustrator 
Performed a group folk piece titled “Oh Shenandoah” in The Covina  ● Advanced in Powerpoint 
Center for Performing Arts   ● Advanced in iMovie 

The School of Arts & Enterprise Arts Festival, P

​ omona Ca 
Music Performances  
—Musical, Vocal, Theatre Performances  
May 2017  Holiday Cabaret:​ This show in 
Performed in various areas including Musical Theatre “Charlie  December featured a guitar 
Brown”, choral and instrumental performances including jazz.  ensemble in which pieces such as 
“Al Long Sigh” and “Jeus Man 
2nd Annual Acoustic Guitar 
Festival : ​ Was a festival featuring 
School of Arts & Enterprise, ​Pomona CA. — M
​ iddle & High 
a vast program and was a 
School Education 
featured soloist and douist. 
August 2015 - June 2021 

The SAE is an art and business 6-12 school offering majors and sub  Dynamics Music Festival (2017) 

majors in 4 departments (music, visual/digital arts, dance and  Performed in small groups 

theatre)  popular repertoire, especially 

bass, guitar and tenor saxophone.   


English and Advanced in Spanish 


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