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"Truth or dare is a very popular game. In Spanish it is known as "verdad o desafío" or "verdad o
reto". I've had to adapt it to make it suitable for English classes.

It consists of asking a student "truth or dare? If he chooses "truth" he will answer a question
about himself, and he must tell the truth, but if he chooses "dare" he must answer a question
about something being studied. What I do in the classroom is print out the questions and place
them face down in two groups: one with the truth questions and the other with the dare
questions. After answering the question "truth or dare?" The student gets up and picks up a
question from the appropriate group.

This game is aimed at children from six to eight years old.

How to play Truth or Dare?

1. Gather your friends/participants and make a closed circle.

2. The first player will propose "truth or challenge" to the person on his left. If you choose
the question, you will have to answer anything I ask you, if you choose challenge you
will have to dare to do it.
3. This same process is done with all the players that make up the group.

It can also be done in pairs.

Another modality is:

1. Two baskets are prepared: one with question papers and the other with challenge
2. In turn, each participant puts his hand in the basket of his choice and takes a piece of
paper (with his eyes closed). The participant will have to answer the question or take up
the challenge.
3. To make it more fun, you can create the rule that each participant has to choose the
same number of challenges as the same number of questions.

We have created a list of questions corresponding to "truth":

 What is your favourite song?

 Do you sing in the shower?
 Who is your celebrity crush?
 What is the last book you read?
 What was the best day of your life?
 What is your favourite color?
 Do you play any musical instruments? Which ones?
 What did you want to be when you grew up? (Job)

The "dare" questions, as this will depend on the book being used, but some examples for low
levels may be:

 Can you sing the alphabet?

 What are the opposites of these adjectives? big, slow, tall.

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