ss7 Year Plan

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Unit Plan – Pre Confederation Canada: Social 7

Student Activities: 7.1.1 Students will appreciate the influence of diverse Aboriginal, French and
Lesson Topics:
Canadian Aboriginal Societies British peoples on events leading to Confederation. Aboriginal Societies
7.1.2 Students will appreciate the challenges of co-existence among peoples. The French and British in North America
Research presentation 7.1.3 Students will compare and contrast diverse social and economic structures
within the societies of Aboriginal, French and British peoples in pre-Confederation
Fiction links (cross-curricular): Canada. War and Peace
7.1.4 Students will assess, critically, the economic competition related to the
Pocahontas Disney clips control of the North American fur trade. Creating a New Country
Research and essay/project: An 7.1.5: Students will assess, critically, the political competition between the French
and the British in attempting to control North America.
explorer (British or French) 7.1.6: Students will assess, critically, how political, economic and military events
contributed to the foundations of Canada.
Compare and Contrast chart
between French and British in
North America
Hudson Bay Research Project: Unit Focus: September - February
Then and Now Canada Before
Creating propaganda Confederation
Creative writing
Graphic organizers
Addressing Learner Diversity:
Learners with diverse needs will be
able to access cloze notes (digitally
and paper copy). Adjustments in
Assessment: test style will also be adapted for
Learning Strategies: those students who require that.
Lessons will be designed with
Research, inquiry, critical Journals (F) multiple learner preferences in
challenges, think-pair-share, Opinion writing (F) mind as well as many options given
rapid fire debates, etc. Essay paragraphs (F) for projects and assignments.
Research Projects (F and S)
Quizzes/exams (F and S)
Unit Plan – Post Confederation Canada: Social 7

Student Activities: 7.2.1 recognize the positive and negative aspects of immigration and migration
Lesson Topics:
7.2.2 recognize the positive and negative consequences of political decisions Confederation and the Maritimes
7.2.3 appreciate the challenges that individuals and communities face when
Metis and Louis Riel
Chester Brown- Louis Riel as a confronted with rapid change
7.2.4 assess, critically, the role, contributions and influence of the Red River Métis World War I and II
Graphic Novel on the development of western Canada
7.2.5 evaluate the impact of Confederation and of subsequent immigration on Industrialization
John A. – CBC documentary and Canada from 1867 Farm to city
7.2.6 assess, critically, the impacts of social and political changes on individual and
creative project collective identities in Canada since 1918 to the First World War Technology
7.2.7 assess, critically, the impact of urbanization and of technology on individual
Essay/paragraph (persuasive) and collective identities in Canada
Graphic Organizers Unit Focus: March - June
Canada After

Addressing Learner Diversity:

Learners with diverse needs will be
able to access cloze notes (digitally
and paper copy). Adjustments in
Assessment: test style will also be adapted for
Learning Strategies: those students who require that.
Lessons will be designed with
Research, inquiry, critical Journals (F) multiple learner preferences in
challenges, think-pair-share, Opinion writing (F) mind as well as many options given
rapid fire debates, etc. Essay paragraphs (F) for projects and assignments.
Research Projects (F and S)
Quizzes/exams (F and S)

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