Combat Intelligent Soldier

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Combat Intelligent Soldier Program®

Unarmed Combatives, Mental Game & Performance Integrity!


Introduction To The Combat Intelligent Soldier Program

The Combat Intelligent Soldier Program or CIS serves a duel role.

Firstly its aim is to teach Soldiers effective, user friendly Unarmed Combatives skills that work
with a soldiers evolutionary and instinctive responses to physical danger and not against them.
Secondly to teach using the platform of CIS’s modern Unarmed Combatives System about the
psychophysiological changes that happen in a ‘fight’ and how to work with them. Thus allowing
for a soldiers enhanced mental game and high levels of confidence in the ability to apply what
has been taught in the field.

Rodney King (Creator of the CIS Program) is one of the most thoughtful and innovative martial artists in
the world today. By focusing on the mental aspects of learning and performance, he is redefining the
way that martial arts are viewed, taught, and experienced. He knows that success in any endeavor re-
quires more than knowledge or physical ability – that the mental game will drive the outcome. With the
acumen of an experienced and mindful coach, Rodney can help you shape your future, attain your goals
and perform to your full potential.

Professor Dr, Randy Borum PsyD (Board Certified in Forensic Psychology (ABPP)

2009©Rodney King. All Rights Reserved. Property of May not be re-
produced, sold, edited, copied or altered in anyway without the Authors permission.
The Changing Landscape Of A Soldiers Role In The 21st Century

Although a soldier may not find himself fighting opponents empty hand regularly in a combat
environment (as critics point out) soldiers are required however to put ‘hands on’ in every
mission. It’s during these times, transporting detainees from a target to a vehicle, controlling non-
combatants, or putting flex cuffs on, etc that situations can go south and force escalation is required.

Those who have been trained in response and functional skills as taught in the CIS Program can
defend themselves as required and therefore do not always have to resort to direct escalation of
lethal force especially when not warranted. They can however control the situation if needed based
on CIS’s reinforcement of positional and structural superiority FIRST. If you can dominate
positionally you can then both deliver strikes (to subdue) or access weapons (ASP, Blackjack, knife,
Glock) as needed.
CIS training not only allows for a soldier to develop those attributes that can be validated under the
pressure testing of a live performance environment in training, but CIS’s structure is ideal to
translate to other functional battlefield skills such as running a long gun (For example an M4) or
transition to a modified isosceles pistol posture which is almost identical to the fighting platform
taught in the CIS program.

Combat INTELLIGENT Soldier Performance Training

Todays Soldier needs more than physical training, he needs to understand how to train his mind as
much as he needs to understand how to manage his emotions. There is no better platform to
achieve mental game and optimal emotional states than through the platform of the CIS’s Unarmed
Combatives Program.

In the Combat INTELLIGENT Soldier Program training the mind and emotions is deliberately
cultivated off an effective perspective on achievement in Unarmed Combatives skills and the
systematic use of effective cognitive skills. A soldier can then maximize performance by mastering
thinking habits and emotional and physical states. CIS’s training methods are derived from applied
performance psychology and built into every Unarmed Combatives training session.

The CIS Program not only enables a soldier to achieve Unarmed Combatives proficiency, but
because the training program encompasses cognitive and emotional skill development as well- it
also helps a soldier perform better mentally and emotionally in the field. It enables soldiers to
create effective thinking habits and perform with confidence. Thus enabling better results in high-
performance demands, allowing soldiers to operate with a sense of clarity regarding immediate
actions and their long-term results.

2009©Rodney King. All Rights Reserved. Property of May not be re-
produced, sold, edited, copied or altered in anyway without the Authors permission.
Some ‘Differentiating’ Characteristics Of The CIS Program
A) One of the biggest complaints we
hear about soldiers spending time
training Unarmed Combatives is the
unnecessary and high rate of inju-
ries. CIS is firstly not a competitive
martial art program. Secondly the
techniques taught in the CIS pro-
gram are specifically designed to
keep a Soldier safe. From dynamic
entry techniques that actually allows
a soldier to get into a clinch posi-
tion safely, instead of just charging
in, to an effective defensive struc- Dynamic entry techniques- Know how to get to
ture that teaches a soldier how to
‘ride the storm’ of incoming blows- the clinch safely
the CIS is specifically designed
around safety, but at the same time
brutal effectiveness when needed.

B) While we teach the necessary ground skills in the CIS program, we take the opposite view
that soldiers are far safer on their feet. The CIS program is based around keeping the fight
standing. If a soldier goes to the ground, the focus in CIS is always getting back to the feet. In
our experience most ground skills become obsolete when a soldier has full kit on or when
environments in the field quickly change.

C) Soldiers will find the program easy to learn, but challenging (Mentally, emotionally and physi-

D) Soldiers will find the program makes sense for the reality of the battlefield as the techniques
taught work with a soldiers instinctive response to physical danger. Simply CIS works with, not
against a persons evoltionary responses to physical danger.

E) The CIS is not just another Unarmed Combatives program. The CIS teaches mental game
skills, along with the physical skill sets of the program. It is about cultivating the Warrior-
Spirit, while balancing it with the positive philosophy of Warriorship.

F) CIS is taught in a modular system and can be adapted as needed for various mission objec-
tives. The CIS has four tiers of certification and includes a rapid deployment program to
train future Trainers in the military so they can teach others. This means any current Military
Unarmed Combatives Instructor can quickly certify in CIS and keep his current Unarmed Com-
batives position within the military. We are always happy to certify first those already teaching
Unarmed Combatives to their respective units.

2009©Rodney King. All Rights Reserved. Property of May not be re-
produced, sold, edited, copied or altered in anyway without the Authors permission.
More Information
For more information on the Combat Intelligent Soldier
Program please feel free to contact the program
Director, Rodney King RSME, MGCP at

As the head trainer for one of the US Army Special Forces Groups I have always looked for functional sys-
tems that either condition operators and instill the warrior spirit and combat related attributes or those
that have direct technical application to the mission sets needed ‘down range’. To find a system that has
both is a rare find and something that I immediately recognized in the Crazy Monkey Defense’s (CMD)
Combat Intelligent Soldier (CIS) Program as something we NEEDED to add to our foundation of base

Rodney’s program is to standing what BJJ is to the ground- simple, functional, effective, non attribute
based- and allows for easy modification and transference of skills to other battlefield specific skill sets. This
modularity and adaptiveness is the genius of the system.

As a Black Belt in Judo and BJJ and years of training in traditional Muay Thai and Filipino Martial Arts I have
closely look at most every system or style out there. When tasked to come up with a system for Special
Forces I had to look beyond the Martial Arts and what they provided the typical practitioner or even
MMA fighter and look at what would keep Special Force operators alive in a true battlefield environment.

The current trend in Big Army is to use a BJJ/MMA based system, which has critics decrying, that it is too
sport oriented.

Special Forces by nature has the flexibility to pick and choose what is used based on what is best in order
to achieve mission accomplishment and keep our operators alive. What works on a mat or even in a cage
will not always be what works best downrange, and as Rodney points out one of the tenants behind his
teaching methodology is that the skills need to be easy enough to learn in only a few hours a week of

Rodney’s understanding and ability to break complex movements down to the simplest easy to under-
stand (and replicate) patterns shows his depth of knowledge and experience as a coach and trainer.

Rodney continues to further develop and hone the system making it even more functional and adaptable,
identifying common errors, how to fix them, and introducing drills that reinforce proper structure and
correct fundamentals. I have immediately incorporated Rodney’s program into our program here in Iraq
and plan on bringing Rodney to our Group back in the States in order to further integrate CIS into what
we do.

US Army Special Forces

2009©Rodney King. All Rights Reserved. Property of May not be re-
produced, sold, edited, copied or altered in anyway without the Authors permission.
All I can say is WOW!!! Rodney just completed
2 days, of highly intensive, with more than 8-
hours mental training coaching with my Slovak
Special Operations Military Operators. Without
going into to much detail as most of what
Rodney taught is classified, here is brief review.
Our plan was to bring together a "mini" revolu-
tion in coaching mental game strategies for the
battlefield to professional teams of police and
military in my country. I am glad report that
Rodney exceeded all my expectations. Rodney
created and delivered an awesome, extremely
detailed presentation, which was specifically de-
signed for my guys.

Through 2 days of extremely informative presentations, Rodney covered mental game basics and aware-
ness skills. He covered how to focus under pressure and a subsequent mental game plan to use to focus
in real time, battlefield confidence builders, team cohesion plans, managing energy during action + many
other mental game approaches which had direct impact on their core weak links in their mental game.
The mental training workshop for my guys actually started 2 months before Rodney’s arrival.

Mental game training is very important. With the mental game training I had done previously with Rodney
and then conveying it to my Special force Military Team, one of the operatives while using very basic con-
fidence builders and dealing with adrenaline approaches which I covered with him in 2006 was able to
win the European Shooting Championship in 2007. This was simply amazing.

As a core vehicle Rodney used his world famous CMD Martial Art Program and pin pointed its close
correlation with military physical and tactical training situations. This was simply awesome. Then by using
very systematic, physical and mental correlations at the same time the soldiers had a chance to experi-
ence first hand all the mental game strategies while working on their physical Unarmed Combatives
game. This once again showed how detailed Rodney prepared all of his coaching for this super important
workshop. It was outstanding to see how my guys were quickly able to apply majority of mental game
techniques in action. They improved by 500% within just 2-days!!!!

The last part of the mental game workshop was all about "Energy Management" during battlefield action.
It was clear that Rodney drew information from many resources, but his "alertness approach" was a to-
tally new dimension for me. When guys finished their mental exercise and sparred full out – they were
absolutely different fighters and soldiers. They where calm, calculated, and focused. Being in the Martial
Arts game for almost 20 years and as a tactical instructor for Special Force Military and Policing Units for
the past several years, all I can say is that I was totally blown away and the whole experience of the
workshop was unbelievable.

Radek Scefic PhD – Spec Opʼs & Special Police Units CQB Instructor- Slovak Republic

2009©Rodney King. All Rights Reserved. Property of May not be re-
produced, sold, edited, copied or altered in anyway without the Authors permission.

"Rodney’s mental training approach allowed every team member to reach their physical and men-
tal potential! It also allowed everyone to keep a consistent performance level. Its effectiveness
helped in particular situations where stress and frustration are a daily occurrence. Rodney has
created whole mental game approach which turbo charged our self-confidence and focus under
pressure. Two critical elements for the battlefield, as a team leader that I have personally enjoyed
was "dealing with mental game problems” and been able to analyze them and implement a ‘pur-
poseful thinking’ methodology. This simply opened another world for my guys and myself. The
seminar was an awesome opportunity to gain new knowledge and apply it in live action. Simply,
outstanding seminar. We are looking forward to seeing Rodney next year in 2008 for a follow up!!"

Slovak Spec. Op team leader aka " JUDO"

"I would like to thank Rodney for an awesome experience! What a seminar!!! Mental game is sim-
ply a very neglected area and I am very glad we had unique opportunity to start to work with
such a professional mental game coach like Rodney. We got to learn a core mental game plan and
several guidelines, which exceeded all our expectations!!! Learning to deal with highly stressful
situations, fear, low self-confidence after mistakes are simply part of our everyday. However how
to overcome them.... well - that’s another story all together. But now, thanks to Rodney, we have a
logical step-by-step blueprint we can sue to overcome these mental obstacles! A new level of
training has just begun for us. Huge thanks to Rodney for his professional approach - he is true
leader who raised our performance levels to new heights!"

Slovak Spec. Op team leader aka "KAUCUK"

2009©Rodney King. All Rights Reserved. Property of May not be re-
produced, sold, edited, copied or altered in anyway without the Authors permission.
Randy Borum, Psy.D., ABPP

To whom it may concern:

This is a letter of reference and introduction for Rodney King, a resident of Johannesburg, South
Africa and Founder/Developer of the “Crazy Monkey Defense” (CMD) system and its affiliated

Rodney’s extraordinary accomplishments and innovations in martial arts training have received
international acclaim. He is perhaps most widely known for pioneering a practical self-defense
system that can be learned and implemented without years of training or rehearsing lengthy
rituals of tradition. Both the foundational techniques and strategies of the CMD Program have
been used widely throughout the world by elite-level fighters, tactical operators, and martial

Despite wide approbation for the CMD Program, in my view, some of Rodney’s greatest
contributions have come from his instruction and emphasis on the “mental” aspects of
performance under adverse conditions. As a former police officer and Academy instructor, I
have taught law enforcement and military operators about “performance under stress” for nearly
20 years. I firmly believe in the need to integrate dynamic mental skills applications into
tactical training. Rodney does this exceptionally well. He is an engaging and effective instructor
who relies heavily on an experiential, “hands on” approach to learning. His mental game
training for tactical encounters can help operators to survive, to exercise sound judgment, and to
perform well in life-threatening encounters.

I have recently teamed-up with Rodney as a Performance Psychology consultant and advisor to
the CMD program and to the CMD Trainers worldwide. I chose to partner with Rodney, not
only because of his tactical skill and experience, but also because I have found him to be one of
the most thoughtful, innovative integrators of mental and tactical training in the world. I am
confident that you will not be disappointed by his contribution to your program. Please feel free
to contact me if you have any questions.


Dr, Randy Borum

Board Certified in Forensic Psychology (ABPP)

Mental Health Law & Policy The Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute
University of South Florida 13301 Bruce B. Downs Boulevard Tampa, Florida 33612-3807
(813) 974-4510 SunCom 574-4510 FAX (813) 974-9327 PDC/JJTA FAX (813) 974-4696
The University of South Florida is an Affirmative Action/Equal Access/Equal Opportunity Institution

2009©Rodney King. All Rights Reserved. Property of May not be re-
produced, sold, edited, copied or altered in anyway without the Authors permission.
2009©Rodney King. All Rights Reserved. Property of May not be re-
produced, sold, edited, copied or altered in anyway without the Authors permission.
2009©Rodney King. All Rights Reserved. Property of May not be re-
produced, sold, edited, copied or altered in anyway without the Authors permission.
2009©Rodney King. All Rights Reserved. Property of May not be re-
produced, sold, edited, copied or altered in anyway without the Authors permission.

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