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1. (A) 21. (B) 41. (A) 61. (A) 81. (D)
2. (A) 22. (A) 42. (C) 62. (D) 82. (D)
3. (D) 23. (C) 43. (D) 63. (D) 83. (B)
4. (A) 24. (A) 44. (C) 64. (A) 84. (C)
5. (A) 25. (D) 45. (C) 65. (A) 85. (D)
6. (C) 26. (D) 46. (D) 66. (D) 86. (D)

7. (B) 27. (D) 47. (D) 67. (D) 87. (D)
8. (A) 28. (C) 48. (D) 68. (A) 88. (B)
9. (C) 29. (C) 49. (A) 69. (D) 89. (D)

10. (C) 30. (C) 50. (*) 70. (A) 90. (D)
11. (A) 31. (C) 51. (C) 71. (D) 91. (C)
12. (A) 32. (D) 52. (A) 72. (C) 92. (A)

13. (D) 33. (D) 53. (B) 73. (A) 93. (B)
14. (D) 34. (D) 54. (D) 74. (A) 94. (C)
15. (A) 35. (B) 55. (B) 75. (*) 95. (C)
16. (B) 36. (A) 56. (B) 76. (C) 96. (C)

17. (B) 37. (B) 57. (B) 77. (B) 97. (D)
18. (C) 38. (D) 58. (C) 78. (B) 98. (C)
19. (B) 39. (C) 59. (B) 79. (D) 99. (A)

20. (C) 40. (B) 60. (D) 80. (A) 100. (D)

Note : If your opinion differ regarding any answer, please
message the mock test and Question number to 8860330003

Note : If you face any problem regarding result or marks

scored, please contact : 9313111777

(M) 9555108888, 9555208888 1



1. (A) Vocational Training comes under the
a person above age of 18 years though
concurrent list of 7th schedule in the
eligible to be part of Gram Sabha does not
constitution of India. In the National skill
automatically becomes part of it.
development corporation the Industry to
- Seats of Chairpersons of Panchayats at all
Government stake is in the ratio of 51 : 49.
level shall be reserved for the Scheduled
2. (A) - The decision of Collegium are binding on
the President after 2nd Judges case in 1992.
8. (A) - He represents Government is Presidential

- Since the decision of collegium is a
Reference to Supreme Court under art. 143.
executive decision, it can be challenged in
- He enjoys all the privileges and immunities
the High Court i.e Supreme Court on the
enjoyed by a member of Parliament .
grounds of being malafide.

- Attorney General is not a full time counsel
3. (D) Union Ministry of Health and Family
for the government and he is not a
Welfare has launched Project Sunrise on for
government servant. He is not debarred from

prevention of AIDS among people injecting
private practice.
drugs in the 8 North-Eastern states. The
9. (C) - The Muslim League demanded that no
AIDS prevention special project aims to
other party could nominate a Muslim
diagnose 90 per cent of such drug addicts
member to the Council, which would make
with HIV and put them under treatment by

2020. the League the sole representative of Indian
Muslims. Congress, as a national
4.(A) - CIC and other commissioners are not
eligible for reappointment. representatives from any of the

communities. The conference ended in
- CIC Salary is the same as that of the Chief
failure because neither Congress nor the
Election Commissioner and of other
League was prepared do deviate from their
commissioners to that of election

Commissioners. This will not be varied to positions on Muslim
the disadvantage of the CIC during service.
10. (C) The cabinet mission plan of 1946 proposed
- CIC submits annual report to Government
that there shall be Union of India which was
of India and not to the President.
to be empowered to deal with the defense,
5.(A) 1. Executive power with respect to
foreign affairs and communications. The

Concurrent Legislation rests with
States. cabinet mission recommended and
undivided India and turned down the
2. Center can give direction to states for
Muslim league's demand for a separate
drawing up and executing specified

Pakistan. The Cabinet mission restricted
schemes for the welfare of STs only.
the Communal representation. A
6. (C) Minimum fifty per cent of the Members will
Constituent Assembly will be formed of the
be from SC/ST/OBC/Minorities and
Women. representatives of the Provincial Assemblies
and the Princely states. Each province had
- MPs and MLAs, Persons convicted of any
to be allotted a total number of seats in
offense involving moral Panchayats or
proportion to the its population.
Municipality, a person who was removed or
11.(A) Charter Act of 1853 opened the
dismissed from the public service, A person
appointments to ICS through competitive
who holds any office of trust/profit, A person
who is affiliated to political party Carries on
examination, previously they were appointed
some business/profession cannot be
by the members of board of directoers. The
Chairperson of Lokpal. examination of the ICS was only conducted
- This selection committee is made up of
in London. Only after 1922, ICS exams were
Prime Minister - Chairperson; Speaker of
conducted in India.
Lok Sabha, Leader of Opposition in Lok
12. (A) The main objectives of Khilafat Movement
Sabha, Chief Justice of India or a Judge
were :
nominated by him/her and one eminent
1. To protect the Usmania Khailafat of Turkey
jurist. 2. The protection of sacred and religious places
7. (B) Gram Sabha consists of persons whose
of Muslims i.e. BAT-UL-MUQADDAS
names are included in the electoral rolls for
3. The protection of limits of Turkey if it is
the Panchayat at the village level. Therefore
defeated in the world war
(M) 9555108888, 9555208888 2
13. (D) All statements are correct. Ryotwari resolving 4D geodynamic and metallogenic
system was introduced in Madras evolution, Detecting and characterizing the
presidency by Thomas Munro as permanent distal footprints of are deposits.
settlement was not possible in the absence 19. (B) Pascal’s law - Pressure applied to an
of zamindars in the region. Morover, by this enclosed incompressible static fluid is
time (1825) Government had a well transmitted undiminished to all parts of the
established machinery of an administration fluid. Hydraulic brakes in vehicles,
and felt that it was capable of collecting Hydraulic jacks is to lift the vehicle,
hydraulic jacks to lift the vehicle, hydraulic
revenue directly from the peasant.
actuators in aircraft landing gear etc are
14. (D) Christmas is celebrated in summer in
working on this principle.
Australia because it is located in the

southern hemisphere. Only during an Hook’s law-It states that the stress applied
equinox is the Earth's 23.5-degree axis not to any solid body is proportional to the strain
tilting toward or away from the sun: the it produces in it within the elastic limit of
that solid body.

centre of the sun is in the same plane as
the Equator. There are two equinoxes in a Bernoulli's principle - In fluid dynamics,
year; around March 21 and around Sept. 22. Bernoulli's principle states that for an
inviscid flow of a nonconducting fluid, an

In the Northern Hemisphere, March 21 is
the spring or vernal equinox. September 22 increase in the speed of the fluid occurs
is the autumnal equinox. simultaneously with a decrease in pressure
15. (A) Air rising above the equator spreads out, or a decrease in the fluid's potential energy.
cools, and descends (because colder air is Pitot tube and carburater works on this

heavier) in the subtropical zones at 25º to principle.
40º latitude. Descending air increases Doppler Effect - It is the change in frequency
atmospheric pressure, and subtropical of a wave for an observer moving relative to

climate is associated with generally clear its source. Speed guns used by the police
shies, low rainfall, and high daytime works on this effect.
temperatures of over 40ºC. Many the world’s 20. (C) - Persons who are working (or employed)
hot deserts are found in this subtropical or seeking or available for work constitutes

high-pressure belt. As for the tropical belt labour force.
of climate the subtropical zone expands - A person who has participated in any
towards the higher latitudes during the economically productive activity with or
summer months. Africa and Eurasian without compensation or profit constitutes
desert belt are located under the influence workforce.

of cold ocean currents. - As per Census 2011, the workforce
16. (B) A Savanna is a rolling grassland scattered participation rate for females is 25.51%
with shrubs and isolated trees, which can against 53.26% for males. Rural sector has
be found between a tropical rainforest and better female workforce participation rate

desert biome. Not enough rain falls on a of 30.02% compared with 53.03% for males
Savanna to support forests. Savannas are whereas for urban sector. The participation
also known as tropical grasslands. rate of females trails at 15.44% against
17.(B)With view to provide confirmed against 53.76% for males.
accommodation to waitlisted passengers and 21. (B) - Setu Bharatam programme for building
also the ensure optimal utilisation of for safe and seamless travel on National
available accommodation, a scheme called Highways, with an aim to make all National
Alternate Train Accommodation Scheme - free of railway level crossings by 2019.
VIKALP has been conceptualized by the - The Sagarmala Project therefore intends to
Railway on pilot basis in two sectors; ie., achieve the broad objective of enhancing
Delhi-Lucknow and Delhi-Jammu. And it is the capacity of major and non-major ports
only available to the tickets booked through and modernizing them to make them
internet. The wait listed passengers can opt efficient, thereby enabling them to become
for confirmed accommodation alternate drivers of port-led economic development,
trains. optimizing the use of existing and future
18. (C) It is the state-of-the-art project transport (including roads, rail, inland
implemented in selected areas in the waterways and coastal routes), setting up of
country, focused on probing for deep seated/ logistics hubs etc.
concealed mineral deposits. Main - Bharatmala project is to improve
components of this project are, connectivity in border area including
characterizing India’s geological cover, coastal boundary covering development of
Investigating lithospheric architecture, about 7000 Kms of NHs.

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22. (A) India's total installed capacity of power 28. (C) Mercury is the only metal in liquid form
generation is 288 GW of which shares of at std temperature and pressure. Its other
different fuels are: Common names are Quicksilver,
Source: % hydrargrum. Mercury Poisoning.
Coal 61 29. (C) Note that ‘‘Like dissolves Like’’. Non polar
Hydro 15 compounds dissolve other non polar
Renewable 13 compounds. Polar compounds dissolve ionic
Gas 8.5 compounds and other polar compounds.
Nuclear 2 30. (C) 1. Annapurna scheme : Ministry of Rural
Oil 0.3 Development
23. (C) Foreign direct investment (FDI) is made 2. Mid Day Meal : Ministry of

into a business or a sector by an individual Human
or a company from another country. It is Resource
different from portfolio investment, which Development
is made more indirectly into another 3. Wheat Based : Ministry of

country's economy by using financial Nutrition Women and
instruments, such as bonds and stocks. Programme Child
- Singapore, Mauritius and Netherland are Development

the top using financial instruments, such 31. (C) The scheme is independent of Deen Dayal
as bonds and stocks. Antyodaya Yojana. The scheme is being
- FDI is not only non-debt creating instrument implemented by Ministry of Skill
but also improve productivity of the economy. Development and Entrepreneurship
24. (A) 1. Nalanda Project Universities Pilot through the National Skill Development

Project for Corporation (NSDC). The PMKVY, will
Development of primarily focus on the first time entrants
Faculties of Minority to the labour market and target mainly drop

2. NailRoshni Scheme for Leader- outs from Class 10 and Class 12.
ship Development of 32. (D) - Stand Up India Scheme is intended to
Minority Women facilitate at least two such projects per bank

3. NailManzil Basic Bride branch, on an average one for category of
Programme to bridge entrepreneur. If is expected to benefit at
the academic and skill least
development gaps of – Handholding support for both SC/ST and
Madrasa passouts Women borrowers.
25. (D) Categories under priority sector – Facilitating bank loans repayable up to 7

- Agriculture years and between `10 lakh to `100 lakh
- Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise for Greenfield enterprises in the non farm
- Export Credit sector set up by such SC, ST and Women
- Education borrowers.

- Housing 33. (D) Monsoon winds are the seasonal wind of
- Social Infrastructure the Indian Ocean and Southern Asia,
- Renewable Energy blowing from the southwest in summer and
- Others from the northeast in winter.
26. (D) In India, the Child Sex Ratio is defined as 34. (D) All are correct.
the number of females per thousand males 35. (B) Sector FDI limit
in the age group 0-6 years in a human popu- 1. Civil Aviation A. 49%
lation. Haryana has the least Child Sex Ra- 2. FM Radio B. 26%
tio and Kerala has the highest Child Sex 3. Railway Infrastructure C. 100%
Ratio. 4. Public Sector Banks D. 20%
27. (D) Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana 36. (A) 'Padhe Bharat Badhe Bharat' is a
(PMKSY) is a national mission to improve nationwide sub programme under the SSA.
farm productivity and ensure better Launched in 2014, this programme has
utilization of the resources in the country. been planned in a twin track approach.
The primary objectives of PMKSY are to – to improve language development by
attract investments in irrigation system at creating an enduring interest in reading
field level, develop and expand cultivable and writing with comprehension; and to
land in the country, enhance ranch water create a natural and positive interest in
use in order to minimize wastage of water, mathematics related to their physical and
enhance crop per drop by implementing social world.
water-saving technologies and precision – The two tracks of Padhe Bharat Badhe are
irrigation. Early Reading and Writing with

(M) 9555108888, 9555208888 4

Comprehension (ERWC) and Early international intellectual property (IIP)
Mathematics (EM) particularly in class I and index.
II. 43. (D) Ladakh, J & K
37. (B) Amino acids are non-volatile crystalline - India and the National Aeronautics and
solids which melt with decomposition at Space Administration (NASA) entered into
high temperature. There can be acidic a partnership in January 2016 to explore
amino acids and basic amino acids. Amino the environment of Ladakh under NASA's
acids are structural units of proteins. Amino Spaceward Bound programme.
acids are soluble in water and insoluble in 44. (C) Twin balance sheet challenge is related
non-polar solvents. with the balance sheet problem of PSBs and
38. (D) corporate houses.

1. MGNREGS aims to provide at least 100 45. (C)
days of wage employment in financial 46. (D) Great Bear is located in Canada. Lake
year to every rural household. Baikal is located in Russia. Lake Victoria
2. MGNREGS guarantees the right to work. is located in Kenya-Tanzania-Uganda. Lake

3. If employment is not provided to Superior is located along U.S-Canada
applicants to MGNREGS, the applicants 47. (D) Panama is bordered by Costa Rica (North),
are entitled to be paid compensation. Columbia (South), Atlantic (East), Pacific

4. At least 50 per cent (by fund) of the works (West).
have to be implemented through the 48. (D) Ist FYP was based on Harrod Domar model.
Gram Panchayats. It is a growth model which states the rate of
39. (C) – RTE act was enacted in 2009. The economic growth in an economy is
constitutional amendment was made in dependent on the level of saving and the

2002 (article 21A). capital output ratio.
– Education is fundamental right in India for - 2nd FYP was based on Mahalanobis model
children between the ages 6 and 14. which focus on trickle down strategy.

– It requires all private schools (except the - 4th EYP was launched after Annual three
minority institutions) to reserve 25% of Annual plans and thus focused on stability.
seats for the poor. The exception is important - 5 th FYP had two objectives' removal of

as it was in the news a couple of years back. poverty' (Garibi Hatao) and ‘attainment of
– No child can be detained in India until self reliance’.
completion of elementary education. 49. (A) The Rashtriya Swathya Bima Yojna RSBY
40. (B) President's rule can be imposed in a state which was earlier implemented by the
if a situation has arisen in which the Ministry is from 1st April 2015 is being
government of the state cannot be carried implemented by the Ministry of Health and

on in accordance with the provisions of the family Welfare.
Constitution. - The RSBY, the health insurance scheme for
- During president's rule, the Parliament BPL (below poverty line) families was
becomes empowered to make law with launched for the workers in the unorganized

respect to any matter in the State List in sector in the FY 2007-08 and it became fully
relation to that state. operational from 1st April 2008. It provides
- A proclamation imposing President's rule for IT-enabled and smart - card - based
must be approved by both the Houses or cashless healthy insurance, including
Parliament within two months from the date maternity benefit cover up to `30,000/ per
of its issue. annum of a family occupational groups in
- President's rule can be extended beyond the unorganized sector.
that the general elections to the legislative 50. (*)
assembly of the concerned state cannot be 51. (C) Presumptive taxation involves the use of
held on account of difficulties. indirect means to ascertain tax liability,
41. (A) - NHRC is a statutory body formed under which differ from the usual rules based on
Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993. the taxpayer's accounts.
- The Chairman of the NHRC should be 52. (A) 1. The SDR was created by the IMF in 1969
retired chief justice of the Supreme Court as a supplementary international
and the member of NHRC are appointed by reserve asset, in the context of the
the President of India. Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate
- Members of the NHRC can be serving or system.
retired justices of the Supreme Court of 2. SDR value is determined on the basis of
India, a serving or retired chief justice of a five currencies namely Euro, Dollar,
high court or a person to human rights. pound sterling, Japnese Yen and Yuan.
42. (C) Global Intellectual Property Centre (GIPC) 3. SDR forms parts of both India's foreign
of US Chamber of Commercepublishes the exchange reserves and external debt.

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53. (B) Mixture formed by common salt and 2.08 billion passengers (the second highest
potassium iodide known as iodized salt. By after Indian Railways). Russia's whole
the use of iodized salt we can prevent the network, operated by state-owned monopoly
goiter disease which caused by deficiency Russian Railways, runs for over 85,500km.
of iodine. The Indian nationwide rail network includes
54. (D) The two magnetic lines of force due to bar an operating route length of more than
magnet do not intersect or cross each other 65,000km. The network carried about eight
because at the point of intersection there billion passengers (the highest in the world)
will be two directions of there will be two and 1.01 million tonnes of freight (fourth
directions of the magnetic field which not highest in the world) in 2013.
possible. 59. (B) South Sandwich Trench - A deep arcuate
55. (B) The Bab-el-or Mandeb Strait is a strait trench in the Atlantic Ocean that is created

located between Yemen on the Arabian by subduction and is the deepest trench in
Peninsula, and Djibouti and Eritrea in the the Southern Atlantic Ocean. Tonga Trench
Horn of Africa. Bosporus is a natural that - The trench is standing alone in the South

forms and separates Asian Turkey from Pacific Ocean, the depth of 11.03 kilometers
European Turkey. Strait of Juan de Fuca - below sea level and lies in the western
The international boundary between Pacific Ocean.

Canada and united states runs down the 60. (D) Both AIM and SETU are being overseen by
centre of the Strait. Strait of Gibraltar is a the NITIA Ayog. The Atal Innovation Mission
narrow strait that connects the Atlantic (AIM) is being set up under NITI, AIM will
Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea and be an Innovation Promotion Platform
separates Gibraltar and Peninsular Spain involving academics, entrepreneurs, and

in Europe from Morocco and Ceuta (Spain) researchers drawing upon national and
in Africa. international experiences to foster a culture
56. (B) For the part of its length, the IDL follows of innovation, R & D in India. The platform

the meridian of 180º longitude, roughly down will also promote a network of world-class
middle of the Pacific Ocean. To avoid innovation hubs and grand challenges for
crossing nations internally, the IDL deviates India. The Government has established a
west around the US Aleutian Islands, mechanism to be known as SETU (Self-

separating then from islands in the far east
of Russia, and further south, it deviates
east around various island nations in the
Pacific such as Kiribati, Samoa, Tonga and
Tokelau, These various deviations, east or
Employment and Talent Utilisation) under
NITI Aayog. SETU will be a Techno-
Financial, Incubation and Facilitation
Programme to support all aspects of start-
up businesses, and other self-employment

west, generally accommodate the political activities, particularly in technology-driven
and/or economic of the affected areas. areas.
57. (B) The Tabernas desert is probably the best 61. (A) The discretionary powers to choose such
example of a rea desert in Europe. It is clusters do not rest with the Member of

located in the southeast of Spain, in the parliament in the region. For the purposes
province of Almeria, in Andalusia. The of SPMRM, RURBAN areas refer to a cluster
Taklimakan is located in the northweastern of 15-20 villages having about 30 to 40 lakh
Chinese subdivision of Xinjiang or the population. the clusters will geographically
Uygur Autonomous Region. The Great Basin contiguous Gram Panchayats with a
desert is a large are arid region in the population of about 25000 to 50000 in plain
western states of the US. The Patagonian and coastal areas and population of 5000 to
desert might not be as well known as many 15000 is desert, hilly or tribal areas. As far
other mentioned above, it is the largest as particable, clusters of village would follow
desert in the America's and covers a luge administrative convergence units of Gram
area between the Andes Mountains in the Panchayats. Theses clusters are intended
west and the Atlantic Ocean to the east. to be well delineated areas with planned
58. (C) The US rail network, with an operating layouts prepared to be well delineated areas
route length over 250,000km, is the biggest with planned layouts prepared following the
in the world. Freight lines constitute about planning norms (as laid down in the State,
80% of the country's total rail network, while Town and Country Planning norms (as laid
the total passenger network spans about down in the state, Town and Country
35,000km. China's rail network, with route Planning Acts/similar central or State
length of over 100,000km, ranks as the statutes as may be applicable), which would
second biggest rail network in the world. be duly notified by the State/UTs. These
The extensive network, operated by state- plans would be fimally integrated with the
owned China Railway Corporation, carried District Plans/Master Plans as the case my

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be. - Election Petitions: Any elector or candidate
62. (D) In participatory development (PD), people can file an election petition if he or she
are willingly involved in a wide range of thinks there has been malpractice during
development, Participatory development the election. An election petition is not an
seeks to engage local population in or diary civil suit, but treated as a contest
development projects. It is clear from the in which the whole constituency is involved.
definition of PD that NGOs, Pressure Groups, Election petitions are tried by the High Court
and Cooperatives are involved in it. There of the State involved.
might be some confusion over how state is 69. (D) Article 323 B empowers Parliament and
a part of PD. It is actually the state activity State Legislature to establish tribunals for
that can facilitate or hinder PD. On the other the purpose of taxation, land reforms,

hand, states through their policy and industries and labour etc. That does not
support can facilitate PD. In last few years, contain provision for the purpose of
the role of the state in participatory environment.
development programme to growth, - National Green Tribunal Act, 2010 (NGT) is

employment and redistribution. an Act of the Parliament of India which
63. (D) The 1972 amendments to AFSPA extended creation of a special tribunal to handle the
the power to declare an area disturbed to expeditious disposal of the cases pertaining

the Central Government whereas in the to environmental issues. It was enacted
1958 version of AFSPA, only the state under India's constitutional provision of
Governor had the power. AFSPA gives legal Article 21, which assures the citizens of
immunity to armed personnels, and allows India the right to a healthy environment.
them to use force amounting to injury of - The sanctioned strength of the tribunal is

death, and also arrest without warrant. currently 10 expert members and 10
64. (A) 8th International Security Summit was Judicial members although the act allows
organized by ASSOCHAM in Delhi. for up to 20 of each.

65. (A) The SHGs comprise very poor people who - The Chairman of the tribunal who is the
do not have access to formal financial administrative head of the tribunal also
institutions. They act as the forum for the serves as a judicial member.

members to provide space and support to - Every bench of tribunal must consist of at
each other. It also enables the members to least one expert member and one judicial
learn to cooperate and work in a group member. The chairman of the tribunal is
environment. The SHGs provide savings required to be a serving or retired Chief
mechanism, which suits the needs of the Justice of a High Court or a Judge of the
members. It also provides a cost effective Supreme Court of India.

delivery mechanism for small credit to its 70. (A) Ad hoc judges can be appointed in the
members. The SHGs significantly Supreme Court by ‘‘Chief Justice of India’’
contribute to the empowerment of poor with the prior consent of the President, if
women. Employment Guarantee is not an there is no quorum of judges available to

objective of Self Help Group. hold and continue the session of the court.
66. (D) Delimitation commission is a commission Only the persons who are qualified as to be
establish by Government of India under the appointed as Juge of the Supreme Court can
provisions of the Delimitation Commission be appointed as ad hoc judge of the Supreme
Acts passed by the Parliament, Seats are Court. (Article 127).
reserved for SCs and STs in proportion to 71. (D) Janatha Party - Morarji Desai
their population ratio and not for OBC Janatha Dal - H. D D Deva Gowda
67. (D) In the state of Jammu and Kashmir, 72. (C) Dig locker is a ‘‘digital locker’’ launched
failure of constitutional machinery results by the Government of India in February
in Governor's rule, imposed by invoking 2015 to provide a secure, dedicated personal
Section 92 of Constitution of Jammu and dechotic space for steering the documents
Kashmir. of resident Indian citizens. The storage
- The proclamation is issued by the state's space (minimum 1 GB) is linked to the
Governor after obtaining the consent of the unique Identification Authority of India
President of India. (Aadhar number) of the user.
- If it is not possible to revoke Governor's rule 73. (A) A value added tax (VAT) is a form of
before within six months of imposition, consumption tax. A VAT is like a sales tax
President's Rule under Article 356 of the in that ultimately only the end consumer
Indian Constitution is imposed. is taxed. It differs from the sales tax in that,
68. (A) Disqualification under the Constitution with the latter, the tax is collected and
and RPA are decided by President after purchase by the end consumer. VAT comes
getting the opinion of Supreme Court. under the single tax system based primarily

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or exclusively on one tax, typically chosen bank charges on the loans and advances to
for its special properties. Most of the Indian a commercial bank. Whenever the banks
States have replaced sales tax with value have any shortage of funds they can borrow
Added Tax (VAT) from 1 April, 2005. VAT is it from the central bank. Repo (Repurchase)
imposed on goods only and not services and rate is the rate at which the central bank
it has replaced sales tax. lends short-term money to the banks
74. (A) Devaluation is reduction in the exchange against securities. A reduction in the repo
value of a country's monetary unit in terms rate will help banks to get money at a
of gold, silver, or foreign currency. By cheaper rate. When the repo rate increases
decreasing the price of the price of imports borrowing from the central bank becomes
in the home country, devaluation more expensive. It is more applicable when
there is a liquidity crunch in the market.

encourages the home country, devaluation
discourages expenditures on imports, thus 81. (D) Flight of capital refers to the movement of
improving its balance of payments. money from one investment to another in
75. (*) search of greater stability or increased

76. (C) It is a service offered by a securities movement of money from investments in
depository under which the depository one country to another in order to avoid
maintains book accounts recording the country-specific risk (such as high inflation

ownership of securities held on behalf of the or political turmoil) or in search of higher
depository's participants, for eligible returns. Capital flight is seen most
securities. commonly in massive foreign capital
77. (B) Monetary policy is the process by which outflows from a specific country, often at
the monetary authority of a country controls times of currency instability.

the supply of money, often targeting a rate 82. (D) The voluntary retirement scheme (VRS)
of interest for the purpose of promoting is the most humane technique to provide
economic growth and stability. The official overall reduction in the existing strength

goals usually include relatively stable prices of the employees. It is a technique used by
and low unemployment. The contraction of companies for trimming the workforce
employed in the industrial unit. It is also
the monetary supply can be achieved
known as ‘Golden Handshake’ as it is the

indirectly by authorities in different the
golden route to retrenchment.
nominal interest rates. Monetary
83. (B) If the supply is less than the demand, the
authorities in different nations have
price will increase. Inflation the persistent
differing levels of control of economy-wide
increase in aggregate demand or decrease
interest rates.
in aggregate supply. This suggests two
78. (B) Gresham's law is an economic principle

basics sources, causes, or types of inflation-
that states; ‘‘When a government
demand-pull inflation and cost-push
compulsorily overvalues one type of money
inflation. In general, prices increase as a
and undervalues another, the undervalued
result of market shortages, which occur
money will leave the country or disappear

when quantity demanded exceeds quantity
from circulation into.’’ It is commonly stated
supplied. Market shortages can be created
as: ‘‘Bad money drives out good.’’ by either increases in demand or decreases
79. (D) Mixed economy is an economic system in in supply. Translating this to the
which both the state and private sector macroeconomy suggests that inflation
direct the economy, reflecting occurs when aggregate demand exceeds
characteristics of both market economies aggregate supply.
and planned economies. The basic idea of 84. (C) All factors of production like land, labour,
the mixed under private ownership; that capital and entrepreneur are required in
markets remain the profit-seeking combination at a time to produce a
enterprises and the accumulation of capital commodity. Production means creation or
remain the fundamental driving force an addition of utility. Factors of production
behind economic activity. However, unlike (or productive ‘inputs’ or ‘resources’) are any
a free-market economy, the government commodities or services used to produce
would wield considerable indirect influence goods and service.
over the economy through fiscal and 85. (D) The law of diminishing returns (also law
monetary policies designed to counteract
of diminishing marginal returns or law of
economic downturns and capitalism's
increasing relative cost) states that in all
tendency toward financial crises and
productive processes, adding more of one
unemployment, along with playing a role in
factor of production, while holding all others
interventions that promote social welfare.
80. (A) Bank rate, also referred to as the discount constant (‘‘ceteris paribus’’), will at some
rate, is the rate of interest which a central point yield lower per-unit returns. The law

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of diminishing returns does not imply that pains, and a characteristic skin rash that
adding more of a factor will decrease the total is similar to measles. In a small proportion
production, a condition known an negative of cases the disease develops into the life-
returns, though in fact this is common. threatening dengue hemorrhagic fever,
86. (D) Fusus vesiculosus is a brown seaweed and resulting in bleeding, low levels dengue
is also known as bladderwrack or red algae, shock syndrome, where dangerously low
according to the National Institutes of blood platelets and blood plasma leakage,
Health (NIH). Red marine algae and other or into dengue shock syndrome, where
seaweeds are common components of Asian dangerously low blood pressure occurs.
diets and are often used in dietary Dengue is transmitted by several species
supplements. The high iodine content in red of mosquito within the genus Aedes,

marine algae can lead to hypothyroidism or principally A. aegypti.
hyperthyroidism. 91. (C) High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is one of
87. (D) Chlorophyll, a photo-receptive pigment, the major groups of lipoproteins, which, in

allows plants to absorb sunlight and order of sizes, largest to smallest, are
synthesize it into carbohydrates and oxygen. chylomicrons, VLDL, IDL, LDL, and HDL,
The basic formula for photosynthesis takes which enable lipids like cholesterol and
6 molecules of carbon dioxide and 6 triglycerides to be transported within the
molecules of water, reacts them in the
presence them into 1 molecules of water,
reacts them in the presence of chlorophyll
and sunlight (a catalyst), and converts them
water-based bloodstream. In healthy
individuals, about thirty percent of blood
cholesterol is carried by HDL. About one -
fourth to one-third of blood cholesterol is

into 1 molecule of glucose (C6H12O6) and 6 known as ‘‘good’’ cholesterol, because high
molecules of oxygen, Chlorophyll is a chlorin levels of HDL seem to protect against heart
pigment, which is structurally similar to and attack. Low levels of HDL (less than 40 mg/

produced through the same metabolic dL) also increase the risk of heart disease.
pathway as other porphyrin pigments such Medical experts think that HDL tends to
as heme. At the center of the chlorin ring carry cholesterol away from the arteries and
is a magnesium ion. The molecular formula back to the liver, where it's passed from the

of C 55H 70O 6N 4Mg and a structure of (2- body. Some experts believe that HDL
formyl)-chlorophyll has been deduced based removes excess cholesterol from arterial
on NMR, optical and mass spectra. plaque, slowing its buildup.
88. (B) The ostrich is the largest and heaviest bird 92. (A) Thalassemia are forms of inherited
that is alive today. Although it cannot fly, autosomal recessive blood disorders that

the ostrich is also the fastest -running bird originated in the Mediterranean region. In
today; it can run up to about 43 mph (70 kph). thalassemia, the disease is caused by the
It can outrun most predators, but can also weakening and destruction of red blood cells.
kick to protect itself; another strategy Whilst possessing the ability to cause

against threats is to crouch close to the significant complications, including
ground to camoulflage itselft. The ostrich anaemia, iron overload, bone deformities and
can grow up to 9 feet (2.7 m) tall and weight cardiovascular illness, thalassemia, which
up to 345 pounds (156 kg). The ostrich also is or was prevalent in the regions where the
has the biggest eyeballs of any bird alive trait is common.
today; each eyeball is 2 inches (5 cm) across. 93. (B) A food chain is a linear sequence of links
It has a long neck that allows it to see in a food web starting from trophic species
predators from far away. that eats no other species in the web and
89. (D) Neutering involves removing the source ends at a trophic species that is eaten by
of the hormones that control reproduction no other species in the web. Plant, rabbit
and that determine the typical physical and and tiger form species in the web. Plant
behavioral characteristics that distinguish represents producer, rabbit and tiger form
males and females. In dogs and cats, this is a food chain where plant represents
usually done by surgically removing the producer, rabbits represent a vegetarian,
testicles in males (castration) and the while tiger represents a non-vegetarian.
ovaries in females (spaying). The primary 94. (C) Keratin is family of fibrous structural
purpose of neutering is to prevent proteins. Keratin is the key structural
reproduction. material making up the outer layer of
90. (D) Dengue fever also known as breakbone human skin. It is also the key structural
fever, is an infectious tropical disease component of hair and nails. Keratin
caused by the dengue virus. Symptoms monomers assemble into bundles to form
include fever, headache, muscle and joint intermediate filaments, which are tough

(M) 9555108888, 9555208888 9

and insoluble and form strong un- very close to the skin surface and can be
mineralized tissues found in reptiles, birds, found near veins; others are just under the
amphibians, and mammals. Cells in the skin and in the deeper fatty tissues near
epidermis contain a structural matrix of the muscles and can be found near arteries.
keratin, which makes this outermost layer 99. (A) There are two forms of tuberculosis that
of the skin almost waterproof, and along with cause significant disease in mammals.
collagen and elastin, gives skin its strength. Human tuberculosis, a sometimes acute,
95. (C) The richest sources of protein are animal but much more commonly, a chronic lung
foods such as chicken, meat, fish, cheese infection is caused by the bacterium,
and eggs. However, plant proteins are Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Bovine
believed to be healthier because of their tuberculosis is a very similar disease that

lower fat content. Plant protein is found (e.g.) infects cattle, as well as deer, goats, elk and
in beans (esp. soy beans), lentils, nuts, many other animals. This infection is
quorn and seeds. Fish and seafood are some caused by related bacterium,
of the richest sources of protein. One-half Mycobacterium bovis. Human infections

of a typical fillet of halibut or salmon with the bovine form of the bacteria are
provides approximately 41g of protein-rich transmitted through milk.
food option for vegetarians and non- 100.(D) Ecological productivity refers to the

vegetarians alike. One cup of boiled primary fixation of solar energy by plants
soybeans provides over 28g of protein. and the subsequent use of that fixed energy
96. (C) Around the world, there is an increasing by plant-eating herbivores, animal-eating
trend in areas of land, surface waters and carnivores, and the detritivores that feed
ground water affected by contamination from upon dead biomass. Ecologists refer to the

industrial, military and agricultural productivity Deserts, tundra, and the deep
activities due to either ignorance, lack of ocean are the least productive ecosystems,
vision, or carelessness. In the last three typically having an energy fixation of less

decades a special interest in the world is than 0.5 × 103 kilocalories per square meter
aroused by the potential of using the per year (thousands of kcal/m2/yr; it takes
biological methods in the waste water one calorie to raise the temperature of one

treatment. Water hyacinth (Eichhornia gram of water by 34ºF [1ºC] under standard
crassipes) constitutes an important part of conditions, and there are 1,000 calories in
an aquatic ecosystem. Water hyacinth as a a kcal). Grasslands, montane and boreal
very promising plant with tremendous forests, waters of the continental shelf, and
application in wastewater treatment is rough agriculture typically have
already proved. Water hyacinth is used to productivities of 0.5-3.0 ×103 kcal/m2/yr.

treat waste water from dairies, tanneries, Moist forests, moist prairies, shallow lakes,
sugar factories, pulp and paper industries, and typical agricultural systems have
palm oil mills, distilleries, etc. productivities of 3-10 × 103 kcal/m2/yr. The
97. (D) Blood pressure is an important indicator most productive ecosystems are fertile

of adrenal health and function. Mild adrenal esturies and marshes, coral reefs,
weakness is usually accompanied by normal terrestrial vegetation on moist alluvial
to high blood pressure. As Adrenal Fatigue deposits, and intensive agriculture, which
advances, low blood pressure, at rest or can have productivities of 10-25 × 103 kcal/
related to posture becomes more prevalent. m2/yr.
98. (C) The lymphatic system consists of a
network of specialized lymphatic vessels
and various tissues and organs throughout
the body that contain lymphocytes fight
infection and disease. The lymphatic
vessels are similar to veins but have
thinner walls. Some of these vessels are

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