G'Day Cuisines Academic

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Assignment 2

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Question 1

The new rules adopted by G’Day Cuisines are based on specific principles which are meant to
lower the overall wait time and generate more revenue in the process. The principles encompass
the various ways in which the restaurantdistances itself from other similar establishments in the
market, and considering the principles to be the ideal medium, manages to form a unique dining
experience that the customer enjoys and looks forward to for its uniqueness. The most important
factor that contributes to this experience happens to be the development of a strong bond
between the employees of the restaurant and the customer, and using modern technological tools
at their disposal, forge a unique connection that draws the patron to the restaurant due to its
existing popularity and the promise of excellent service due to reduction of wait time.

It is important to delve into the nuances of the profitabilityby considering the business operations
in orderto come up with a generic structure focusing on success via the point that all economic
establishments are more likely to gain their targets by following fresh modes of development,
such as the pre-order method in this case. On an implicit level, it is necessary to highlight a
particular business strategy asprofitability obviously is the main coalescing factor behind the
entire tactic, and thus, the target is the development of asmooth interaction with the various
consumers usingtechnology as the main support. The point of concentration seemingly has
shifted from a product-motivated way to one ruled that is ruled through emotions (Roberts,
2004). The restaurant needs to try and ensure that there is no way it is going to deviate from its
principles. They need to stay the same across every one of the restaurant’s managementstructure
over the course of time.

The restaurant will hold long term appeal for the customerif all aspects of the establishment
understand the ideal method of implementing the fresh business model. The truth, however, is
that this particular approach seems insufficient due to the concept that it often forgoes the
patrons and their demands which may later cause issues.

The new system in place, however,requires a great deal of scrutiny as it might cause
therestaurantto be perceived just from an occasionally unrealistic positive angle, thereby missing
a vital point towards G’Day Cuisines. For example, the restaurant can accommodate only a
certain number of people but in this case, there are no limits to the amount of pre-orders that they
can take for a specific period of time. There needs to be a solution to this like the way the
management of the restaurant like the way they have levied a surcharge on latecomers. The
entire analysis of the business operationsshould be internal but should not appear to be one-sided
and positive towards Brand G’Day Cuisines. No objective perspective should be lacking in this
case, failing which it becomes necessary to consider the external factors such as the media
functioning and customers in the form of co-branding. Moreover, this kind of holistic approach is
not entirely adequate to describe Brand G’Day Cuisines’ contents.

In order to understand the business operations of G’Day Cuisines, we can look at eight principles
regarding the success of the restaurant. G’Day Cuisines needs to remain relevant from the
viewpoint of the consumer and therefore, the needs of the consumer need to be realized which is
now achievable in a better way thanks to the new pre-order method. The patron now possesses
greater control over the restaurant than before and, in different ways, is in the driver’s seat. The
current position may be attributed to the power of the Internet where word of mouth regarding
the new systems can be used to spread positive narratives that are not always under the control of
the organization. He claims that the level of profitability desired by the restaurant can be
achieved through communication initially via the employees along with the artefacts present
inside the store such as décor, design, quality of the food, level of service, ambience. An
important reason whyG’Day Cuisines is a success happens to be the method in which the
restaurant expands upon its brand – every one of their extensions choose to rely on the central
mantra aspect. Such an “everything matters” slant of the brand and therefore, focus on every
possible element of the organization to highlight the image, is indicative of the holistic view
regarding the process of profitability. The needs of the customer are indicative of the present
context where they interact and through the new system in place, G’Day Cuisines is providing
customers with a stable platform to book seats in advance thereby portraying the exclusivity of
the situation but in reality, aiming for the profitability of the restaurant by cutting down on the
time required to order.

The attitude adopted by G’Day Cuisines and its connection to the trending cultural context to
gain achievement of success should be pointed out to understand the current business operations.
According to the researchers, G’Day Cuisine’s success and popularity can be attributed mainly to
the ability of the establishment to offer customers the right combination of elements at the
opportune moments. The term used to identify the segment was bobos from the bohemians as
well as the bourgeois who made several attempts “to meld the bourgeois values of hard work,
career success, and material affluence with the bohemian values of creativity, expressiveness,
anticonformism, and antimateiralism” all of which can be found in the G’Day Cuisines myth.
The latter possesses the capacity to allay the different cultural conflicts stemming from the
appreciation of both the bohemian and the bourgeois values, and it becomes imperative to
identify the corporate bohemians, who form part of the consumer base for G’Day Cuisines.
However, the restaurant is still striving to fulfilthe branding narrative promises. The authenticity
of the establishmentin this aspect plays a major role in terms of the success garnered by the
restaurant and one viewpoint for this matter is that the new pre-orderingsystem implemented by
G’Day Cuisines appears to be the target of contempt, as the promotion of the new methods of
customer service can be stated to be effective but quite unusual at the same time in terms of
marketing dependent on the plea relating to the true identity of G’Day Cuisines as a popular
restaurant in the hospitality industry. Therefore, before long the consumers might get the feeling
that they are being duped as far as the authenticity of the new business operations is concerned
and then the goodwill might be lost in the process.

Question 2

Lerpold et al. completed a study in 2007 where Rindova tried to analyse the different strategies
of communication available inside the hospitality industry. These tactics hold significant weight
since they are crucial in the matter of restaurants, providing the establishment a specific set of
values and altering the perceptions of the customers. Rindova provides an explanation dealing
with the way in which communication strategy has a large role to play in the hospitality industry,
especially in the form of leadership. Rindova believed that the key to success in the hospitality
industry is the culmination of four different communication strategies that together help develop
multiplex communication tactics that help facilitate the communication between shareholders at
various levels. This, in the end, helps form a greatly streamlined perception that does not simply
communicate possible outcomes and advantages but actually works at a level that draws from
feeling and cognition. Establishments compete not just for resources but also takes into account
the viewpoint of the shareholders. In this aspect, the perception regarding the communication of
the business is an established fact for the restaurant as well as an intangible resource, which
Barney (1991) states that gives rise to not only competitive benefits in the short run but in the
long haul as well. Thus, it can resist competitors who wish to follow this model through
imitation. The primary reason for the popularity and success of the restaurant happens to the use
of the effective and unique multiplex communication strategy. The latter is linked deeply to the
delivery strategy of the company also, which includes a specific strategy for delivery also – a
certain strategy takes into account not only the rational level of consumers but their motive also
for supporting the food at G’Day Cuisines.

Certain points need to be taken into consideration including G’Day Cuisines’ ability to
completely fulfil promises made to customers regarding the timely nature of the delivery system
along with more digging into the way that restaurant services attach meanings to the lives of
people and how the same has changed constantly over a passage of time, and also changes to the
consumer culture which has led customers to relate to the establishment in a separate manner

Despite the focus being on delivery options offered by G’Day Cuisines, mention should be made
of certain conditions in the market due to the prominence of radical alterations made to
competitive markets along with hospitality trends as well as the market structure in light of the
way G’Day Cuisines is seen by the consumers. It is vital to take into account the changing nature
of the competition as well when discussing changes to the existing system of delivery. Thus,
G’Day Cuisines has in a way gained a strategic industrial position which imparts it with
sufficient relevance to be noticed. It is good to opt for a complete industry analysis to develop a
competitive strategy on delivery. Thus, the importance of a full industry analysis is understood in
order to provide strategic recommendations about a competitive tactic on delivery but owing to
the scope, the competitive environment will be included simply to highlight the position of
G’Day Cuisines and the company evolution in terms of delivery. Hence, the competitive
environment analysis on delivery will concentrate on the competitors.

Arguments state that empirically, G’Day Cuisines is capable of escapingold narratives in terms
of winning the battle against profitability struggles as well as in terms of retaining the same level
of success through excellent delivery options. The restaurant has made sure that it changes with
time and the mode of delivery followed by G’Day Cuisines seems to follow the same trend,
which establishes the need for greater research into how exactly have developments occurred in
the last ten years. Thus, it will be our attempt to conclude if the existing delivery ideas have
maintained consistency, and whether they have been strengthened or harmed by ideas
submittedby consumers and the media.

The delivery systemneeds to be understood in the context of the findings regarding the present
business operations along with their growth and expansion. Going through the restaurant’s
business operations will arise from the theory implying that variations in the present operations
scheme will affect the establishment if it is unable to adhere to the existing culture. However, the
focus will be mainly on delivery and especially on the way it affects G’Day Cuisines’

It has been mentioned that customersavail delivery for convenience and to establish a form of
self-identity. In this aspect, it is important to take into account the number of G’Day Cuisines’
customers who use the establishment for their identity projects. Apart from this, more
clarification is required with the intent of understanding whether or not consumers’ identity
projects have undergone any sort of change, thereby stating how G’Day Cuisines in the form of a
brand can still appeal to the same types of projects via their existing systems of delivery. It is,
thus, important to believe in transfer of meaning and check the way in which customers are able
to shift brand meanings at the time of interaction to their self-identity while delivery is taking

Consumer culture findingsregarding delivery from G’Day Cuisines and its current values need to
be perceived against the identity projects of the consumers and then implement certain
techniques for development. Moreover, the identity projects involving the bobo-culture need to
be showcased for the purpose of concluding the types of identity projects that were handled by
G’Day Cuisines. Examination of the consumers for the restaurant helps understand whether or
not there were any changes in the manner in which the identification of customers will be
executed and also the way in which brand meanings are attributed by customers to G’Day
Cuisine’s delivery methods. Therefore, it becomes important to check the way in which
meanings of a certain brand can correspond with the post-modern character of the consumers
when compared to the bobo-consumer. Specifically, this becomes possible via the application of
the findings after analysing the narrative to see what relates to the meanings which are currently
presented to the restaurant, and whether or not the demands of the consumers have any
semblance on these meanings.


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