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is one of More Economically Developed Country or also known as

MEDC. Australian citizens are considered to have excellent quality of life included
convenience facilities, high education, and great health care system provided for
all of citizens in Australia. From past to present, I know some people such as my
relatives or friends who migrate to Australia with their families in order to find a
better job or start a new business which they are able to earn higher wages there.
Therefore, in the final project I made a decision to do the topic “Why do many
people migrate to Australia for business?” due to the curiosity of me that want to
know truly reasons. Moreover, this topic study will lead to the various references
from deferent websites in order to find out the exact information of why do many
people migrate to Australia for business.

Napat Buakrasin (Earn) 1004

11 May 2018
Goal: Research about the history of Australia
What I learned:

Reference :

Australia or officially the Commonwealth of Australia is a sovereign country
made up of Australian continent, the island of Tasmania. It is considered to be the
largest country in Oceania and the sixth largest country in the world by total area.
The capital of Australia is Canberra and the largest city is Sydney. Australia has the
world’s 13th largest economy and tenth highest per capita income with the second-
highest human development index globally, the country ranks highly in quality of
life, health, education, economic freedom, and political rights.
New question:
What is the total area of Australia?
I have learned the history and some of the common things that I need to
know about Australia. All of the information can help me know the way to continue
doing this final project which I decided to do the topic “Why do many people
migrate to Australia for business” and I hope that I will be able to achieve my goal
every day during the time I do this project.

15 May 2018
Goal: Research about types of migration, Push and Pull factors
What I learned:
There are many types of migration such as voluntary, involuntary,
temporary, and permanent.
• Voluntary – people who choose to move in for better jobs and higher wages
which is also known as economic migrants.
• Involuntary – people who have to move because of facing with extreme
hardship, persecution or even death which also known as environmental
• Temporary – for instance, seasonal migrants
• Permanent – people who move and do not return home
Moreover, there are two important factors or reasons why people migrate which
are push and pull factors.
Push factors - force people to leave their own county such as:
• Not enough jobs
• Low wages
• Poor educational opportunities
• Poor health care
• War
• Drought and famine
Pull factors – attract people to a new country such as:
• Finding a job
• Higher wages than at home
• Better health care
• Chance of better education
• Better standard of living
• Lower levels of crime and safety
New question:
What are the reason of people who migrate to Australia? Are they have
relatives there before immigrate there?
Change in thinking:
There are many factors making people decided to move to another area and
every people have different reasons of migration.
I learned that there are mainly four types of migration with different
reasons. Moreover, there are two main factors for people to migrate.
18 May 2018
Goal: Research the reasons why people immigrate to Australia
What I learned:
There are many reasons why people migrate to Australia. Firstly, Australia
provide various career opportunities for people due to the rapid economic growth
of Australia which a large amount of industries started expanding and businesses
are booming caused many career opportunities for the migrants.
Secondly, the high-quality life in Australia due to a low population, low
pollution, so many people decided to settle down in Australia.
Thirdly, there is a great healthcare system provided in Australia which is
known as one of the best in the world because of the covering of the
hospitalization and medical payments of the citizens in the public hospitals.
Fourthly, Australia has low air pollution which offers a great and healthy
environment for both residents and travelers.
Fifthly, Australia provides high-quality of education system which is ranked
to be the 8th position of the best class in the world, so many parents choose
Australia for their children to study.
Sixthly, it is one of the multicultural society which means Australia has
various nationality with different types of cultures and backgrounds.
Seventhly, people in Australia have their own style accent and most of them
understand English which make it easier to communicate with them.
Eighthly, it is easy to get water, gas, and electricity connection in Australia
which is one of the benefit for Australians.
Ninthly, the Australia financial is stable which its economic growth is almost
steady for more than 15 years makes more people immigrate to Australia every
year to find some jobs and earn higher wages or salary.
Moreover, there is an aggressive system of migration since 1920 that
Australia migration program is very helpful to the migrants. Australian government
has provided great visa options for people who are married to the permanent
residents or Australian citizens. And the migration agents ready to help every
people from every country to immigrate to Australia.
Lastly, Australia is known as the low crime rate country with the community-
minded nature of Australian people.
References :
New question:
What would happen if unskilled people immigrate to Australia to find a job?
Change in thinking:
Immigrate people are only concerned about doing the business in Australia
but also they have many reasons for migrate to Australia.
There are various factors pushing people from another country to immigrate
to Australia. Moreover, the other countries have pull factors which make people
decided to migrate. As I have studied about more opportunities in Australia and
many good things there, I believe that there are many people want to immigrate to
Australia in order to start a business, find some jobs which earn high salary, and
study. And if I have a chance to migrate to anywhere in the world, I would say
Australia is one of the country where I want to settle down.

21 May 2018
Goal: Research about the net migration in Australia
What I learned:
I learn what is the net migration rate and the formula of net migration rate.
Net migration rate is the rate of people moving into a country less than the
number of people moving out of the same country. And there is a formula of net
migration rate:
N = 1000 x (I - E) / P
N = net migration rate
E = number of people emigrating out of the country
I = number of people immigrating into the country
P = the estimated mid-year population
From research the current net migration, Australia has 22,728,254 as a total
population and its net migration per 1,000 people from year 2007-2012 are
45.01/1,000 people.
New question:
Why there are low birth rate and death rate in Australia?
Change in thinking:
There is high number of net migration rate in Australia compared with
another country.

22 May 2018
Goal: Research about under population in Australia
What I learned:
Australia has a population about 20 million and there are many areas empty
in Australia which probably can support more population. Australian government
have tried to increase the number of population in order to have more workers to
develop its economic. Based on this information, Australia is considered to be one
of the unpopulated county due to having many resources but are not used fully.
There are various problems occur in Australia as it is an underpopulated country.
Firstly, the shortage of workers in Australia which also caused the lower optimum
productivity. Secondly, there are less people paying tax and the government has to
raise the tax. Thirdly, many services such as hospitals, schools, and also the public
transport may have to close due to low number of customers. Moreover, there
may be less innovation and development of the country because of having less
population or workers. Apart from problems, there are some causes and
consequences of under population in Australia.
Causes of under population:
• Low population in huge city
• Low natural growth rate which is only 0.6%
• Low birth rate with knowledge of using contraception
• Low death rate due to healthy lifestyle, good healthcare, and great diet
• High amount of natural resources and fertile land
Consequences of under population:
• Not enough workers to exploit natural resources
• Has strong economy because of having lots of export goods
• MEDCs which mean people are rich
• There is little unemployment
• People earn high wages
• High education for people with available for 21 years which 99% of the
population are literate
• Excellent healthcare with the ratio of 1 doctor per 300 people
• Low density of the settlement with lots of space of housing
References :
New question:
How to establish a business in Australia?
Change in thinking:
I have learned that under population has not only disadvantages but also
advantages which are considered to be the factors of immigration to Australia.
The under population in Australia caused by various things such as having
large amount of resources but less population and as Australia is an under
populated county, the government concerns about its shortage of workers due to
having small number of population. Therefore, the wages in Australia are high and
people who live in Australia have great living conditions which can encourage or
known as pull factor for the other people to immigrate to Australia. Moreover,
there are many consequences of the under population occur in Australia which
have both advantages and disadvantages such as having strong economy due to
large number of resources that can be an export goods. And not only having little
unemployment in Australia but also almost all of people in Australia are rich with
high incomes. However, under population is one of the disadvantages in Australia
because it has not enough workers to exploit natural resources and some old
people have to work even though they are at the age of retiring because Australian
government and companies want more workers to develop their country.

25 May 2018
Goal: Research about starting a business in Australia
What I learned:
Australia is MEDCs which has high wages for people and there are a number
of important consideration for investors when deciding to start a business in
Australia. Moreover, there are various ways for the investors to choose for
instance, establishing a new company, registering as a foreign company, and
acquiring an existing company. Australia has many common structures provided
for investors when starting a business which there are four main types: sole trader,
partnerships, trusts, and companies. The investors need to choose suitable
structure which suit their business needs. For an international investor who want
to enter the Australian market, they may establish a new Australian company or
establish a new Australian subsidiary which also operates as an Australian
company. The important thing is that all of the companies in Australia must be
registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission or known as
ASIC. For the foreign entities, they need to register as a foreign company and carry
on business in Australia as a foreign company. And ASIC is responsible for the
ongoing of all of the foreign companies.
References :
New question:
Which countries in the world do people want to immigrate to?
Change in thinking: -
I have learned that there are several
people who want to immigrate to Australia also
ASIC is responsible for those who immigrate to
Australia. At first, it was difficult to find this kind
of information in the internet however, I tried to
research many website and I got some great
information which helped me to understand
about starting a business in Australia better. I’m
sure that I can use this information to continue
doing this project and I will start planning my
final product of this project very soon.

26 May 2018
Goal: Plan about the final product
What I learned:
I planed to make a final product which represent all of the important topics
why many people migrate to Australia for business. I planed to do the infographic
that represents all of the main ideas that refer to my topic. There are various
website that I can do the infographic but there is only one website I used to do
which is
New question:
How can I include all of the main ideas from this topic to the info graphic
and the audiences could understand what I really want to inform?
Change in thinking:
Even though I had a chance to did the info graphic in only one website which
is but I decided to try new thing. I changed my mind not to do the info
graphic in easel but instead I do it on
As I decided to make my final product as to be the info graphic about
migration to Australia for business. I learned how to use the website so that I can
continue planning about the info graphic. The website called Canva has various
features that I can represent my topic clearly. Therefore, I’m absolutely sure that
my final product can makes the audience understand my ideas about the topic

<Here is the beginning of the infographic>
29 May 2018
Goal: Try to finish the infographic
At first I decided to do the info graphic by using Canva but then I realized
after I tried to do that I had used may suit to this project more than
using canva. Therefore, I changed my decision to stop doing the final product
which is infographic in Canva but started doing it on instead. At the
moment, I try to do as much as I can for today and I hope that this infographic will
be finished by tomorrow or tonight.

• This is the finish look of an
infographic which is my final
• This infographic includes all of
the main ideas of the topic “Why do
many people migrate to Australia
for business”.

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