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Why is \ki"
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Good Lighti ng
lm portant to You ?
Proper and adequate lighting is often overlooked as a signifi-
cant factor in increasing efficiency and proflts while reducing
costs. Yet case after case in Sylvania's files show that lighting
improvements result in definite operational advantages. Spe-
cifically, these benefits can be higher production, less material
or product rejects, faster and more accurate inspection, better RUGGED. . .
employee morale and lower accident and absenteeism rates. The Power-V Series is designed ond built lo loke punishmenf.
But proper lighting means more than merely calculating so The slrong, rigid conslruction feqlures double-V embossmenls
many watts per square foot . . . or just adding fixtures to an on the tough porceloinized refleclor ond slurdy chonnel lo
existing installation. withstond rough hondling ond lo ossure conlinued perform-
once despite vibrqlions or shocks.
Illuminating engineers and designers stress the importance
of the I E S Recommended Footcandle Levels. And they em-
phasize that the quality of lighting must also be controlled for
The cleon design, minimum number of porls, complete wir-
maximum visual efficiency. Direct and indirect glare, bright- ing ond lobor-soving devices of the Power-V Series odd up
ness contrasts, shadows and other factors must be considered to simplicity of instollotion qnd mqinlenqnce for you.
when a lighting system is designed because all of these have
an effect on the benefits received.
EFF'C'ENT . . .
Recommended footcondle levels ore ottoined eosily with
The need for good industrial illumination has increased in Power-V cnd you ochieve quolity stondords, too. De-
recent years" So too has the knowledge and experience of the signed lo use 43O mo,8OO mo HO or oll types of I5OO mo
people directly connected with the lighting field. Development fluorescenl lomps, Choice of slotted refleclors combines high
of products and application techniques has been rapid. efficiency with desired lighting dislribution.
One of the outstanding developments is Sylvania's Power-V
Series of industrial lighting fixtures. This series encompasses
NEAF. . .
Trim, shollow dppeoronce ir orrured lhrough posilive inte-
features of installation, maintenance and lighting efficiency grotion of chonnel ond porceloin rcfleclor which nesi togelher.
that have proved by experience to be important in the selection The modern, low silhouette ond qll white finish enhonce ony
and specification of a lighting system. industriol inslqllqlion.

The Answer is Vers atilily . , . One of the outstanding features of Sylvania's Power-V Series
is its complete versatility. Here, from one family of lighting fi*l
With the refinement of lighting knowledge, needs and techniques, tureq you can choose l0'/o or 25o/o tryward component of lightv
it is obvious that one fixture model cannot solve all problems. . . . select the lamp type (430 ma rapid or instant start, 800 ma
Each lighting installation must be considered separately. The HO or 1500 ma) that best meets your needs . . . choose either 4'
fixture model that best answers the needs should then be selected. or 8' fixtures for individual or continuous row mounting . . .
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j;t '- The power-v series
Makes Your Lighting lnstallation

This Fixture Series provides money-saving methods of reduc-
N |lrttr ,
::i;igvl''.:r'.,,; ing installation time. An example is the new GRAVITY-LOK
}*, Hanger which makes installation as simple as 1-2-3. Here's
Power-V how it works.

Afler Grovity-Lok Hong-
Maintenance Prevention er is fqslened or sus-
pended, engoge groove
of one side of fixlure
Of particular importance to industrial plants is equipment chqnnel inro lip of slo-
that eliminates unnecessary maintenance and makes re- tionory side of Grovity-
quired maintenance as simple as possible. Lok Honger.
Sylvania's Power-V Series meets this challenge.
The built-in features of top-quality components, CBM
ballasts, metal clad lampholders, longJasting porcelain Movoble clqmp of
and Miracoat enamel finish, frising of all 800 ma HO and Grovily-Lok Honger
1500 ma ballasts . . . plus rigid quality-control standards moves oside qs chonnel
assure you of trouble-free operation.
is rotoled upword inlo
posilion, Clomp folls into
And the occasional cleaning or lamp changes required
chonnel groove holding
are also simple, even when shielding is used.
it sofely in ploce. To pre-
The reflector is secured to the channel by one-quarter venl honger from sliding
turn, spring-loaded latches for positive and firm attach- olong lhe chonnel, lhe
ment. Simple and positive, this latching arrangement sel screw moy be
reduces maintenance time and increases safety. lightened.

and select shielding, ifdesired, from louvered, lens or panel types.
You can specify the model of your choice with either open or
closed ends and they can be installed with a variety of mount-
ing accessories.
No matter what your lighting problem may be, Sylvania's
it . . . efficiently and practically.
Power-V Series can answer

'Bfulttrc| W
Wide Choice of Shieldings
mentary lighting tasks such as industrial inspection are examples
A variety of shieldings are available for use with Sylvania's of this application.
Power-V. The use of the proper shielding broadens the applica- The door frame of the Power-V holds the shielding flrmly in
tion possibilities of this fixture line. In fact, you can take advan- position to withstand sudden jars or shocks. It swings down
tage of the Power-V in areas requiring the rugged features of in- from either side for easy maintenance.
dustrial fixtures together with the illumination characteristics To suit your particular application, you can choose from
that only shielding can provide. Fine assembly areas and supple- the following.

Shielding lotch. Spring steel-snop-on

PV-10-30' x 30o Meiol fit. Assures positive ottochment of shield
Louver Shielding-Cell Type.
frome lo reflector. Allows shielding to
White Boked Mirocoot Enomel
hinge or lotch from either side.

PV-25-30' x 30o Metol Grovity-lok Slide Grip Honger (Ploted

for PV-10 ond PV-25 Series.
Louver Shielding-Blode Type,
Whiie Bqked Mirocoot Enomel
30" Choin Honger (plored) for suspen-
sion from Grovity-Lok slide grip honger
or directly from fixture chonnel.
PV-l O-Potterned Plostic Lens
Shielding-Frorned Door.
Polystyrene Plostic. Reflector End Plote for PV-10 or PV-25
Series. Porceloin enomel finish. For ends
of rows or individuolly mounted fixtures,
Eosily ottoched to reflector.
PV-'l O-Polorized Lisht Shield-
ing-Fromed Door. Plostic ln-line Boffle Plote for PV-10 or PV-25
Ponel. Series. White Bqked Mirocoot Enomel
Finish. For use every 4' in continuous row

For more detoiled informotion ond photometric

doto, see individuol Power-V specificotion sheets.

lo provide for practicolly every type of mounling reqviremeni, Sylvonio's 8 eosy

movnling metfiods provide moximum flexibility-nve inslallalion lime, and money.


;;i;EBAi' TEIEpHoIvE e ErEcrBoAUcs W
SvlveNrl. LtcnrrNc Pnonucrs
A Division of SyLvANTA ErBcrnrc Pnooucrs INc.
One 48th Street, Wheeling, West Virginia

PVSA-35M-l 062

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