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Jennalyn Torai 
823 Styles Ct. 
Tae City, CA 78457 
(546) 823-4984 


To secure a position as a Assistant Photographer  


ROP Photography 1, James Logan high school​ ​ - Photographer 

August 2017 - PRESENT 
● Learned basic photograhy skills  
Special Skills: 
- Experienced with a digital camera 
- Working in the dark room 
- Using a pinhole camera 

ROP Careers in Education 1 and 2, Fremon​t​ - Assistant teacher 

November 2016 - June 2018 
● Helped watch and teach kids  
● Prepared school materials and activites 
● Helped with clean up 

James Logan high school, Union City  

August 2014 - June 2018 
Completed Senior year. 
ROP Photography 1, JLHS Union City 
August 2017 - June 2018 
Completed Photography 1.  


● Photographed a family member’s birthday party 

● Recieved Best DEPTH OF FIELD photograph in Photography 1 

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