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● Adults believe their entitled to the respect of young people.

● Adults don’t understand that young people only crave to accepted for who they are
without the outside criticism of adults.
● Adults have a pride that doesn’t allow them to acknowledge when they are in the wrong.


As the future leaders of the planet we hold the write and freedom
to carve our own pathways to success. We demand the respect so many
adults deny us. It is our unalienable human right that we are equipped
to fight for. I, Patrick Ampadu Appah Jr., on March 6th 2018,
am speaking on behalf of all of Generation Z. Adults harber a
dangerous, damaging, and destructive notion that what they believe to
be true for them equally applies to us as a generation. We of course
know this to not be true. We want adults to have to earn our respect
through their actions just as any other person. Like the great social
rights movements that have come before us; we are trailblazers,
equipped with enough knowledge to know that the relationship between
adults and children is not one that mirror slave and master Adults roles
should be teachers, mentors, and protectors.

To the youths they:

They take defensive action when presented with logical opposition from
someone younger than them

They place blame and invoke guilt rather than admit to obvious

Constantly insist their way is the only way and look down upon any
other ideas but then call us lazy when we don’t present our own

They favor aggression, hostility, and punishment as means to advocate

for their views rather than reassurance and support.

They feel disrespected and retaliate when the youth refuse to be


They never make a clear, direct apology leaving us youths unable to

admit when we are wrong and deal with adversity.

They use the guilt of their sacrifice as a means to control us as if we

were the ones pleading for their aid.

For years I, and many other young people, have gathered the
courage to speak out about the utter and admissible mistreatment of
young people world wide by their parents, the ones meant to support
them. We have been meant with nothing but hostility and anger. We
were deemed disrespectful and ungrateful for demand our own right as
human beings. I condemn this ideology passed down from generation
to generation. It is my hope and prayer that the idea of kids being
inferior to their parents dies today and shall not return when it is us
who are the adults. We will be all the things today’s and yesterday’s
adults could not be. If parents would see their children's behavior and
interests and want to support, love unconditionally and respect them we
would not be so against authority.

I, Patrick Ampadu Appah Jr., on this day will cesside from the
nation of my parents who have kept me so bonded for so long. I
commit myself to the liberation of young people everywhere! I will not
stop shouting for the rights listed in this bill.

Patrik Ampadu Appah Jr.

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