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CMC Steel Products Non-Composite Castellated Beam Design Program

This program will assist in sizing simply supported, castellated beams with point and uniformly distributed loads.
All a reas in sh ade d yel low re qui re informa ti on to be i npu t. C ontac t C MC Steel Products toll fre e at (87 7) 764 -232 6
for fur the r inform ation or a ssista nc e.
1. Enter job name and design mark (not required).
2. Enter span, unbraced length, material strength and conx. type.
3. Enter loading. Program allows (1) uniform live load, (1) uniform dead load, and (4) point loads. Note, beam wt. is included.

4. Press Stnd. Geom. button. This enters the standard castellation pattern corresponding to the given wide flange.
Three modes of failure and their corresponding interaction values are shown in the results section. All values must
be less than or equal to 1.0 for the beam to be ok. Press the "Find lightest shape" button to have the program select
the lightest shape with standard castellation geometry. Significant strength changes can be achieved by modifying
the castellation pattern. The following guidelines will help the optimization process.
1. To increase shear or web post strength, increase "e".
2. To increase bending strength, decrease "e".
3. If point loads are a significant portion of the load, increase "dt".
Construction bridging is required for castellated beams that spans longer than the maximum bridging spacing. VARIABLES
Maximum bridging spacing is controlled by connection type at end of beam. d = depth of root beam
OSHA requires construction bridging to be installed to meet the following loading conditions: bf = flange width
1. A 300 lb. Man @ midspan - requires bolted X-bridging to be installed before hoisting cables are removed. tf = flange thickness
2. One 4000 lb. Bundle of deck to be placed over three beams no further than 1 ft from the end of the beam - tw = web thickness
requires horizontal bridging to be in place before deck bundles are placed. e = web post width & tee length
WARNINGS: b = width of sloped portion
1. "e<emin" - e must be at least 3" to provide end conx. material. dt = tee depth
2. "dt<dtmin" - dt must be greater than dtmin for fabrication reasons. dg = castellated beam depth
3. "e/tw>30", "2h/e>8", "Phi>62", "Phi<43" - research on web post buckling is valid only within these limitations. ho = height of hole
4. "Top tee slender" or "Bottom tee slender" - allowable stress on tee section is reduced per Qs. This will not wo = width of hole
cause error in program.

The in fo rmation p rese nted in thi s p ubl icatio n an d desi gn software h as be en pre pare d in acco rda nce wi th re cogn ized
CMC Steel Products
en gin eeri ng pri ncip le s, in co nformity with the AISC Sp ecifica tion for Strucura l Ste el in Bu ild in gs (ASD,198 9) and i s for g ene ral 2305 Ridge Road
in fo rmation o nly. w hil e it i s b eli eved th at a ll da ta a nd in fo rmatio n fu rnish ed is accu rate , n o perso n, co rpora ti on, asso ciatio n, o r Suite 202
othe r e ntity i nvol ved i n th e prep aratio n of th is pub lica ti on rep resen ts o r w arran ts that th is informa ti on is fit or suitab le for any
ge nera l or particu lar u se or purp ose, or assume s a ny resp onsi bil ity i n th is informa ti on. Th is informa ti on must be u sed in Rockwall, TX 75089
con juctio n with sou nd e ngi nee ring j udg men t an d is inten ded to b e used o nly by comp eten t structural e ngi nee rs, a rch itects or 800-308-9925
othe r l icen sed pro fessio nal s.
Non-Composite Castellated SmartBeam Design Program PRODUCTS


Job Name: Sample Project Uniform Distributed Loads Anet 16.908 in^2
Beam Mark # CB1 Live Load 800 plf Agross 27.380 in^2
Span 54.000 ft Dead Load 800 plf Ix net 4774.037 in^4
Unbraced Length 5.000 ft Concentrated Point Loads Ix gross 5268.3 in^4
Mat. Strength-Fy 50
50 ksi Load # Magnitude Dist from Perc. DL Sx net 266.706 in^3
(#) (kips) Lft. End (ft) (%) Sx gross 294.321 in^3
P1 0.00 0.00 0% rx net 16.803 in
Castellated Beam CB36X76
W24X76 P2 0.00 0.00 0% rx gross 13.871 in
Root beam W24X76 P3 0.00 0.00 0% Iy 82.420 in^4
d 23.9 in P4 0.00 0.00 0% Sy 18.336 in^3
bf 8.99 in RESULTS ry 2.208 in
tf 0.68 in Failure Mode Interaction Status rT 2.444 in
tw 0.44 in Bending 0.985 <=1.0 OK!! deffec 33.459 in
Castellation Parameters: Shear 0.567 <=1.0 OK!! CONSTRUCTION BRIDGING
e 7.500 in Web Post 0.659 <=1.0 OK!! End Connection type Shear Tab

b 6.500 in Overall 0.985 <=1.0 OK!! Min No. Of Bridging Rows 1

dt 6.000 in Live Load Deflection 1.189'' =L/545 Max. Bridging. Spacing (ft) 44
S 28.000 in Dead Load Deflection 1.302'' =L/498 MAXIMUM PASSABLE DUCTS
dg 35.800 in WARNINGS (in) Width (in) x Height (in)
phi 61.356 deg 17.491 9.750 18.265

ho 23.800 in

wo 20.500 in

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