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a. Assume every person has the present primary energy requirements of a person in Germany. For
how many people would the present world primary energy consumption last?

primary energy in Germany is approximately 45000kWh/head.

the growth in energy requirements is the growth of the world population. This has almost
doubled in the past 40 years from 3.7 billion to the present 7 billion people.By the year 2030 a
further rise to more than 8 billion


What effects lead to the existence of diffuse radiation?

a. Apa efek dari keberdaan radiasi difusi?

Jawab :

Efek dari radiasi difusi adalah terjadinya pelemahan dalam hamburan dan penyerapan dari AM
Spektrum O di angkasa. Dalam penyajian terahkirnya, spectrum AM 1,5 hanya menerima 8,35 w/m2,
dari yang semual tersedia 1367 w/m2 , jadi bumi hanya menerima 61% yang disebut radiasi langsung.
Namun karena adanya hamburan cahaya di atmosfer dan terdapat bagian lanjutan yaitu disebut
radiasi difusi.

b. What approximately portion of the global radiation does the diffuse radiation in Germany


In Hamburg the average diffuse radiation HDiffuse is 1.52kWh/(m2?d) against a HDirect of

1.08kWh/(m2.d). Thus, the diffuse radiation contributes almost 60% to the yearly global radiation. In
Munich the position is somewhat changed. The diffuse radiation here only contributes 54%.

In places south of Germany, the position is different: In Marseille and Cairo the direct radiation of 65
and 71% respectively, contributes to the main portion of global radiation.

the portion of the diffuse radiation of the yearly global radiation in Germany is more than half. For
this reason the yield of tracking in our latitude of approximately 30% is limited. For this reason the
utilization of tracking should be well thought through because of the substantial mechanical and
electrical effort required. A compromise may be a single-axis tracking plant that can easily achieve a
yield of 20%
bagian dari radiasi menyebar dari radiasi global tahunan di Jerman lebih dari separuh. Untuk
alasan ini, hasil pelacakan di garis lintang kami sekitar 30% terbatas. Untuk alasan ini
pemanfaatan pelacakan harus dipikirkan dengan baik karena adanya upaya mekanis dan
elektrikal yang diperlukan. Kompromi mungkin merupakan pabrik pelacakan sumbu tunggal
yang dapat dengan mudah mencapai hasil 20%

c. What is meant by “Sun full load hours” and what rule of thumb could one use for Germany?

Sun full load hours adalah kondisi matahari ketika bersinar dengan beban penuh = E = ESTC = 1000
W/m2 DAN jika penuh akan otomatis off, E = 0

Di Jerman, matahari menyediakan sekitar 1000 beban penuh jam. Dan In Germany, diffuse radiation
makes as lightly higher contribution to global radiation than direct radiation.

d. How does the value of the previous sub-point change for a surface facing south and tilted at
an angle of 35°?


a. Verify the interconnection between the absorption coefficient and the penetration depth of light in
a semiconductor (Equation 3.21). For this use suitable values in Equation 3.20.

Pastikan antara koefisien penyerapan dan kedalaman penetrasi cahaya dalam semikonduktor
(persamaan 3,21). Ini menggunakan nilai-nilai yang cocok dalam persamaan 3,20.


The absorption coefficient a indicates the absorption “ability” of the respective material. Occasionally
use is made of the penetration depth xp.This describes according to which light path the intensity has
decayed by the 1/e times (thus approximately 37%). The connection between the two quantities is given
by the following equation

Koefisien absorpsi a menunjukkan "kemampuan" penyerapan dari masing-masing bahan.

Kadang-kadangmenggunakanlayananpembantuandepthxp. Ini menggambarkan sesuai dengan
jalur pencahayaan, intensitasnya telah membusuk dengan waktu 1 / e (kira-kira 37%).
Hubungan antara dua kuantitas diberikan oleh persamaan berikut

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