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i Diffen compare Anything» Di Absorption vs. Adsorption Differ » Science » Chemistry Absorption is the process in which a flud is dissolved by a liquid or a solid (absorbent). Adsorption is the process in which atoms, ions or molecules from a substance (it could be gas, quid or dissolved solid) adhere to a surface of the adsorbent. Adsorption is a surface-based process where a film of adsorbate is created on the surface while absorption involves the entire volume of the absorbing substance. Comparison chart Absorption Adsorption Definition Assimilation of molecular species. Accumulation ofthe molecular throughout liquid is tormed as absorption. inthe bulk of tho solid or lquld is termed as adsorption 1 bulk ofthe solid or species atthe surface rather than Phenomenon itis a bulk phenomenon Itis 2 surface phenomenon Heat exchange Endathesmic process ‘Exothermic process Temperature itis not affected by temperature _Itis favoured by low temperature Rate of reaction occurs ata unform rate, It steal increases and reaches equilibrium Concentration tis same throughout the Concentration on the surface of material adsorbent is diferent from that in the bulk Process Adsorption and absorption are both sorption processes, ‘Absorption eceurs when atoms pass through or enter a bulky material, During absorption, the molecules are entirely cissolved or ciffused inthe absorbent to form a Solution. Once dissolved, the molecules cannot be separated easily from the absorbent Gee gui tac Lui oh intrtace Gost | Uaui im Lui fen A \ Gostue | Urdu Uda | sos bak i eu e ° ' e' ° i © i giee Gas Liquid Liquid Solid (a) (b) co Gassiquid absorption (2) and liquid-sld adsorption (2) mochanism, Blue sphores are. © solute molecules Adsorption is generally lassfid into physisorption (weak van der Waals forces) and chemisorption (covalent bonding). It can also be caused by electrostatic attraction. The ‘molecules are held loosely on the surface ofthe adsorbent and can be easily removed. Uses ‘Absorption: The common commercial uses of absorption cycle are absorption chillers for space cooling applications, ice production, cold storage, turbine inlet cooling. High ficiency operation, environmentally frienaly refrigerants, clean-burning fuels and few ‘moving parts that require maintenance make absorption a very good choice for ‘The process of gas absorption by a liquid is used in hydrogenation of ols and carbonation of averages. ‘Adsorption: Some of the industrial applications for adsorption are at-canditioning, adsorption chillers, synthatc resin and water purification. An adsorption chiller does not require moving parts and hence is quia In pharmaceutical industry applications, adsorption is used as a means to prolong neurological exposure to specific drugs oF parts thereof. Adsorption of molecules onto polymar surfaces is used in various applications such as in the development of non-stick coatings and in various biomedical devices. ‘The folowing vdeo ilustrates the diferences and some common applications of adsorption and absorption ‘Absorption And Adsorption References + Wikipeda: Adsorption + Wokipeata: Absorstin chemist) + Contact Equi Processes - Tho New Zealand instiute of Food Science & Tecnology Ine + Wixpesa: Sorption Related Comparis. Boa a9 Diffusion and Osmosis Centrifugal Force vs Energy vs Power Centripetal Force slo Endothermie vs Difference Between Speed vs Velocity Exothermic Reactions Mass and Weight ons

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