Lesson Plan Final Demo Final Sentences

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Junction Badong-Cabangahan, Tago, Surigao del Sur

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching English 10

Approach: Student Centered-Based Approach

At the end of one hour, at least 75% of the students are expected to;
A. Recognize the types of sentences;
B. Create examples of types of sentences; and
C. Determine the importance of sentences in our daily communication.


Topic: Types of Sentences
Time Frame: 1 hour
References: Applied Linguistic Book
By: Rowe et al.2009
Celce-Murcia, 2008
E-references: http:esl.fis.edu/earners/advices/syntax.htm
www.youtube.com Pakistani politicians trying to speak
Types of Sentences (Simple Compound Complex Compound-
Complex).mp4 from www.youtube.com.

Materials: strips of cartolina, filt-tip pen, Cartolina (white), illustration board,

Speaker, Laptop, LCD Projector,
Integration: Health, Science and Technology, Religion, Values Educ.


A. Primary Activities
 Prayer
Student will be asked to lead a prayer
 Energizer
The teacher will select one student who will lead the action song
entitled “We Have a Faith”.

 Collecting and checking of assignments

The teacher will collect the assignment.

 Checking of attendance
The class monitor or the class secretary will check the attendance.
B. Drill
 Recall
The teacher will ask what is the previous topic. He will also ask
several questions to refresh their mind about the previous topic.
 Motivation
The teacher will introduce the “CABBAGE GAME” to the class. Then
let a student to read the rules on the board. He will also present
different words and the student will make his/her own sentence using
the word provided for him/her. While doing this game the students will
sing the song “BABY SHARK”.

C. Activity Proper
(Group activity)

Students will be grouped into 4 by picking out different colors from the box.
Group 1-Team Red, Group 2-Team Blue, Group 3-Team Yellow, Group 4-
Team white
After the group have been assigned. The teacher will post the rubrics on the
board and let one student to read it and explain to the class. The teacher will use the
STAD Form (Student Team Achievement Division) in order to established safety and
harmonious flow of the activity.
Each group will be assigned in a specific rule for every member such as:
-Leader/facilitator - facilitates the whole group.
-Material manager – provides materials for the whole group.
-Secretary – records all the data gathered by the group.
-Reporter – reports all the data gathered.
-Analyzer – analyzes and summarizes the gathered data.

The leader will pick the facts sheets from the teacher. The material manager
will get all the materials needed in the activity. The secretary will write in the
cartolina important data from the fact sheets or the summary of the report.
The analyzer will analyze if the summary is correct and the reporter will
present to the class what have been written.

Each group will be given 8 minutes preparation for the activity prior to the

(Teacher will serves as facilitator)

D. Analysis

After the allotted time each group will now present their work through reporting. The
teacher will give points according to the rubrics posted on the board. To further
understand the topic, the teacher will add important points about the topic.
Rubrics for the Activity

Criteria Points

Correct Discussion 15

Output 13

Presentation 15

Behavior and Punctuality 7

Total 50

(Topics Inside the Fact sheets)

What are the types of sentences?

The type of sentence is determined by the number and type of
clauses it contains. It falls into one of the following: simple sentence, complex
sentence, compound sentence and compound-complex sentence.

1. Simple Sentence- it conveys a simple idea. It has only one subject and
one verb.
Ex. She is my girlfriend
There are five basic patterns in simple sentence.

Subject + verb The building collapsed.

Subject + verb + object They bought a new car.
S + V + Indirect O + Direct O She wrote him a letter.
S + V + subject predicate Janet’s my friend.
S + V + object predicate She makes me happy.

2. Compound Sentence- it contains two independent Clauses that are joined

by coordinating conjunctions. Coordinating conjunctions are easy to
remember if we think of the words “FAN BOYS”.

For Nor Or So
And But Yet
Ex. Joe waited for the train, but the train was late.

3. Complex Sentence- contains an independent Clauses plus one or more

dependent Clause. A dependent clause starts with subordinating

Subordinating conjunctions are:

After Because If Unless

Although Before Since Until
As Even Though Though

Ex. I have to save this coupon because I don’t have time to shop right

4. Compound-complex Sentence- has two or more independent Clauses and

one dependent clause.

Ex. I don’t like dogs, and my sister doesn’t like cats because they make
her sneeze.

E. Abstraction
By group-using Venn Diagram, the strips of cartolina provided by the teacher
containing words will be given to them. They are going to arrange them
properly by posting on the board. The group will be rated according to the
rubrics posted on the board.

Rubrics for the Activity

Criteria Points
Proper Position 15

Correct answer 20

Cooperation 5
Behavior and Punctuality 10

Total 50
F. Application
(Video clip presentation about errors in English speaking)
Search on www.youtube.com Pakistani politicians trying to speak

Guide Questions:
1. What is the message of the Video clip?
2. How will you respond if you were in their situation?
3. How will you improve your English communication?


Direction: Identify what types of sentences are shown below. (3 points each)

1. I went swimming although it was cold.

2. Jack and Jill went up the hill.
3. The water was warm, but I didn’t go swimming.
4. Rita wrote a letter.
5. A tree fell onto the school roof in a storm, but none of the students was injured,
although many of them were in classroom at the top of building.


1. Have an advance research about Kinds of Sentence. Then make a sentence in

every kind of sentence. Write the source if you are using internet access.


Show video clip presentation about Types of Sentences (Simple Compound

Complex Compound-Complex).mp4 from www.youtube.com.

Prepared by:


Checked by:


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