Finite Element Analysis of Reverse Engineered Internal Combustion Engine Piston

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AIJSTPME (2009) 2(4): 85-92

Finite Element Analysis of Reverse Engineered Internal Combustion Engine Piston

Gudimetal P.
School of Engineering Systems, Queensland University of Technology, Gardens Point Campus, P. O. Box
2434, 2 George Street, Brisbane Q4001 Australia E-mail:

Gopinath C.V.
Principal, Chaitanya Engineering College, Kommadi, Visakhapatnam-41, INDIA

Damaged or broken parts are generally too expensive to replace, or are no longer available and this is
particularly relevant to the automobile industry owing to the ever-increasing accidents. Reverse Engineering
(RE) has been successfully employed to for possible recovery of a damaged or broken part. In this paper, we
present a framework which successfully uses RE to generate a CAD model of a damaged internal combustion
(IC) engine piston and then use the state-of-the-art ANSYS finite element analysis package to perform a linear
static and a coupled thermal-structural analysis of the component. Further, a parameteric evaluation of the
material properties vis-à-vis operating conditions is carried out to generate a relational database for the
piston to arrive at optimal design solutions under different operating conditions.

Keywords: Reverse engineering, Laser scanning, Surface reconstruction, Surface modeling, Thermal-
structural analysis, ANSYS

1 Introduction
Damaged or broken parts are generally too expensive advantages of CAD/CAM/CAE technologies [1].
to replace, or are no longer available. RE can be Afterwards, CAD models are used for manufacturing
defined as: ‘Systematic evaluation of a product with or rapid prototyping applications. RE technology can
the purpose of replication. This involves design of a be used to aid in manufacturing of spare parts when
new part, copy of an existing part, recovery of a original part’s inventories are exhausted. For
damaged or broken part, improvement of model mechanical parts the process involves sensing the
precision and inspection of a numerical model. geometry and then passing the sensed data to an
Advantages of the technique include immediate appropriate CAD/CAM system for manufacturing.
feedback, data reduction, direct generation of Reverse engineering of mechanical parts require
geometry and higher precision of the final product. extraction of information about an instance of the
Reverse engineering has become a very important particular part sufficient to replicate the part using
branch of design and manufacture, and the technique appropriate fabrication techniques. The resulting
has been widely recognized as being an important models can be directly imported into feature based
step in the product development cycle. The use of RE CAD system without loss of semantics and
has resulted in a decrease the manufacturing time and topological information inherent in the feature based
costs, among other aspects. RE is the process of representation.
producing design details in the form of CAD model In recent times, with the advent of state-of-the-art
from the physical part in the process of the product finite element analysis packages such as ANSYS, the
design. In contrast to the traditional production RE generated models can be used to perform a
sequence, reverse engineering typically starts with comprehensive performance analysis for optimized
measuring an existing object, so that a solid model solutions.
can be deduced in order to make use of the

© King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok Press, Bangkok, Thailand 85

Gudimetal P. and Gopinath C.V.

2 Geometry acquisition and digitization bridge structure example. The example shows that
3D solid modeling and simulation are versatile tools
Several authors have researched regarding the reverse
for design of structures. Yasar Deger [9] performed a
engineering, especially by focusing on scanning
study focused on possible local re-design of the
methods (advantages and weaknesses of different
device in order to ensure a resonance-free operation.
scanning systems), reverse
In a first step the significant eigen frequencies with
engineering applications based on image processing
corresponding mode shapes were obtained by means
and vision aided, multi-probing approaches,
of an experimental modal analysis (EMA).
integration with rapid prototyping and other
Subsequently, the dynamic behavior of the platform
processes, scanning path planning, data-point
was simulated using an ABAQUS FE model. The
preprocessing and reduction methods, surface fitting
comparison of the eigen frequencies based on FE
algorithms and solving approaches. Y. M. Chiang, F.
calculations with their experimental counterparts
L. Chen [1] propose a new architecture based on
proved in general quite satisfactory correlation.
look-up table that keeps the estimated normal vectors
of the measured data to refine the data points
digitized by CMM. The digitized data are first fitted 3 Reverse engineering process
into several NURBS curves by interpolation. Chang- If only one original part is available, it has to be
Xue Feng and Shang Xiao [2] presents a Computer handled with utmost care during the digitization
Aided Reverse Engineering (CARE) approach. In process as the original part is crucial for validation.
this approach, a CMM is used to digitize an existing The component is studied thoroughly and the
mechanical object, and then the IGES files of the prominence of every feature effecting the working of
point cloud data from CMM digitization are that component must be estimated also the feature
generated using a software called ScanPak. which can be measured manually must be identified.
Pro/Engineer is used to create the solid model of the Such features encompass prismatic, geometric
object and finally the laminated object manufacturing shapes. All other features like free-formed surfaces
process is used to duplicate the object. T. Shen, J. and complex contours and 3D surfaces and to be
Huang, and C-H Menq[3] have described a multiple- measured through other techniques like scanning,
sensor coordinate measuring system and its acoustics and optical methods. All the dimensions
applications to automated part localization and rapid which can be measured manually are taken with the
surface digitization. C.X. Feng [4] presents the help of available measuring devices like vernier
methodology of Internet-based reverse engineering calipers, height gauge, etc. The features, which
with a case study illustrating its applications in cannot be measured manually, can be obtained
integrating CAD and CAM. Yin Zhongwei and Jiang through any available digitization techniques.
Shouwei [5] report on the automatic segmentation
The typical Reverse Engineering process can be
and approximation of three-dimensional digitized
summarized in sequence as under
points for reverse engineering. Based on an
1. Physical model which needs to be redesigned or
innovation that uses the properties of a Non-Uniform
to be used as the base for new product.
Rational B-Spline (NURBS) or B-spline and makes
2. Scanning the physical model to get the point
ordered digitized points, which takes less
cloud. The scanning can be done using various
computation time than traditional algorithms in
scanners available in the market.
calculating surface normals and curvatures at
3. Processing the points cloud includes merging of
digitized points, an algorithm was developed for
points cloud if the part is scanned in several
automatic segmentation and NURBS surfaces fitting
settings. The outlines and noise is eliminated. If
for digitized points.
too many points are collected then sampling of
Kettil, P and Wiberg, N. E [8] presented the work on the points should be possible.
the integrated use of computational methods (e.g. 4. To create the polygon model and prepare .stl
geometric modeling, simulation, visualization and files for rapid prototyping.
optimization) for structural analysis and design. The 5. To prepare the surface model to be sent to
focus in this paper is on 3D solid modeling and CAD/CAM packages for analysis.
dynamic simulation. The paper describes a program 6. Tool path generation with CAM package for
system comprising the in-house program FEM90 suitable CNC machine manufacturing of final
integrated with commercial CAD and optimization part on the CNC machine.
programs. The program system is tested on a major

86 © King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok Press, Bangkok, Thailand

Finite Element Analysis of Reverse Engineered Internal Combustion Engine Piston

3.1 Digitization 4 The present work – RE of IC engine

Digitization is the process of capturing the data of the
physical model and converting it into digital form. The piston is modeled from cloud points obtained by
However, with the introduction of new technologies laser beam scanning. The points are joined by lines
the term digitizing is now used as the generic and then creating bounding areas and filling the
description for the process of acquiring data from volume. Later the geometric solid model is imported
undefined surfaces out of which a complete CAD to CATIA package.
model of the part is made, to facilitate analysis and to
incorporate changes easily. The part is studied in 4.1 Laser beam scanning
detail, an idea of the probable manufacturing process
The following procedure followed to obtain the cloud
helps in identification of the proper strategy for the
point data.
digitizing. Higher the accuracy required higher will
1. Clamp the piston with three jaw chuck to restrict
be the cost; hence one must strike the balance
the degrees of freedom.
between the desired accuracy and the cost incurred.
2. All surfaces are scanned separately and patches
Use of Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)
are created for each surface.
which can be attributed as semi automatic
3. The surfaces and patches created in step ii, in
digitization technique is justified in cases, where 3D
IGES format, directly imported to ‘CATIA’ to
surfaces and holes are to be considered. The features
create the solid model.
to be scanned are identified and appropriate sections
4. Using the patches full extended surfaces are
are made on the part. In the vicinity where there is a
obtained for each face of the piston by
sudde n change in profile maximum number of
extrapolating, extending, blending, intersecting
sections are to be made. Then scanning is done along
and trimming operations of wire frame and
the predetermined sections and the point cloud data
surface design module of CATIA to create a
obtained from the parts. The data is normally in the
closed surface model (Fig.3).
form of a point cloud containing the X, Y, and Z
5. The 3D Solid model of the piston is then created
coordinates. This digital data in general, can be used
from closed surface model, and is imported to
for generation of surface models or .stl files. This
data can also be used for inspection purposes where
the point cloud is superimposed on the CAD model
and calculate the deviation at the respective points on
the component with respect to CAD model. There
should be a powerful package which can handle the
collected point cloud to form the files for Rapid
prototyping or for any CAD application.

3.2 Surface reconstruction

Two main categories in surface reconstruction
are free form fittings and quadric fitting. The
surface meshes generated in these approaches Figure 1: Final Solid Model of the Piston from RE
are inadequate for current CAD/CAM software Point Cloud
which typically require surface to be
represented in the Non Uniform Rational B- 5 Design and analysis
Splines (NURBS) form. CAD model has the
flexibilit y of incorporating changes and 5.1 Piston assembly
interfacing with CAM. Thus through a CAD, For any meaningful analysis of a piston, it is
one can achieve faster production rates. Surface imperative that an appropriate piston pin and
Modeling and Solid Modeling of the part is connecting rod assembly is incorporated into the
done from the cloud point data using modeling study since the dynamic performance of the piston is
packages like Pro-E and CATIA. a function of the contact pressure between the pin
and the bearing system, and the flexing and oval
distortion of the pin which are all important criteria

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Gudimetal P. and Gopinath C.V.

for assessment of whether the forces occurring can be aluminum alloy which has a thermal expansion
transferred from the piston to the pin safely. Due to coefficient, 80% higher than the cylinder bore
the complex geometries and the interactions material made of cast iron. This leads to some
involved, the finite element analysis approach is an differences between running and the design
attractive and easy means to understand such clearances. Therefore, analysis of the piston thermal
interactions. Consequently, in this study, an behaviour is extremely crucial in designing more
appropriate assembly was designed to suit the efficient engine.
reversed engineered piston. This assembly is as The thermal analysis of piston is important from
shown in the Figure 2 below. The model was meshed different perspectives. First, the highest temperature
with Solid186 elements using standard mechanical of any point in piston must not exceed more than
shape checking in ANSYS workbench using 44603 66% of the melting point temperature of the alloy
nodes and 23234 elements. A preliminary mesh [10]. This limit temperature for the current engine
convergence analysis showed that this level of mesh piston alloy is about 640 K. Temperature distribution
refinement was adequate to perform both the linear leads to thermal deformations and thermal stresses. It
static and thermal-structural analysis of the model. is generally assumed for piston temperature to remain
constant throughout a working cycle and not
dependent on the operating states. This assumption is
justified for zones within the piston. Thin surface
layers on the piston head are also subjected to cyclic
temperature exposure within the working cycle,
resulting in thermally induced stresses that constitute
a high cycle load on the material. The piston thermal
deformation has an important role in piston skirt
design which has a potential to reduce friction and
piston slap. In this design, both of the thermal and
mechanical stresses must be considered indicating
the importance of piston thermal analysis. The heat
transfer coefficients for the different parts of the
piston were calculated using the procedure outlined
in [10,12]. Assuming a steady state thermal case,
Figure 3 below shows the heat transfer coefficients
for the piston at different positions.

Figure 2: Meshing in ANSYS of the Piston with a

connecting rod

5.2 Boundary conditions for thermal analysis

It is important to calculate the piston temperature
distribution in order to control the thermal stresses
and deformations within acceptable levels. The
temperature distribution enables us to optimize the
thermal aspects of the piston design at lower cost,
before the first prototype is constructed. As much as
60% of the total engine mechanical power lost is
generated by piston ring assembly [10]. The piston
skirt surface slides on the cylinder bore. A lubricant
film fills the clearance between the surfaces. The
small values of the clearance increase the frictional
losses and the high values increase the secondary
motion of the piston. Most of the Internal Figure 3: Thermal boundary conditions used in the
Combustion (IC) engine pistons are made of an study

88 © King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok Press, Bangkok, Thailand

Finite Element Analysis of Reverse Engineered Internal Combustion Engine Piston

Figure 4 shows the structural boundary conditions Shaft Power, IP P = 12 kW

that were used to simulate the piston behaviour Transmission efficiency = 0.8
accurately. Apart from the fixed support at the Hence, Break Power, BP =12X0.8 = 7.6 kW
bottom end of the connecting rod, a frictionless Stroke length L = 75 mm
support was declared on the circumference of the Speed, N = 1400 rpm
piston to simulate the movement within the cylinder. Diameter of bore D = 47.76 mm
Further, the connection between the piston and piston Cross sectional area of,
pin and the piston pin and connecting rod were piston head A = 1792.23 mm2
changed from the default “bonded” to “no Mean effective pressure, pm = 3.02 N/mm2
separation” to permit relative translational and rotary Hence, Pressure acting on the
motions respectively. piston head, pm = 3.02 N/mm2

These boundary conditions were incorporated into

the finite element model after invoking the map of
analysis tree within ANSYS Workbench

6 Results and postprocessing

Figure 5a and Figure 5b show the temperature
distribution and the von Mises equivalent stress
distribution within the piston below. These results
have been scoped and sectioned for clarity. It can be
seen from Figure 5a that for the prescribed operating
temperature, peak temperature from the combustion
of gas in the chamber penetrates the piston crown
through nearly 90% of its thickness before the piston
ring dissipates some of the heat, while the average
piston temperature beneath the piston ring is around
280 °C through a depth of 45mm. Figure 5b shows
that the compressive stresses on the piston are
negligible and the forces acting on the piston head
are transmitted to the piston pin with a factor of
Figure 4: Structural Boundary Conditions used in the safety in the vicinity of 0.9 for the peak operating
study pressure, as can be seen in Figure 6. This essentially
shows that the material of the piston will work well
5.3 Mechanical load calculations under the prescribed operating conditions. It should
be noted that an analysis of the piston pin for shear
During operation, the piston is subjected to loads stresses is beyond the scope of this work, which can
exerted by the gas, FG and masses FmK given by be however achieved by an appropriate material
FK = FG + FmK model for the piston pin and examining the shear
stresses in the cross section of the pin.
The gas forces result via multiplication of the
cylinder pressure pG acting on the piston head across
the head surface area AK. The gas force can thus be
given as
FG = AK ⋅ pG
On account of the considerable variation in the
maximum gas pressure subjected to the piston head,
the mean effective gas pressure is calculated from
design first principles. The design data for the
considered piston is presented below.

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Gudimetal P. and Gopinath C.V.

7 Material Modelling
Further to the first generation FEA shown in Figure 6
above, the piston performance was evaluated for
different classes of Aluminium alloys (MAHLE 124,
MAHLE 138 and MAHLE 142 series). Table 1
presents the material properties of these different
Table 2 below shows the results of the parametric
analyses of the three different alloys that were
considered in this study. The results indicated that
MAHLE 142 material model is best suited for the
range of operating conditions for the piston under
Further to this study, a load variation analysis was
(a) performed for the MAHLE 142 material model. The
load was varied from 50% to 225% of the mean
calculated load with a target value of the induced
stress being equal to the compressive yield strength
of the material. It can be seen from Table 3, that the
MAHLE 142 is safe for up to a peak operating load
of 200% the mean load (or about 6 MPa) acting on
the piston head. The deformation for this loading was
found to be 0.119 mm while the induced compressive
stresses were very close to the compressive yield
strength of the material (244 MPa). Figure 7 shows a
graphical representation of the relationship between
the induced stresses versus the pressure variation.

(b) 7 Conclusions
Figure 5: Temperature Profile and Equivalent Stress The results of this study show that reverse
Distribution of the Piston engineering can be used in conjunction with finite
element analysis to model obsolete product
geometries and material models to redesign and
generate new models to suit existing cylinders and
other assemblies. We have also shown that the
DesignXplorer within the ANSYS Workbench
environment can be used very effectively to realize
any parametric optimization.

The authors are thankful to M/s SAMKRG Pistons
Ltd, Pydibhimavaram, Srikakulam (Dist) AP, INDIA
for permitting and providing the necessary technical
data related to pistons to execute this project and to
Messers D.Pavan Kumarm, T.Sonesh and A. Srinivas
(Final year B.E (Mech) Students, Department of
Mechanical Engineering GITAM College of
Engineering VISAKHAPATNAM 530 045 AP INDIA
Figure 6: Safety Factor for the Piston for carrying out the measurements and data

90 © King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok Press, Bangkok, Thailand

Finite Element Analysis of Reverse Engineered Internal Combustion Engine Piston

Table 1: Physical & Mechanical Properties of MAHLE Al Piston Alloys [13]

Properties Temperature (°C) MAHLE 124 MAHLE 138 MAHLE 142
Young’s Modulus 20 80 000 84 000 84 000
E [N/mm2] 150 77 000 80 000 79 000
250 72 000 75 000 75 000
350 65 000 71 000 70 000
Thermal Conduction 20 155 143 130
coefficient, 150 156 147 136
λ [W/mK] 250 159 150 142
350 164 156 146
Mean, linear thermal 20 – 100 20 18.6 19.2
expansion 20 – 200 21 19.5 20.5
α [1/k x 10-6] 20 – 300 21.9 20.2 21.1
20 – 400 22.8 20.8 21.8
Density ρ [g/cm3] 20 2.7 2.68 2.77
Tensile Strength 20 200 – 250 180 – 220 200 – 280
[N/mm2] 150 180 – 230 170 – 210 180 – 240
250 100 – 150 100 – 140 100 – 160
350 40 – 65 60 – 80 50 – 70

Table 2: Comparative performance of the four different aluminium alloys

ANSYS Results Material Properties
Maximum Maximum Permissible
S. No Material Yield stress
Deformation Induced Stress stress(F.S=2)
mm N/mm2 N/mm 2

1 Cast Aluminum 0.062 168 190 380

2 MAHLE 124 0.055 151 210 420
2 MAHLE 138 0.052 149 230 460
3 MAHLE 142 0.079 146 260 520

Table 3: Performance of MAHLE 142 for different loading conditions

Mean Effective Deformation Induced stress
Type of Loading
Pressure, Pm N/mm2 mm N/mm2
50% 1.51 0.051 78
75% 2.265 0.062 102
100% 3.02 0.079 146
150% 4.53 0.091 201
175% 5.285 0.101 223
200% 6.04 0.119 244
225% 6.795 0.128 286

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Gudimetal P. and Gopinath C.V.


Stress Analysis in ANSYS


Induced Stress, Mpa


150 Induced stress N/mm2

Permissible stress, N/mm2



0% 50% 100% 150% 200% 250%
Pressure Load Variation in %

Figure 7: Stress Analysis of Piston

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