Betta Vocab Esol

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Betta splendens


Word / phrase Definition Image Usage

Baseline behavior Observations taken at the (noun)

beginning of an experiment Baseline behavior is
before trying any stimulus. demonstrated in a lab by
Normal behavior. observing a relaxed Betta fish

Stimulus something that causes a Singular noun: stimulus

change or a reaction Plural noun: stimuli
Verb: to stimulate, to apply a

Aggression (noun) hostile or violent behavior The betta fish acts

or attitudes toward another; aggressively in two ways:
readiness to attack or 1.display (threatening
positions or movements)

2. physical contact (biting,

tearing at fins)
flare (flaring) To suddenly get bigger, Verb: flare, flares, flared,
brighter, or more intense flaring

The betta fish flares its fins to

make itself look bigger.

surface The top of the water Noun: The betta fish swims to
the surface.

float to rest on top of a liquid Verb: float, floats, floated,


tank a container for holding a Noun: I have 20 fish in a large

liquid tank.
gravel small pieces of rock Noun: We put gravel at the
bottom of the tank to help keep
the tank clean.

approach To go towards something Verb: approach, approaches,

approached, approaching

retreat to go away from something Verb: retreat, retreats,

retreated, retreating

breathe to move air into and out Verb: breathe, breathes,

of your lungs : to inhale breathed, breathing
and exhale

agonistic behavior any social behavior Noun: The betta demonstrated

related to fighting: agonistic behavior when it
includes threats, flared its fins and gill covers.
displays, retreats,
forward, backward, Directions of movement

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