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Date: Tuesday, June 7, 2016 at 11:22 PM

To: Carter Page

Subject: Good Catching Up and Time Sensitive Cambridge Conference Opportunity

Dear Carter,

It was great to talk with you and catch up. Congrats again on your role in the Trump campaign--from
my experiences, there is nothing like it and the opportunity it presents to shape a new grand strategy
and impact global affairs.

Attached is the agenda for the major international conference we discussed. It’s designed to be a great
opportunity for the next group of U.S. foreign policy leaders advising the candidates, and we’d love to
have you join us. We are trying to lock down the agenda and finalize the speakers soon, so it’d be
great if you could let us know as soon as possible whether this could work for you. I’m in the United
States through the end of the week before I head back to Cambridge. Feel free to call me at any time
with questions and, if we don’t connect earlier, I’ll touch base again before I depart for the UK.

Again, best regards and I hope to be able to host you in historic Cambridge for this event.

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