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Adilene Estrada


31 May 2018

Semester Reflection

Throughout the Spring semester, I greatly struggled with many of the topics that were

taught as they were much more complex and vastly detailed. However, the significance of

evolution was one that I was able to grasp with ease. The significance of evolution is that it had

led life as it is known and can be used to potentially predict how far it will take humankind and

other species.

Evolution is the genetic changes to the species over time (descent with modifications).

Evolution is not linear, occurs over generations, and essentially states that all living things are

related. Evolution is split into two different types of patterns that leads to the adaptation of all

organisms. Divergent evolution, the pattern of evolution in which a common ancestor evolves

into different species as a result of different habitat pressures, is shown through homologous

structures as they are body structures that had been adapted to different uses but share a common

ancestor. However, in convergent evolution, the pattern of evolution in which different ancestors

evolve similar traits due to similar habitat pressures, evolution is shown through analogous

structures as they are body parts of an organism’s that look similar due to similar habitat

pressures. The process of evolution is also supported by vestigial structures that are body

structures with reduced, absent, or changed functions from the ancestral form as they reveal

functions that were once necessary to the ancestor. Furthermore, DNA comparisons, embryo
development, and the steps of natural selection, the mechanism of evolution, further support the

process of evolution and its relevance.

Evolution is a highly significant concept because the effects of it remain within

the body structures, thus becoming a giant “helping hand” to piecing together the past. In

addition, fully understanding the process of evolution can further clarify as to how we are

evolving now and if evolution is simply inevitable. Evolution is the reason why humans evolved

and developed different characteristics than a reptile or mammal, giving an insight on how they

aided our survival.

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