Shakeel Mohamed Dépose Une Motion de Blâme Contre Maneesh Gobin

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Member of the National Assembly

June 1, 2018

The Clerk
National Assembly
Government House
Port Louis
Republic of Mauritius

Dear Madam

I would be grateful if you could have the following motion inserted to my name;

« That this House has no confidence in The Honourable Maneesh GOBIN,

Attorney General, Minister of Justice, Human Rights and Institutional Reforms»

I hope that this motion will be placed on the agenda of the National Assembly as a
matter of priority as per parliamentary custom and practice.


Shakeel Mohamed

Sterling House,
Rue Lislet Geoffroy, Port Louis, MAURITIUS.
Tel. No: (230) 212 1155 Mobile No: (230) 5 252 2436

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