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Name____________________________ Date______________ Period_____________

1. (6-4.9) Winds appear to curve due to Earth spinning on its axis. This is known as the ______________.
A. California Current
B. Convection Current
C. Coriolis Effect
D. Greenhouse Effect

2. (6-4.9) What is the name of the fast-moving ribbon of air near the top of the troposphere that moves from west to
east across the United States and that is constantly moving air quickly in one direction?
A. Coriolis Effect
B. Global Winds
C. Gulf Stream
D. Jet Stream

3. (6-4.5) Which of the following is the tool used to measure air pressure?

A. B. C. D.

4. (6- 4.8) _______________ currents are responsible for circulating hot and cold air
in the atmosphere and causing local weather systems.
A. oceanic
B. radiation
C. conduction
D. convection

5. (6-1.2) In an experiment, a tomato plant is fertilized every day with 0.2g of GroBig fertilizer. The researcher wants
to show the effects of fertilizer on plant growth. What type of graph should she use to demonstrate this daily
A. Bar graph
B. Circle graph
C. Line graph
D. Pictograph

6. (6-4.5) What weather information could be collected from the

instrument shown to the right?
A. air pressure
B. air temperature
C. wind direction
D. wind speed

7. (6-4.9) The _______ move weather systems in the United States from west to east.
A. polar easterlies
B. global winds
C. trade winds
D. prevailing westerlies
Name____________________________ Date______________ Period_____________
8. (6-4.4) If an air mass formed over the hot and wet coast of South Carolina and then traveled north, what type of
weather would it bring with it?
A. Cool temperatures and dry air
B. Cool temperatures and humid air
C. Warm temperatures and dry air
D. Warm temperatures and humid air

9. (6-4.4) A(n) _____________ front, shown to the right, occurs when a warm air mass and cool air mass collide, but
neither one moves and clouds form in the area where the two air masses meet.
A. cold
B. occluded
C. stationary
D. Warm

10. (6-4.4) Tropical weather systems—for example, hurricanes—are moved in the direction of the trade winds. What
direction would that be?
A. east to west
B. northwest to southeast
C. south to north
D. west to east

11. (6-1.2) According to the table, during which

month is the temperature highest in Roanoke?
  A) August
  B) July
  C) June
  D) September

12. Thru 14. (6-4.4) Identify the type of global winds shown below as prevailing westerlies, trade, or polar easterlies.

12. ___trade
winds_____ ___ 13.


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