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Lesson Plan

Early Childhood Education- Science Integrated Art

Unit Title
Accent Colors

Grade Level
48- 60 Months

Three hours
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
Language Domain: Children who are at 48- 60 months of age (audience), know at least 99
percent of what they listen and implement(degree), and expess these through several ways such
as painting (behaviour).

Cognitive Domain: Children who are at 48- 60 months of age (audience), states and compare
the colors (behaviour) among to the experiment (condition) 99 percent of the time (degree).

Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
The teacher uses Prezi to make a presentation and Pictochart to visualize what they learned.
Also, they form a concept map and watch a video through Goanimate.

Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]

Child –centered activity

Discussion and discovery
Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and Require Learner
The teacher has weared green sweat and pants, and asks children "What color is my clothes?
Which two mixed colors may occur green?" After children answer the questions, the teacher
explain that accent colors occur from mixing of two main colors. By the way, children have
known main colors. The teacher shows some pictures related with formation of colors, then they
have a conversation about the formation. Then, the teacher says "Let make an experiment to see
formation of colors". Then, she divides children into four groups, and each group sit in one
table. The teacher distributes a dish, some milk and food colors of main colors to each group.
Also, she gives cotton swabs and some liquid soap to each child. Children are supposed to drip
food colors as a few drops. After then, children sop the cotton swabs in liquid soap, and then
sop them in food color drops in milk with the teacher's instructions while she is making a
presentation showing the steps of the experiment through Prezi. While making this experiment,
children observe the formation of accent colors. The teacher enables all children to observe
formation of each accent colors until the activity finishes. Then, the teacher says the song of
"Renkler", and repeats it with the children for a few times. Then, she says "We learned the
formation of accent colors. Now, let paint a picture by making and using these colors." She
distributes spray bottle to each child, and there has been food colors. She has put some water in
spray bottles before the activity. The teacher puts a big drawing papers to each table. Children
are supposed to form a color by mixing two food color into water according to their wishes.
After children form their colors into water in spray bottle, they paint by spraying these colorful
water. Children paint the drawing papers with colorful sprays according to their wishes until the
teacher transits to the assessment part of the activity.

Individual Learning Activities Children paint a picture by using accent colors.

Group Learning Activities They make an experiment as a group.


Children make an experiment which is showing how accent colors are formed, and they they
paint a picture by benefiting what they learned in that experiment.

Measurement & Evaluation

Questions Related With Objectives: What are the accent colors we learned today? How do they
form? Which colors may be mixed for these colors?

Daily Life Questions: Which another colors may be get by mixing another colors?

Affective Questions: How would you feel if you can transform another color? How did you feel
during the experiment?

Descriptive Questions: While you were painting, what did you consider? Which materials did
you use in these activities?

Measurement & Assessment Activities for

Individual Performance The teacher gives children a worksheet which enables
them to paint the pictures by mixing two main colors.
Measurement & Assessment Activities for The teacher can make children played a game to
Group Performance provide better undersatanding of the issue.

Homework (optional) As a parent involvement activity, the teacher sends

them a form through Google forms.

Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan

If the teacher cannot use the computer for presentation and visual, she enables children to form a
picture of how the accent colors occur.

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