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Course : VIJETA & VIJAY (ADP & ADR) Date : 08.05.2018

NO. 9


Syllabus : Full syllabus

DPP Syllabus : KTG, heat and thermodynamics,Calorimetry & Thermal Expansion, Heat Transfer
DPP No. # 9
Total Total Marks : 152 Max. Time : 123½ min.
Single choice Objective (-1 negative marking) Q. 1 to 14 (3 marks 2½ min.) [42, 35]
Multiple choice objective (-1 negative marking) Q.15 to 23 (4 marks, 3 min.) [36, 27]
Single Digit Subjective Questions (no negative marking) Q.24 to Q.30 (4 marks, 3 min.) [28, 21]
Double Digits Subjective Questions (no negative marking) Q. 31 (4 marks, 3 min.) [04, 03]
Comprehension (-1 negative marking) Q.32 to 40 (3 marks 2½ min.) [27, 22½]
Match Listing (-1 negative marking) Q.41 to Q.42 (3 marks, 3 min.) [06, 06]
Questions based on column matching (-1 negative marking) Q.43 to Q.45 (3 marks, 3 min.) [09, 09]

1. P-T curve for a cyclic process is as shown`

P-V graph for this process will be :

(A) (B) (C) (D)

2. The state of an ideal gas is changed through an isothermal process at temperature T0 as shown in figure.
The work done by gas in going from state B to C is double the work done by gas in going from state A to B.
If the pressure in the state B is 0 then the pressure of the gas in state C is :

P0 P0 P0 P0
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 4 6 8

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3. One mole of an ideal gas undergoes a thermodynamic cyclic process as shown in the figure. The cyclic
process consists of an isochoric, an isothermal and an adiabatic process. Adiabatic exponent of gas is
P0 B
2 A
V1 V0
 n5 n6
(A) 1.5 (B) (C) 1.25 (D) .
 n3 n3

4. One mole of an ideal gas undergoes a process P = 2
. Here P0 & V0 are constants. Change in
 V0 
1  
 V 
temperature of the gas when volume is changed from V = V0 to V = 2V0 is.
2P0 V0 11P0 V0 5P0 V0
(A) – (B) (C) (D) P0V0
5R 10R 4R

5. A monoatomic gas undergoes a process given by 2dU + 3dW = 0, then the process is :
(A) Isobaric
(B) Adiabatic
(C) polytropic processes with equation PV 0.5 = constant
(D) polytropic processes with equation PV 2 = constant

6. If specific heat capacity of a substance in solid and liquid state is proportional to temperature of the
substance, then if heat is supplied to the solid initially at – 20°C (having melting point 0°C) at constant rate.
Then the temperature dependence of solid with time will be best represented by :

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

7. A copper calorimeter of mass m 1 = 1kg, contained with water of mass m 2 = 1 kg, their common temperature
t = 10°C. Now a piece of ice of mass m 3 = 2 kg and temperature is –11°C dropped into the calorimeter.
Neglecting any heat loss, the final temperature of system is. [specific heat of copper = 0.1 Kcal/ kg°C,
specific heat of water = 1 Kcal/kg°C, specific heat of ice = 0.5 Kcal/kg°C, latent heat of fusion of
ice = 78.7 Kcal/kg]
(A) 0°C (B) 4°C (C) – 4°C (D) – 2°C

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8. A resistor has initial resistance 'R0' at 0ºC. Now, it is connected to an ideal battery of constant emf = 'v'. If
the temperature co–efficient of resistance is , then after how much time, will its temperature be 'TºC'.
Mass of the wire is m, specific heat capacity of the wire is S. (Assume the resistance veries linearly with
temperature .Also neglect heat loss to the surrounding)
msR0 T m SR mSR0 T 2 mSR0
(A) 2
(B) 0 2 0 (T/2) (C) 2
(T + ) (D) T(1 + T)
v v v 2 v2

9. Let the wavelength at which the spectral emissive power of a black body (at a temperature T ) is maximum,
be denoted by max .As the temperature of the body is increased by 1 K , max decreases by 1 percent .The
temperature T of the black body is :
(A) 100K (B) 200K (C) 400K (D) 288K

10. All the rods have same conductance ‘K’ and same area of cross section ‘A’. If ends A and C are
maintained at temperature 2T0 and T0 respectively then which of the following is/are correct:

(A) Rate of heat flow through ABC, AOC and ADC is same
(B) Rate of heat flow through BO and OD is not same
(C) Total Rate of heat flow from A to C is
(D) Temperature at junctions B, O and D are same

11. The temperature of an spherical isolated black body falls from T1 to T2 in time 't'. Then time t is :
 1 1  1 1   1 1   1 1 
(A) t     (B) t   2  2  (C) t   3  3  (D) t   4  4 
 T2 T1  T T1  T T1  T T1 
 2  2  2

12. A planet is at an average distance d from the sun, and its average surface temperature is constant and
equal to T. Assume that the planet receives energy only from the sun, and loses energy only through

radiation from its surface. Neglect atmospheric effects. If T  d n, the value of n is (Power of sun assumed
to be constant)
1 1
(A) 2 (B) 1 (C) (D)
2 4
13. 3 spheres A, B and C having radii R,2R and 3R respectively are coated with carbon black on their surfaces.
The wavelengths corresponding to maximum intensity are 3000Å, 4000 Å and 5000 Å respectively. The
power radiated by them are QA, QB and QC .
(A) QA is maximum among all (B) QB is maximum among all
(C) QC is maximum among all (D) QA = QB = QC

14. The ends Q and R of two thin wires, PQ and RS, are soldered (joined) together. Initially each of the wires
has a length of 1m at 10 °C. Now the end P is maintained at 10 °C, while the end S is heated and
maintained at 400 °C. The system is thermally insulated from its surroundings. If the thermal conductivity of
–5 –1
wire PQ is twice that of the wire RS and the coefficient of linear thermal expansion of PQ is 1.2 × 10 K ,
the change in length of the wire PQ is.
(A) 0.78 mm (B) 0.90 mm (C) 1.56 mm (D) 2.34 mm

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15. A cubical box is used to keep drinks cold in a bus. Surface area of each face is 0.80 m 2 and each wall has
thickness 2.00 cm. It is filled with ice and water which remains at 0ºC. Temperature outside each wall
is 30ºC then:(Thermal conductivity of material of box=1×10 w/m–k)(Latent heat of fusion of
ice=3.2×10 J/kg)
(A) Total heat current in the box is 60 J/s (B) Total heat current in the box is 72 J/s
(C) Mass of ice melted in 1 hour is 810 gm (D) Mass of ice melted in 1 hour is 690 gm

16. An ideal gas is filled in a fixed adiabatic cylinder as shown in figure. The initial temperature, pressure and
volume of the gas are T 0, P0 and V0 respectively where P0 is atmospheric pressure. A light non conducting
and smooth piston of area A is connected to a spring of spring constant K, which is initially in natural
length. Now the gas is heated slowly for some time, due to which the piston moves out slowly by a distance
‘x’. Then :

Moveble Piston
(A) Pressure of the gas is P0 +
 Kx   Ax 
(B) Temperature of the gas is  1   1 
 
 T
 P0 A   V0  0
(C) The gas is undergoing constant pressure process
(D) Work done by the gas is Kx2
17. One mole of a perfect gas, initially at a pressure and temperature of 105 and 300 K respectively,
expands isothermally until its volume is doubled and then adiabatically until its volume is again doubled.
(given  = 1.4).

v1 v2 v3

(A) Final pressure of the gas will be (0.5)2.4  10 4 N/m 2

4 2
(B) Final pressure of the gas will be 3.8  10 N/m
(C) Final temperature of the gas will be 4 / 5 K
(D) Final temperature of the gas will be 2 / 5 K

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18. An ideal monatomic gas expands in such a way that TV1/2 = constant, where T and V are the temperature &
volume of the gas. Choose the correct option(s) :
(A) The molar heat capacity is C = CV – 2R.
(B) The internal energy of gas decreases.
(C) Temperature of gas decreases.
(D) Pressure of gas increases.

2 2
19. The emissive power of a black body at T = 300 K is 100 Watt/m . Consider a body B of area A = 10 m
coefficient of reflectivity r = 0.3 and coefficient of transmission t = 0.5. Its temperature is 300 K. Then which
of the following is/are correct :
(A) The emissive power of B is 20 W/m 2
(B) The emissive power of B is 200 W/m 2
(C) The power emitted by B is 200 Watts
(D) The emissivity of B is = 0.2

20. Water at 50ºC is filled in a cubical container of side 1 m. The thickness of the walls of the container is
1 mm. The container is surrounded by large amount of ice at 0ºC. The temperature of the water becomes
25ºC in 10 n2 seconds. Choose the correct options.
[ Given, specific heat of water = 1 cal/gm degree ;
latent heat of fusion of ice = 80 cal/gm; density of water = 1 gm/cm ;
heat capacity of the container  0 ]
(A) thermal conductivity of the material is 70 J/m ºC
(B) thermal conductivity of the material is 60 J/m ºC
(C) Mass of the ice melted is 312.5 kg
(D) Mass of the ice melted is 252 kg

21. A rod of uniform cross–section but non–uniform thermal conductivity which vary as k = k0 (1  x  L)
(as shown in figure) is kept between fixed temperature difference for a long time. Select the correct
option(s) :

(A) (B) (C) (D)

22. The ends of a rod of uniform thermal conductivity are maintained at different (constant) temperatures. After
the steady state is achieved :
(A) heat flows in the rod from high temperature to low temperature even if the rod has nonuniform cross
sectional area.
(B) temperature gradient along length is same even if the rod has non uniform cross sectional area.
(C) heat current is same even if the rod has non-uniform cross sectional area.
(D) if the rod has uniform cross sectional area the temperature is same at all points of the rod.

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23. A black body has a temperature of 'T' (in kelvin) and wavelength ‘’ corresponding to maximum energy
density. When body cools, percentage change in the wavelength corresponding to the maximum energy
density is 900%. Then choose the correct alternative(s)
(A) Temperature of black body to which it is cooled is
(B) Ratio of rate of emission i.e. final to initial will be 1 : 10000
(C) The magnitude of difference in two temperature
(D) Ratio of rate of emission i.e. final to initial will be 1 : 6561

24. 5 moles of Nitrogen gas are enclosed in an adiabatic cylindrical vessel. The piston
itself is a rigid light cylindrical container containing 3 moles of Helium gas. There is
a heater which gives out a power 100 cal/second to the nitrogen gas . A power of He
30 cal /sec is transferred to Helium through the bottom surface of the piston. The
rate of increment of temperature of the nitrogen gas is (assuming that the piston N2
moves slowly) :

5 2
25. A gas consisting of rigid di–atomic molecules (degree of freedom = 5) at pressure P0 = 10 N/m and
temperature 273 K was compressed adiabatically to of its initial volume. The mean kinetic energy of
rotation of molecules in final state is n × 10 –21 J (approx). Find value of ‘n’. (K = 1.38 × 10–23 J/K,
(5) = 1.90).

26. Two taps fill a tank with different flow rates. Tap A fills the tank by liquid L1 in one hour and tap B fills the
3 3
tank by liquid L 2 in 3 hours. Density of two liquids are 1g/cm and 4g/cm respectively. Two taps throws
liquids at temperature 10°C and 50°C respectively. If we open two taps together to fill the tank the final
temperature of water is 20°C. Find the ratio of specific heat of liquid L1 and liquid L2.

27. A container (water equivalent of container is negligible) contains 50gm of water at 0ºC. If H amount of heat
is extracted per second from water and keeping the spray closed, then whole water freezes in 10 sec. If
spray is also working and sprays the water with 2gm/sec at 0ºC, then time delay is seconds in complete
freezing compared to previous case keeping the rate of extraction of heat from water same. Then calculate
'x'. (Latent heat capacity of ice = 80 cal/gm)

28. A solid cube of side a, density d and specific heat 's' is at temperature 400 K. It is placed in an ambient
temperature of 200 K. Take : a = 0.9 m, d = 4.8 × 103 Kg/m 3, s = 2.0 × 103 J/kg/K, Stefan's constant 
–8 4 2
 = 6 × 10 W/K -m . Consider the cube to be a black body. If the time for the temperature of the cube to
drop by 5 K is 1000 X seconds, find X in nearest integer.

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29. Inner surface of a cylindrical shell of length  and of material of thermal conductivity k is kept at constant
temperature T1 and outer surface of the cylinder is kept at constant temperature T2 such that (T1 > T2) as
shown in figure. Heat flows from inner surface to outer surface radially outward. Inner and outer radii of the
shell are R and 2R respectively. Due to lack of space this cylinder has to be replaced by a smaller cylinder
 R
of length inner and outer radii and R respectively and thermal conductivity of material nk. If rate of
2 4
radially outward heat flow remains same for same temperatures of inner and outer surface i.e. T1 and T2,
then find the value of n.

30. A ring consisting of two parts ADB and ACB of thermal conductivity K1 carries at rate H from A to B. The
ADB part is now replaced with another metal of (conductivity K2) keeping same the temperature difference
K n
between A and B. The rate of heat carried increases to 2H. If the ratio 2  find the value of n.
K1 3
(Given AOB = 90°)

A T1 T2 B

31. One mole of oxygen undergoes a cyclic process in which volume of the gas changes 10 times with in the
cycle as shown in figure. The processes AB & CD are adiabatic while process BC and DA are isochoric.
What is the efficiency of the process in the % ?



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An insulated container divided into 3 parts contains an ideal gas  = 1.5 at the same pressure P0 and same
temperature T0. Initial volume of each part is V0. The piston 1 and 2 are connected by a non conducting
rigid rod and can move without friction inside the cylinder. Piston 1 is conducting and piston 2 is non
conducting. Pistons are light and can move freely inside the container. Left most part is slowly heated
through a heater such that final volume of the right most part become V0.

Answer the following three questions.

32. Heat supplied by the heater is:

(A) 14 P0V0 (B) 16 P0V0 (C) 18 P0V0 (D) 20 P0V0

33. Work done on the gas kept in right most container is:
(A) P0V0 (B) 2P0V0 (C) 3P0V0 (D) 4P0V0

34. Final pressure in middle part of container is:

15P0 17P0 19P0 21 P0
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 4 4 4

Temperature inside the thin hollow sphere (which is placed in vacuum) of surface area 1m 2 is maintained at
100°C with the help of an electric heater of constant power. The outer surface of sphere emits 120 W
power in radiation and absorbs 50 watt radiation incident on it at steady state. It is also observed in other
experiment with same sphere that it emits 50 watt power when temperature of outer surface is 40°.
(Assume temperature of the surrounding is constant (20°C) and Newtons law of cooling is valid, thermal
conductivity of material 7 × 10–4 Watt/m °C)
35. Electric power of heater is :
(A) 50 watt (B) 60 watt (C) 20 watt (D) 70 watt

36. Temperature of outer surface of sphere is

(A) 100° (B) 80° (C) 48° (D) 60°

37. Thickness of hollow sphere is :

(A) 0.6 mm (B) 0.52 mm (C) 0.7 mm (D) none of these

One mole of a diatomic gas is heated under a "Kibolinsky Process" in which gas pressure is temperature
controlled according to law P = CT3/2. Where C is Kibolinsky constant. In this process, gas is heated by
300 K temperature. Answer the following questions.

38. The amount of workdone by gas under above heating is :

(A) 600 R (B) 750 R (C) – 150 R (D) None of these

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39. The amount of heat supplied to the gas under above heating is :
(A) 600 R (B) – 750 R (C) – 150 R (D) None of these

40. Under above process the molar specific heat of gas is :

(A) (B) R (C) 2R (D) None of these

41. In column–II, some situations are given, and in column–I, their results are given. Match the proper entries
from column-2 to column-1 using the codes given below the columns.
Column–I Column–II

(P) 0ºC ice kept at atmospheric pressure, melts (1) Net work is done by the system
and converts into 0ºC water (ice = 0.9 water).
For the ice water system during this process.

(Q) A gas is undergoing a cyclic process. Density (2) Net work is done on the system
() v/s internal energy (U) graph is as shown.
Here process B–C is an adiabatic process.
Consider the gas as the system, for the complete
cyclic process :

(R) In a closed, non–conducting room, a fan is (3) Internal energy of the system
turned on. Consider the air in the room as a increases
system. During this process.

(S) Gas is filled in a conducting container of negligible (4) Internal energy of the system
heat capacity. The container is kept in ice–water decreases
mixture for a long time. Now the piston is slowly
brought down, till the gas is very much compressed.
Now the cylinder is coated with an insulating material
and now the piston is released. When the piston is
allowed to reach the initial position slowly then in whole
process (Assume the gas in the container to be the system).
(A) 3 1 4 2
(B) 2 1 3 4
(C) 3 2 1 4
(D) 2 4 3 1

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42. Containers of different materials are filled with water at room temperature 25ºC and kept in a closed room
(at temperature T R and pressure PR) in different conditions shown in column-I, Match each situation given
in column I with the phenomenon given in column-II . Assume air and wood are bad conductors of heat.

Column-I Column-II
TR = 20ºC
PR = Patm
(P) container (1) Heat exchange occurs between water and surrounding by conduction


TR = 20ºC
PR = Patm
(Q) container (2) Heat exchange occurs between water and surrounding by convection


TR = 25ºC
PR = Patm
(R) container (3) Water emits radiations to surroundings.


TR = 25ºC
PR = Patm
(S) container (4) Water absorbs radiations from surroundings.


(A) 4 1 2 3
(B) 1 3 2 4
(C) 2 1 3 4
(D) 1 2 3 4

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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN : U80302RJ2007PLC024029
Column matching type Questions :
An ideal gas is undergoing a cyclic thermodynamic process in different ways as shown in the
corresponding P – V diagrams in column 3 of the table. Consider only the path from state 1 to state 2. W
denotes the corresponding work done on the system. The equations and plots in the table have standard
notations as used in thermodynamic process. Here  is the ratio of heat capacities at constant pressure and
constant volume. The number of moles in the gas is n.

Column -1 Column -2 Column -3

1 2

(I) W12 
 –1
P2 V2 – P1V1  (i) Isothermal (P)


(II) W12  PV2  PV1 (ii) Isochoric (Q) 2

P 1

(III) W12  0 (iii) Isobaric (R)

V 
(IV) W12  –nRTln  2  (iv) Adiabatic (S) 2
 V1 
43. Which of the following options is the only correct representation of a process in which U = Q – PV ?
(A) (II) (iii) (P) (B) (II) (iii) (S) (C) (III) (iii) (P) (D) (II) (iv) (R)

44. Which one of the following options is the correct combination ?

(A) (II) (iv) (P) (B) (IV) (ii) (S) (C) (II) (iv) (R) (D) (III) (ii) (S)

45. Which one of the following options correctly represents a thermodynamics process that is used as a
correction in the determination of the speed of sound in an ideal gas ?
(A) (III) (iv) (R) (B) (I) (ii) (Q) (C) (IV) (ii) (R) (D) (I) (iv) (Q)

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