Trigonometry IV

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Trigonometry (Chapter 15) 331 EXERCISE 15E A. Draw diagrams to represent bearings from © of a 136° b 240° © 051° 4 27P 2 Find the bearing of Q from P if the bearing of P from Q is: a 054° » 13° © 263° 4 soe 3 A,B and C ave the checkpoints of a tiangular orienteering course. For each of the following courses, find the bearing of: 1 Birom A. HC from B HB from Ww C fom A vA from B MEA from €, a » x Bis? N x by sc)2see a“ 4 A bushwalker walks 14 kum east and then 9 km south, Find the beating of his finishing position from his starting point 5 Runner A runs at 10 kaa/h due north. Runner B leaves the same spot and runs at 12 kaw due east Find the distance and bearing of runner B from runner A afer 30 minutes. 6 A hiker walks in the direction 183° and stops when she is 20 km south of her stating point, How far did she walk? 7A ship sails for 60 km on a bearing 040°, How far east of is starting point isthe ship? 8 Natasha is 50 m due east of Michelle. Natasha walks 20 m due north, and Michelle walks 10 m due south. Find the distance and bearing of Michelle from Natasha now. 9 An aeroplane travels on a bearing of 295° so that it is 200 km west of its starting point. How far bas it travelled on this bearing? 10 A fishing trawler sails ffom port P in the direction 024° for 30 km, and then in the direction 114° for 20 km. Calculate: ‘a the distance and bearing of the trawler from P bb the ditection in which the trawler must sail in order to rolum to P [TA RDIMENSIONAL PROBLEM SOLVING [8.7] Right angled triangles occur frequently in 3-dimensional figures, We can use Pythagoras’ theorem and twigonometry to find unknown angles and lengths recseoL 332 ‘Trigonometry (Chapter 15) ‘The angle between AB and any ofthe edges at B is he same, the required angle is ABC. A B Wem ho A le ¥200_ ‘The required angle is about 54.7°. EXERCISE 1SF1 A B 4 The figure alongside is a cube with sides of length > 15m. Find: a 5G » Ade. L 5 ms > c 24 “The figure alongside is rectangular prism. X and Y ae the [Sem midpoints of the edges EF and FG respectively. Find: 4 A BX RH HY YH, E x F ¥, ‘cm 10 A sem ‘3 In the triangular prism alongside, find: B a DE J3em » Af, » ic Tem 4689 and HC te wooden ipo eas on Find the thal eng of wend eure To make he wo sous iS eT ic 25cm 4 recsEoL Trigonometry (Chapter 15) 333 5 All edges of a square-based pyramid are 12 m in length. ‘2 Find the angle between a slant edge and a base diagonal. bb Show that this angle is the same for any square-based pyramid with all edge lengths equal. SHADOW LINES (PROJECTIONS) Consider wire frame in the shape of a cube as shown in the diagram alongside, Imagine a light source shining down directly on this eube from © above. The shadow cast by wire AG would be EG. Thi is called the projection le f of AG onto the base plane EFGH. Similarly, the projection of BG onto the base plane is FG. ‘The projection of UP onto the base plane is UT. ‘The prajection of WP onto the base plane is WT, ‘The projection of VP onto the base plane is VT. ‘The projection of XP onto the base plane is XT. THE ANGLE BETWEEN A LINE AND A PLANE ‘The angle between a line and a plane is the angle between the line and its projection on the plane. 4 recs: | a The projection of AH ono the base plane EFGH is EH the required angle is ARE bb The projeton of AG onto the base plane EFGH is EG the required angle is AGE, ‘a The required angle is DGH. “the angle is about 33.7° EXERCISE 15F2 8 ‘Trigonometry (Chapter 15) orp tana = Api > Vat | the angle is about 27.1°. 2. Find the following projections onto the base planes of the given figures: al a i wv 4 cr DG DE co RERS B 1 PA HPN a= tan? ( oe 271 e a) recsEoL Trigonometry (Chapter 15) 335 2. For each of the following figures, name the angle between the given line segment and the base plane: a IDE WCE borPpy mQw © TAQ may MAG Ww BX meQx Ww YQ A As », Q oy le s 2 wo wey yy” a 8 For each of the following figures, find the angle between the given line segments and the base plane: a1 DE A Wem B btu Wl Wem Vv THE ANGLE BETWEEN TWO PLANES Suppose two planes meetin a line. We choose a point P on the line, and draw AP in one plane so it is perpendicular to the line, We then draw BP in the other plane so that BP is perpendicular to the line and so that APB < 90°, The angle 0 = ABB is defined as the angle belween the two planes AB is perpendicular to QR and ‘TR is perpendicular to QR AABT is the required angle. Tom so = tan1(8) ~ 69.4 ‘The angle is about 69.4”. *| P ul DF Wom, PV bem 2 Dy M SX vu 106m] le sen “ x6 x © 1 KO \ K a i xD ax sm a xy sem ii KY is tm B vx oO Y, am 10cm DO rene 336 ‘Trigonometry (Chapter 15) EXERCISE 15F3 # 1. A cube has sides of length 10 cm. Find the angle : ‘between the plane defined by BGD and plane ABCD. fF is lc R a 8 2 ° FFind the angle that plane ASC makes with plane ABCD. P sem © oom a Tem 8 sem 3 The slant edges of the pyramid opposite are 5 em long. Find the angle between planes BCE and ABCD. 4 The pyramid of Cheops in Egypt has a height of 145 m and has base lengths 230 m, Find the angle between a sloping face and the base, Review set 15A 2. Find sin@, cos and tan forthe triangle: Bem Sen| z 2 Find the value of 2: em a » 132m 22m, 8 '3 Find the measure of all unknown sides and >, i angles in triangle CDE: “= Sem se, c 4 From a point 120 m horizontally from the base of a building, the angle of elevation to the top of the building is 34°. Find the height ofthe building, 5 Find the exact value of sin? 60? + tan? 45°, recsEoL Trigonometry (Chapter 15) 337 6 Find y a sin 1 AA qinass.o9 b tané x © the exact coordinates of P. 7 Find the diameter of this cizle 6m 8 A ship sails 40 km on the bearing 056°, How far is it north of its starting point? 9 Find the angle that: ‘BG makes with FO b AG makes with the base plane EFGH. 10. Two aeroplanes leave from an airport atthe same time. Aeroplane A flies on a bearing of 124° at 4 speed of 450 kab, Aeroplane B flies on a bearing of 214° at a speed of 380 km/h, Find the distance and beating of B from A after I hour, Review set 15B A Find: 1 sind Mt cosé Ill tand ems TS. SY 2. Find the value of « in the following: a » &m 15cm recseoL 338 ‘Trigonometry (Chapter 15) '3 Find the measure of all unknown sides and angles in M triangle KLM: soem om K Seal 4 The angle of elevation from a point 2 km from the base of the vertical cliff to the top of the elit is 17-7, Find the height of the cliff in metres. 5 A tangent to a circle from a point 13 cm ftom the centre is 11 em in length, Find the angle between the tangent and the line from the point to the centre ofthe circle © Without using a calculator, find the value of ane bb sin? 60? + tan 45° — cos? cost 0 y 7 Two cyclists depart from A at the same time. X eyeles ina direction ase 145° for two hours ata speed of 42 km per hour. Y cycles due east and atthe end of the two hours is directly north of X. i ‘a How far did X travel in 2 hours? Tow far did Y travel in 2 hours? © Determine the average speed at which ¥ has travelled x 8 Three towns P, Q and R are such that Q lies 10.8 km southeast of P and R lies 15.4 km southwest of P. ‘Draw a labelled diagram of the situation, 1b Find the distance from R to Q. © Find the bearing of Q from R. Triangle ABC is equilateral with sides 10 cm long. ‘Triangle DEF is formed by drawing lines parallel to, and ‘Lem away from, the sides of triangle ABC, as illustrated, Find the perimeter of triangle DEF. 20 The figure alongside is a square-based pyramid in which all edges are 20 em in length, Find the angle that: ‘AD makes with plane EBCD 'b plane ADC makes with plane EBCD. recsEoL

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