Tag Observation - Tag School Lead

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cousummrtonoveratenracn VWI gcc ‘Gifted In-Field Endorsement Program May 4, 2018 Sirand ‘Component of a Standards-Based ‘Observed Evidence ‘Comments Classroom, - . Tnsiraction | Learning goals (eg, essential question, what_| Rational and rational numbers students should know, understand, and beable to do by the end ofthe lesson ae aligned to the curriculum content standards and TAG. ‘Standards and are communicated by the teacher Instruction bogns with an engaging hhookativating strategy to strengthen Tearing and paced accordinly “Teacher posted a series of pictures on the board and posed the flowing ‘question: What do these pictures have in common? ‘All esse steps of the selected strategy are taught in a predictable and logical format and are paved appropriate Not observed ‘Students ate engaged as ative learners ‘Alstudents were actively engaged in thelesson Tnsiricior’s questioning techniques require students to use higher order thinking skills and metacognition, and stively encourages student questioning Instructional tasks require stents fo use higher onder thinking skills nd metacousition ‘Students had to determine the relationship between shapes and provide an explanation to support their reasoning Ts differentiated to meet stent Content —_ Readiness Process Learning Sites Product eres Environment ‘Students hae the oppartunity to select two problems to sve according totheit ability levels. The teacher encouraged students to not pcka problom thats too easy er hard for them, but pick a problem that achievable, 2 problem that provides ‘them with litle struggle, but they can complete Tnsraction and asks relates to student Hie “The teacher posed the folowing Revised 9/2017 ‘experiences, and inegrates resources, examples andor esse studies from real world ‘question: What types of shapes do ‘engineers use to buld the strongest bridges. -rangles Tastructor's role predominantly observed Facilitator Lecturer ‘Students completed the mast ofthe ‘work an engaged In meaningful conversations, Thstrastional delivery mode predominantly observed “Whole Group _ Paired | Small Group. Independent ‘dents were predominanily engaged in Higher Onder Thinking Performance Tasks “The use of technology is integrated cfeatively into instruction when appropriate Technology was used to display araphics. ‘Students effectively use technology during he class perio, ‘Students didnot use ted nology uring the cls period Instructional goals, ativiis, interactions, and classroom environment convey high expectations for ll students ‘Mr. Weigand circulated roughout the classroom to ask students questions, arty misconceptions, and {0 make sure they remained on task, Instruction ends with a summary activity that extends the learning. Did not observe ‘Assessment Formative assessments are walla daring instruction fo provide immediate evidence of student leaming and to provide specific Teelack vo students. Instructor questioning is used to monitor student understanding ‘Mr. Weigand erculsted throughout the elasraom to ask students ‘questions to check fr understanding ‘and clarity misconceptions Planning and Organization (Classroom management is conducive (© student lamin. Tis evident that dear expectations for classroom rules, routines, and procedures has been established, Teis evident that Gear expectations for classroom rules, routines, and procedures has been established, Revised 9/2017 Instruction is provided in a safe and orderly environment ir Weigand provided students with | ‘well-managed, safe, and orderly ‘environment that supports their learning, ‘The teacher maximizes instructional time. ‘Mr. Weigand created a student centered environment in which student were self-directed learners ‘School | Tho culture of he classroom reflects arisk- | Stucents asked questons, held Culture | fee earning environment ‘meaningful conversations, and accepted Feedback in a postive ‘Overall Assesiment | Below the Standard = 1 ‘Approaching the Sundard-2 [Meets the Standard—3 | Fxeweds the Standard = 4 "Absence of major components | Implementation of 4-15 of the | With implementation of 1 | With ull implementation of ‘of a standard-based elassoom as | components. While students met the | 18 ofthe components of'a | 19-200f the components of a noted above prevented the | Teaming goals ofthe lesson, absence | standards-based classroom, standards-based classroom, Jeamners fiom meeting the goals | of major components ofa sandards- | the students met the learning | the sudents exceeded the ofthe lesson based classroom as noted above | goals and demonstrated learning goals and exined new prevented the eamers from being | critical andr creative insights that ean be transfered Must reschedule another Tully challenged by the lesson to” | thinking. beyond te discipline of study L observation think eitially andr ereativel - Revised 9/2017

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