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17/04/2017 Aybüke AKSOY


TOPIC : Countries & Their cultures

PLACE : Technology Lab

 Know how to play taboo game
 Know how to use Moodle page
 Are familiar with using the internet for searching
 Know what is compare and contrast essay from the previous lesson
 Know how to make comments on a Word document
Total class time. 100 min. (2 hours lesson)

The students will be able to:

 Learn new food, place, and geography vocabularies.
Objectives  Use the newly learned vocabulary in speaking.
 Learn the flags of China, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Canada, Mexico, and
 Learn the culture of China, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Canada, Mexico, and
 Learn how to work in collaboratively in pairs for writing a compare
and contrast essay.

 Practice writing a compare and contrast essay in a limited time, and in a

limited number of words.
 Use the newly learned words in their writings.
 Learn how to carry out an online discussion on Moodle page.


17/04/2017 Aybüke AKSOY
Activity Activity Description
The teacher comes to the lab and greetings the students. She brings 18
colorful taboo cards which have the words related with different 6x3
Introduction countries. And the words are about the cuisine of a country, a famous
(5 minutes) animal or place of that country or its population. And she divides the
students into 2 groups, as each group has 3 people, relying on students’
choice. Then she distributes these mixed cards to each student as each
has 3 of them, in total in each group has 9 mixed taboo cards.
Before students start to play the taboo game, they will have 5 minutes
to check out what the words are. Besides, the teacher asks them to note
Warm-Up down the words they don’t know. The student who is trying to tell a
(20 minutes) word will come to the stage and try to describe it to his/her own group
without saying the forbidden words below the cards. Every student will
come and talk one and one in two groups. After they finished up all
cards, the teacher will assign a country to each student randomly and
give the cards related with that country to them so that they can make
use of the words for their later activity.
Teacher asks students to open up their lesson’s Moodle page and by that
time she also opens it and shows it to the students by the projector. And
she opens up their lessons page and shows the folder that they need to
Main Activity submit their discussion writing (compare and contrast essay). Then she
(60 minutes) explains how they can add a new discussion topic, how they can write
on it, submit it and how they can reply each other by demonstrating for
5 minutes. Then she asks students if they have any problem, question or
unclear part. And ıf they have she answers them firstly.
After that, students are divided into 3 groups, as each group has 2
students, by the teacher. Students are expected to write a compare and
contrast essay together between 200-250 words by using new
vocabularies they learned and by comparing their countries’ cultures
and geography. Then, the teacher asks them to make a quick research
individually about the countries that they were assigned before they
start to work in pairs.
By that time they can give a short (5 minutes) break.

17/04/2017 Aybüke AKSOY
While students are writing their essays, the teacher puts on classical
music in order that they could feel relax and work more effectively.
When they finish their writings, the teacher asks them to read other
pairs’ work and make comment on their discussions by replying. So
that each work will get 2 comments

Technologies used Moodle web-page
Google for research part
Online Dictionaries (preferably Tureng and Merriam-Webster)

Follow-up Activity After students finish the main activity, the teacher asks students to show
(10 minutes) the flags of their countries and other students will try to guess which
flag belongs to which country. After that, the teacher tells them their
homework and class dismiss.

Assessment Students are expected to copy and paste the writings on a word
(Homework) document and review other’s writings individually and if there are any
mistake or lacking, they need to write comments on it. It needs to be
submitted to Moodle by Sunday midnight.

17/04/2017 Aybüke AKSOY

Students may struggle with using the discussion board on moodle.

Anticipated Problems
and Solutions The teacher can come to their computers and help their
problems or show it again on the projector.

There could be a black-out or devices may not run.

We can lose internet connection.

For these scenarios, teacher has a backup plan for technology

If there were any internet or electricity problem, then the teacher could
Back-up Plans adapt the activity to papers. The teacher would bring to class some
for technology readings (hard-copies) which include general knowledge about the
assigned countries. So that students can write their writings on paper
that was given them. Then they can talk about their countries in pairs
again and discuss them orally by making comments or asking

Or they can make use of their cell phones and their individual internet

 Taboo Cards
 Computer
Materials/teaching  Projector
aids needed  Board

17/04/2017 Aybüke AKSOY
 Moodle
 Word document
 Internet connection
 Blank papers
 Pencils

PS: This lesson is conducted %100 English.

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