Transcript - 31 Introduction To The Book of Obadiah

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An Introduction to the Book of Obadiah

Obadiah was a prophet of Jehovah.

He recorded his prophecy about 607 B.C.E., after the Babylonians destroyed

Obadiah was a contemporary of Jeremiah, Daniel and Ezekiel.

The book of Obadiah is the shortest book in the Hebrew Scriptures. It has just one

Obadiah conveys a judgment message against the nation of Edom. During the
destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians, the Edomites rejoice at Israel's
suffering. Edomites capture fleeing Israelites. They hand them over to the
Babylonians, and share in taking spoil from the conquered Jews.

Did you know? The Edomites were related to the Israelites. They were descendants
of Jacob's twin brother Esau. He was given the name Edom, meaning red, after he
sold his birthright for some red lentil stew.

Obadiah prophesies that the nation of Edom will be plundered at the hands of her
former allies. This prophecy begins to be fulfilled when the Babylonians conquer
Edom. In time, Edom ceases to exist.

In the closing verses, Jehovah promises to restore his people as a unified nation,
and re-establish true worship in Jerusalem.

The book concludes with the statement “the kingship will become Jehovah's”,
indicating that Jehovah's kingship will stand vindicated forever.

As you read Obadiah, note how Jehovah is aware of the persecution his people
suffer; how Jehovah gives his people hope in times of distress; and, how Jehovah's
lasting kingship will stand vindicated forever.

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