NGO Questionnair With Notes

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As per General Statistics (Reorganization) Act, 2011, this information will be treated Confidential and will be only used to produce aggregate statistics. No data
for individual Organization will be published or made available to the government agencies in any form. The data will be used for statistical purpose only

Section-1 Particulars
1.Processing Code: 2. PSIC Code (official use):
3.Province: 4.District: 5.Tehsil: 6.City:
7. Name & Address of Organization:
8.a Registered under act: 8.b Registration No: 8.c Year of Registration:
9.Telephone/Mobile/ Fax: 10.E-mail/Website:
11.Main Field of operation i. Health ii. Education iii. Social work iv. Others (Pl. Specify)
12. Principle Activity (Please Specify):
13. Geographical area of operation (Please Specify) :

Section-2 Sources of Funding

Sources of Funding Value (“000” Rs.) Sources of Funding Value (“000” Rs.)
210-Self-Generated 230-International
231-Donations/Grants from Aid/Donor Agencies (in-cash/in-
211-Membership Fee
212-Service charges 232-Diaspora Community (in-cash/in-kind)
213-Rental Income 233-INGOs Grants
214-Endowment Income 240-National-Other than Government
219-Others (Pl. specify) 241-Zakat/Donations from Individuals (in-cash/in-kind)
220-Grant from the Government 242-Donations/Grants from Organizations (in-cash/in-kind)
243-Donations/Grants from Corporate Sector (in-cash/in-
222-Provincial 244-Loans
223-District 249-Other (Specify)

Section-3 Endowment Fund Contribution

Sources Value (“000” Rs.)
301- Endowment Fund
302- Other Savings

Section-4 Employment and Employment Cost Value (“000” Rs.)

No. of Persons engaged Wages & Salaries
Employment Status
Male Female Total In cash In kind Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

410-Governing Body Members

420-Contract Employees


422-Full time employees

430-Other paid employees

(Adhoc, part time and Interns)



Section-5 Operating Expenses
Value Items of Expenditure Value
Items of Expenditure
(“000” Rs.) (“000” Rs.)
501-Electricity 512-Traveling expenses (by air/ rail/road)
502-Gas 513-Repair/maintenance charges
503-Water 514-Entertainment
504-Petrol, Oil & Lubricants (POL) 515-Lodging/boarding expenses
505-Transport Charges 516-Lease rentals (machinery equipment)
506-Storage charges 517-Rent Paid
507-Postage & Courier Services 518-Cost of medicine purchased
508-Telephone, Fax, Mobile/Internet 519-All other Medical Supplies*
509-Printing & Stationery (including expenditure on books,
520-Garments and clothing accessories
Notebooks, Registers, etc.
510-Advertising 521-Seminars/Workshops/Trainings etc.
511-Accounting, auditing & legal fee 529-Others
500- Total
*Details are well-defined in the manual.

Section-6 Taxes / Duties

Sources Value (“000” Rs.) Sources Value (“000” Rs.)
601- Import Duties 605- Other Tax paid
602- Sale Tax Paid 606- District taxes/Local
603- Excise Duty 607- Depreciation
604- Provincial Tax 608- Net interest paid

Section -7 Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) Value (“000” Rs.)

Additions, Own
Acquisition of proceeds
Alterations and account
Type of Assets fixed assets from GFCF (2+3-4+5)
Major capital
(new/existing) disposal of
Improvements formation *
fixed assets
1 2 3 4 5 6
Dwellings (Residential
710 buildings)
Buildings other than
Buildings and

720. Other


722 Other structures**

Land improvements &
cost of land transfer
Transport Equipment
(vehicles etc.)
730. Machinery and

ICT ***(computer

hardware &
733 Furniture & Fixture
Other machinery and
Research and
740. Intellectual


Computer software and

Other intellectual
property products
*Fixed assets produced for own use, ** Telephone /power lines, pipelines, cables, gas pipelines, etc., ***information, computer and
Telecommunication. Note: Assets acquired on financial lease should be included in the respective category

Name of Respondent ___________________ Signature & Stamp: ________________

Designation ___________________________

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Instructions to fill-in questionnaire of NGOs survey 2015-16

SECTION-1: Particulars

1. Processing code(for official use)

2. PSIC code (for official use)
The principle activity is the major activity in which an NGO was engaged during the FY
The geographical area of operation means the jurisdiction wherein an NGO supposed to
performs its activities.

SECTION-2: Sources of Funding

Value of funding from all sources (210-249) in (“000” Rs.) to be written here. The main sources
of funding for NGOs are as under:

210-Self-Generated, 220-Grant from the Government, 230-International and 240-National-Other than


214. Endowment income is the income generated from the investment of Endowment Fund.

SECTION-3: Endowment Fund Contribution

301 Endowment fund is an investment fund established by NGOs in the FY 2015-16 that
makes consistent withdrawals from invested capital. Its value be recorded in (“000” Rs.)
302 Other savings, if exists, in the FY 2015-16 to be written in (“000” Rs.)

SECTION-4: Employment and Employment Cost

This section covers the number of employees and their wages & salaries by employment status.
The number of persons (male and female) engaged during FY 2015-16 will be recorded in
column 2 & 3.While wages & salaries (in cash or kind) including honoraria to be recorded in
column 5 & 6 in (“000” Rs.)

SECTION-5: Operating Expenses

This section includes all expenses incurred by an NGO during the FY 2015-16. The operating
expenses included in this section are on the items from code 501-529.

512. Traveling expenses (by air/ rail/road) also includes the traveling cost of Governing Body

520. Garments and clothing accessories incudes the expenses of uniform, footwear etc.

SECTION-6 : Taxes / Duties

This section covers the amount paid by NGO during FY 2015-16 as import duties and various
taxes including depreciation and interest paid.

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SECTION-7: Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF)

Column-2: Acquisition of Fixed Assets (New/Existing)

These category-wise cost of assets acquired through purchase (New and existing used assets)

Barter, capital transfer in kind or retained by their producers for their own use during the FY
2015-16. The value should refer to all expenditures made on the purchase of new and existing
used (second hand) fixed assets. The transfer cost will also be included in the value of each
respective asset. The category wise value of fixed assets acquired on lease will also be included in
the value of each respective asset.

Column-3: Addition/alteration and Major Improvements

The category-wise expenditures incurred on addition/alteration and major improvements to

existing assets during the FY 2015-16. The cost of major improvements will also be included in
the value of each respective asset.

Column-4: Sale Proceeds from Disposal of Fixed Assets

The value of fixed assets of all types that have been used by the household unit/establishment and
which have been sold, surrendered in barter and surrendered as capital transfers in kind during the
FY 2015-16 should be reported in Column.4 regardless of the conditions in which they have been
sold. The assets sold should be valued according to the actual proceeds received from it.

Column 5: Own Account Capital Formation

It includes expenditure incurred on assets produced for its own use (own constructed). If the
expenses are large on development or extension of assets and expected to be used for more than
one year, these will be mentioned here.

Column-6: Gross Fixed Capital Formation

This should include value of acquisition, addition/alteration and major improvements including
cost of transfer incurred during the FY 2015-16 (Column2 plus Column3) minus sales proceeds
from disposal of fixed assets during the year (Column4). Plus value of own account capital
formation (Column5).

Note: Stamp & signature is must at the end of questionnaire

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