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ecent archaeological and geological discoveries are shaking modern

After a series of
amazing discoveries
R society's beliefs about our prehistory. Even establishment academics
are saying that the textbooks urgently need to be rewritten, but few of
them realise just how radical the required changes are. Advances in
ground-penetrating scanning technologies are giving us a clearer picture of
what lies buried beneath the sands of time, and decades of work by
independent researchers threatens to overthrow the established dogmas of
since 2011 at what is academia.
A plethora of new evidence from around the world suggests that there was
potentially the at least one previous globe-spanning civilisation, and that it was destroyed
most significant during the great coastal flooding at the end of the last glacial period around
11,600 years ago. Inundation of coastal cities that were the main centres of
archaeological site this civilisation could be what our culture remembers as "the sinking of
on the planet, Atlantis". Over the last decade it has been proposed by some mainstream
geologists, and become increasingly accepted, that a comet impact in North
research at America was at least partially responsible for the sudden changes in climate
and the mass extinctions of megafauna around that time.
Gunung Padang The prehistory we were taught at school or university was pieced together
in West Java in the middle of the last century without access to this explosion of new
information. If we look at the evidence without preconceptions, then where
has stalled due to and when modern humanity originated is really an open question, and so are
the locations and dates of the first civilisation. These dates are consistently
a delay in promised being pushed further back in time.
funding, academic However, any evidence that there was a global civilisation before our own is
routinely and automatically covered up or ridiculed into obscurity. The
resistance and discovery of yet another anachronistic megalithic site, such as Gunung
Padang in Indonesia, is like another big elephant entering the already
national politics. crowded room of academic anthropology and archaeology.

What is Gunung Padang and Why Is It Important?

Gunung Padang is a large pyramidal megalithic site in West Java. Just the
top section alone is 150 metres long and 40 metres wide—6,000 square
metres in area. Its name in the local Sundanese language means Mountain
by Narada Firebird Vantari and of Light or even Mountain of Enlightenment. It is set in a majestic hilltop
Pratima Mumford-Sephton location surrounded by lush tropical volcanic peaks. On a clear day you can
© February 2016 see that Gunung Padang is aligned with the active volcano Gunung Gede 20
kilometres to the north. For as long as anyone can remember, the locals have
Email: held ceremonies in the ancient ruins on top of this auspicious hill.
Websites: However, Gunung Padang's astonishing size and antiquity were only realised in 2011 when Dr Danny Hilman Natawidjaja, senior geoscientist at the Research Center for Geotechnology of the Indonesian Institute of
Sciences in Bandung, arrived to do some geological surveying. It was quickly

APRIL – MAY 2016 NEXUS • 1

layer of construction is made of a
metre or more of interwoven plinths.
They are stuck together with what is
probably an artificial mortar. The
layers of plinths are separated by a
layer of loose soil and gravel that
varies between a few tens of
centimetres to several metres in
It seems that many thousands of
years after the first layer was
constructed, the whole hilltop was
manually buried beneath countless
tonnes of rocks and dirt. A new layer
was then constructed, similar to the
first layer. Then, even more strangely,
thousands of years later the process
was repeated, burying and remaking
Artist’s impression of Gunung Padang circa 2500 BP a new structure. The ruins strewn
about on the current surface layer
apparent to his trained eye that it is not just the surface date to around 3,000 years before present (BP) and are
ruins that are interesting: the entire top of the hill is the least sophisticated construction. The whole place is
evidently an artificial construction. quite mind-boggling to contemplate. It's a giant puzzle
Thousands upon thousands of columnar andesite that humbles the mind as to who built it, why they built
plinths have been laid together to create the enormous it and what is really going on here.
stepped pyramidal structure. The hexagonal plinths are
found in many places and are presumably natural, but in Journey to Gunung Padang
nature they always occur vertically, never horizontally. Dr Danny Natawidjaja is the main person responsible
Geologists agree that the six-sidedness comes from the for the rediscovery of Gunung Padang, and his
"flower of life" or "honeycomb" type of geometric fracturing credentials are impressive. He gained his MSc degree in
that results as the volcanic magma cools. Andesite is a geology from the University of Auckland, New Zealand,
heavy, dense volcanic rock similar to granite and difficult to and earned his PhD at the California Institute of
shape with modern tools. Yet many of the plinths have Technology. He is an expert in Quaternary and
unexplained indentations and intriguing markings. earthquake geology, and is listed online as one of
Investigations revealed at least two earlier layers Indonesia's top dozen academics. It was his geological
beneath the surface ruins of Gunung Padang. Each thick training that allowed him to quickly recognise what
others had missed from examining
the surface ruins: the unique and
unnatural nature of the entire hilltop.
After countless emails back and
forth, we arranged to meet Dr
Natawidjaja in September 2015 at his
office at the Indonesian Institute of
Sciences in Bandung. He juggles his
interest in Gunung Padang with a
full-time job and his family, including
a new baby. It was soon clear to us
that he is a deeply spiritual person
and a sincere, open-minded scientist.
After answering our pages of
prepared questions in a two-hour
interview, he then treated us to his
mind-blowing slide presentation of
the scientific data gathered over the
last four years and how he thinks it
fits into world history.
Dr Danny Hilman Natawidjaja and some of the andesite plinths As it was already late evening after

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