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PULL nano !

News from the European 32/22nm CMOS Research pool at month 21 April 2008


Clearly the semiconductor

industry is going through
32/22nm metrology
challenging times, yet
again, as we see the 32nm
European SMEs come
technology node creating
a rupture in the semiconductor land- on board
scape. The escalation of development
costs and of manufacturing fab invest- In the drive towards nanostructures,
ments is forcing more players to greater
cost sharing in the form of large trans- advanced metrology is of crucial impor-
continental alliances. With its strong tance to staying ahead of the technology
academic and industrial partnership,
e l e c t r o n i c s

Pullnano has certainly led the 32nm progress in order to stabilize the process
CMOS battle for Europe. Our competi- window at smaller nodes. In order to face
tive 32nm SRAM cell demonstrator, pre-
this challenge, the Pullnano Consortium
sented at IEDM 2007, is the world’s first
with a Fully Depleted Silicon On Insula- asked three SMEs to come to the rescue.
tor (FDSOI)/High K dielectric/Metal Gate An overview with Martin Schellenberger,
architecture. At 32nm design rules this
memory cell translates into a density of coordinator of the equipment subproject
33 million transistors per mm2! for Pullnano at the Fraunhofer IISB.
The withdrawal of NXP and Freescale
from the Crolles2 Alliance (as of Decem-
ber 07) with implications on the Small is beautiful ... but tiny semiconduc-
Pullnano consortium partnership left Martin Schellenberger, coordinator
former Crolles 2 Alliance members in tors pushing back the limits of miniaturi-
for the SP7, Fraunhofer IISB : « Pull-
N a n o C M O S

search of a new world size alliance. zation are not only a challenge for the
nano tells the process directions and
Elsewhere large alliances are forming as fabrication process with smaller struc- contributes to the process specifica-
well. Nevertheless work towards the tures, new materials and new device ar- tions for SEA-NET. In this case, the
32 nm node continues and will accele-
chitectures. They are also a challenge for specification is the know-how co-
rate, since no single CMOS technology
can “do it all” given the variety of appli- the analysis and characterization equip- ming from Pullnano, and we will get
cations and markets accessible to large ment, a prerequisite to be able to develop the results feedback from SEA-NET. »
chip manufacturers. Know-how, soft- and produce the nanostructures down to
ware tools methodologies, models, cha-
the 32/22nm nodes. As Pullnano results
racterization techniques and equipment
improvements developed through are developed towards the industrial ex- developing the necessary process and
Pullnano will be transferred to/used in ploitation phase, the equipment forum, metrology equipment, with a special
additional technologies known as More active in subproject 7 (SP7) and coordina- focus on 32/22nm capabilities related to
o f

Than Moore technologies (RF, analog, ted by the Fraunhofer Institute of Integra- the Pullnano needs », points out Martin
embedded memories…), optoelectro-
nics or NEMS (NanoElectroMechanical ted Systems and Device Schellenberger
l i m i t s

Systems). This will allow a smoother Technology (IISB) in Erlan- from the Fraunhofer
transition to 32nm manufacturing in gen, Germany, scored a Institute. In Pull-
Europe. few important achieve- nano, the equip-
During the final year of the Pullnano ments. « It is the overall ob- ment activities are
project the consortium’s attention is jective of the SP7 especially suppor-
focusing more and more towards 22nm The NovaScan platform is a metrology
equipment forum to opti- ted by new part-
devices; preliminary work shows that solution for critical dimensions and
with creative and bold device architec- mize and smooth the pro- shape profiling applications down to ners, Cameca and
t h e

ture the 22 nm node can offer the cedure of designing and 32nm (doc. Nova) Imagine Optic from
performances expected in the ITRS
(International Technology Roadmap for
Semiconductors). Certainly one of the Table of contents
options studied within Pullnano will
P u l l i n g

emerge in the final industrial 22nm tech- MASTAR : A European Enrico Sangiorgi :
nology. Good news: at 22nm the
technical aspect seems to work; if the compact model enters “Electronic industry is in
economics also works, we should then the international stage p.3 the midst of revolutionizing
see the 16nm node happen …
the traditional CMOS device” p.4
Dr Gilles Thomas (STMicroelectronics) High-K material
Pullnano coordinator Will Gadolinium succeed Dissemination p.6
to Hafnium ? p.6

M a r t i n S c h e l l e n b e r g e r W P 7 E q u i p m e n t s

Spectrometry) instrument of its fers for materials and da-

own, the french company Cameca mage characterization. A
is developing the metrology sys- sensitivity analysis for the
tem needed for the depth profiles layer stacks and materials
via ultra low impact energy capa- and the preparation of the
bilities (100 to 150 eV). The SIMS spectral libraries with the
technique allows molecular and material parameters is cur-
elemental characterization of rently under way. The team
layers as well as the investigation is also working on the defi- The e-Xplorer installed a
of bulk composition and distribu- nition of the measurement Fraunhofer Institute (do
tion of trace elements, with a very tool as well as preparing the wafer process
high resolution (lateral as well as flow and the characterization of the wa-
The IMS SCU on stage at IMEC (doc. Cameca) depth). fers. The outcome should be a reliable pre-
The Cameca activities in Pullnano diction for measurement capabilities.
France and Nova from Israel ; these SMEs are manifold : simulation and calcula-
from the equipment community joined the tion of the beam optics for improved
Pullnano consortium in 2007. transmission; calculation of the chro-
During fabrication, there is a need to matic aberrations for 150 eV impact
control the structures built at each process energy; new design of the Cesium
step, in order to define and stabilize the source for ultra low impact energy ap-
process window precisely and to achieve plication and associated electronics;
the highest possible performance and optimization of the oxygen source to
yield. In the case of Pullnano, the metro- enable working mode with ultra low
logy equipment has, for example, to tackle impact energy; implementation and
measurements on 2D and 3D aspects, as validation of performances. Up to
well as to establish dopant profiles of bu- now, the team has achieved an in-
ried structures. The technology oriented crease of the sputter rate by a factor Flatness metrology for CMP : the measurement
project Pullnano has grown on top of the 3, up to 0.1nm/min. Validation of the contains global and local wafer geometry.
previous Nanocmos project where new system with the new Cesium source is
equipment had already been identified. In planned for June 2008.
order to go further than the initial contrac- In the Metrology for Scatterometry-Based CMP metrology in situ
tual phase, the original 35 member consor- Imagine Optic is active in the me-
tium exceptionnally decided to trology for chemical-mechanical
use the reserve of 300 k€ to polishing (CMP), where the aim is
value new partners, european Samuel Bucourt,CEO of Imagine Optic : to develop a setup for wafer flat-
leaders in their respective « We brought our expertise in wavefront ness and edge control, which
field, and get them to contri- measurement and optical engineering to should both be usable on CMP for
bute with their expertise in the Pullnano consortium in 2007 and we raw silicon wafers as well as pat-
specific metrology equipment. terned wafers, in situ and in real-
developed a wafer flatness measurement ins-
« The team followed strict cri- time during the front-end process
teria to focus its activities on
trument which will also permit the measure-
(non-destructive procedure).
already existing equipment ment of mirrors in synchrotron and spatial « Flatness of the wafers is increa-
prototypes from suppliers applications. We hope to launch a series of singly crucial with optical lithogra-
which could be adapted to the standard products based on this instrument phy, due to the requirements
nanotechnology needs. For which could well represent 10 to 15% of our arising from the depth of focus to
the suppliers, the appeal was get precise structures », empha-
sales in the future. »
to become a member of the sizes Martin Schellenberger. A
Pullnano consortium and to compact industrial system (e-Xplo-
get into contact with an industry harbou- Low-K Control, the purpose is to demons- rer) based on Shack-Hartmann wavefront
ring a potential new business for them », trate a method to characterize damage to sensors from Imagine Optic as well as a
explains Martin Schellenberger. the sidewalls of low-k material structures pattern recognition wavefront sensor (Ma-
In the metrology for ultra-shallow junctions on patterned wafers caused during plasma kyoh) adapted for research, are already in
(10nm, i.e. ultra-thin structures), the ob- etching. The challenge is in the very small place at the Fraunhofer IISB. First results
jective is to provide accurate dopant pro- change in refraction index of the damaged for flatness metrology have been obtained,
files with a high degree of inherent layer. Working with IMEC, Nova Measuring with methods of calculation like cross sec-
quantification at interfaces. Starting with a Instruments completed a feasibility study tion analysis, double Gaussian filtering and
standard SIMS (Secondary Ion Mass last November, on how to measure the wa- height deviation analysis. They show an

achieved resolution and ac- capabilities to be made availa-
curacy of 1.1mm for lateral ble for fabrication of necessary
resolution and 50nm in verti- Georges Antier, Vice President and standards and establishment of
cal resolution. Business Unit Manager of Cameca : metrology methodologies in ad-
« Ultra Low Impact Energy is a key vance of production. This re-
Finally, a Fraunhofer IISB factor to get access to the ultimate quires a greater attention to
team is also working toge- depth resolution in SIMS. This is a strong re- expanding close ties between
ther with STMicroelectro- metrology development and
quest from all Cameca customers and from
nics on developing an process development. The co-
automated fault detection semiconductor analytical teams in general. operation between the metro-
and classification solution The work done in Pullnano was very fruitful logy community and
for low-k (2.5 or less) pore for Cameca as we were able to demonstrate semiconductor fabrication is
led at the sealing processes. The extremely good data with both Cesium and mandatory to keep equipment
(doc. Cameca) control solution is based on Oxygen primary ion beam. » development in Europe. But,
residual gas analysis (RGA), when the metrology is well mat-
and can be used in R&D as well as ched to the process tools and
in production. control and X-ray metrology and origina- processes, ramping times for pilot lines
ting from ideas in the Pullnano domain, and factories are reduced. Later on, an ap-
« In parallel to the Pullnano initiative, the are funded via SEA-NET » propriate combination of well-engineered
equipment forum worked to establish tight tools and appropriate metrology is neces-
contacts to the independent european In general, the metrology tool development sary to maximize productivity while main-
project for the assessment of semicon- requires the availability of state-of-the-art taining acceptable cost of ownership ■
ductor equipment for nanoelectronic
technologies (SEA-NET), where the
activities focus more on equipment David Scheiner, CTO of Nova Measuring Instruments :
testing on a large scale, versus Pull- « After gaining access to cooperation with IMEC, we will have a
nano where the focus lies on the unique application to offer our customers and gain a certain advan-
materials and process technolo- tage in relation to our competitors from the USA if the project is
gies », explains Martin Schellenber-
successful, and we hope to continue cooperation with IMEC and possibly
ger. « Currently, two projects,
related to advanced overlay install a metrology system to continue the development of this capability. »


MASTAR : A European compact

model enters the international stage
The Model for Assessment of CMOS Technology And Roadmaps
(MASTAR) was initially created by Thomas Skotnicki from STMi-
croelectronics. The main idea behind MASTAR is to predict the per-
formance trend of several type of CMOS device structures (Bulk,
Ultra Thin Films, multigates …) , while keeping a simple but phy-
sics-based approach of the transistor behavior in terms of short-
channel effects, mobility enhancement, access resistance,
innovative gate stacks etc. The tool was originally aimed at helping
device engineers who wanted to anticipate technological choices.
Illustration of the new MASTAR interface aimed at system level and
At the European level, back in 2002, the early version of MASTAR
currently under development in the Pullnano project
was used to define the performance targets of the IST-ARTEMIS
project aimed at 65nm node. From 2004, the various collaborations been developed [1]. In addition, the inclusion of a stand-alone System
with European universities and SMEs occurring through the IST-NA- Level model allows for the calculation of small circuits (ring oscillators,
NOCMOS project, allowed for the enhancement of MASTAR models SRAMs). It also takes into account the variability issues occurring in mo-
with new functionalities, such as ballistic transport, quantum calcula- dern technologies. This allows the Pullnano project to be at the leading-
tions, strained-silicon fundamentals etc. Thanks to this user-friendly ap- edge of CMOS roadmap discussions at the international forums [2] ■
proach, MASTAR was used for the definition of the 2005 and 2007
editions of the ITRS roadmap. It has thus become the established tool MASTAR is a freeware supported by STMicroelectronics.
used by the international CMOS Community. It can be download from the ITRS website:
This collaborative approach continues within Pullnano, where the cou- 1] M. Sellier et al., ISQED 2008
pling between MASTAR and full circuit simulators (such as SPICE) has [2] F.Boeuf et al., Trans. Electron Devices June 2008


Enrico Sangiorgi :
“Electronic industry is in the midst
of revolutionizing the traditional
CMOS device”
The continued scaling of CMOS technology is reaching a point where, due to
physical limits, new materials and device structures increasingly need to be introdu-
ced, requiring an extension of devices and circuits models in order to provide
solutions in time for forthcoming technology generations. The Device Physics cluster Pioneering the modeling of
in Pullnano is in charge of this task. Explanations by Enrico Sangiorgi. nanoscale chips…
Enrico Sangiorgi has been invol-
Why does electrical modeling become important role by developing and testing ad- ved in several European projects
more important in the 32nm and below pro- vanced physical models addressing the future of the 5th, 6th, and now 7th FP
cesses? needs. In particular all the issues related to the with management responsibilities.
As pointed out in the ITRS roadmap, device usage of strained silicon, the adoption of dif- He is currently a member of the
Executive-Scientific Committee of
characterization, modeling and simulation will ferent crystal orientations for the MOSFET
the Nanosil Network of Excel-
face several challenges for the 32 and 22nm channel, the use of high-k gate dielectrics, the lence, managing the modeling
CMOS device development. In fact, the tech- fluctuations of dopants, the dielectric and sili- activities, and a member of the
nological innovations introduced by the 32nm, con layer thickness, and the effects of line- strategic board of the Integrated
and even more by the 22nm process, may edge roughness, as well as their impact on the Project Pullnano. Since 2006 he is
very well revolutionize the traditional CMOS electrical parameters of the devices must be also the Vice Chairman of the
device scenario. Today, the number of tech- investigated. Scientific Community Council
(SCC) of the Eniac Technology
nological options is astonishingly large and in-
Platform and since 2007 a mem-
cludes both new materials and new device What is the contribution of Pullnano to this ber of the Steering Board of the
structures, like high-k insulators in various activity ? Eniac-related Aeneas Association.
fashion with metal gate, ultra-thin Schottky The Pullnano project has devoted an unpre- He is currently in charge of the
contact Source and Drain, uniaxial or biaxial cedented effort toward the development of nano-microelectronics group of
strained silicon channel, Single or Double- advanced physical models, with many acade- the University of Bologna –
Gate SOI devices, FINFET, Omega-Gate, and mic teams grouped together to form a “De- Campus of Cesena. He is also the
Multi-Gate FET in general. The introduction of vice Physics” Cluster with ambitious yet clear Director of the Italian Universities
Nanoelectronic Team (IU.NET),
some of these highly innovative structures at goals. Once implemented in device simula-
which is a legal consortium grou-
the 32 and 22nm nodes will be a key element tors, the developed models will allow evalua- ping eight university groups active
to master the development of a competitive ting and comparing different device in the field of nanoelectronics. His
new CMOS process by boosting performance architectures and technological options, as research interests include the
and cost reduction at the same time. well as permit the calibration of the new com- physics, characterization, mode-
However, in the attempt to reach this goal, pact models needed for engineer-oriented ling, and fabrication of silicon
tools like MASTAR. solid-state devices and integrated
circuits. In order to tackle and
At approximately two thirds of the way along
eventually overcome the hurdles
the 30-months duration of the project, we
of device scaling, down to the ulti-
have carried out a thorough fundamental work mate physical and technological
to understand effects like the electron mobility limits, he has devised and develo-
in presence of a high-k interface and different ped several original concepts and
strained silicon channels, the degree of bal- methods in the characterization
listic transport, which is an important source and modeling of nanoscale silicon
of performance boost, as a function of the devices.
A grain boundary parallel to the source/drain Enrico Sangiorgi coauthored 33
junction creates a potential barrier that in- channel material and device structure, the im-
creases the threshold voltage right across the IEDM papers and published more
pact of detrimental effects like off-currents of than 150 papers in international
width of the device. (doc. University of Glasgow)
various origins, gate current, band-to-band journals and conference procee-
technologists face a double threat : the num- tunneling, etc., as a function of the different dings. He is a Fellow of the IEEE,
ber of available technological choices is too technological options, and, last but not least, a Distinguished Lecturer of the
wide to allow a “try and repeat” approach and the modeling of the holes in the channel of the Electron Device Society and
the physical mechanisms behind the possible p-MOSFETs, taking into account the quantum Chairman of the Electron Device
advantages of new materials and new struc- mechanical effects induced by quantization in Society TCAD Technical Com-
mittee. He has been Editor of
tures are largely unknown. Here is where phy- the channel well.
sically based electrical modeling can play an Another area where the Pullnano modeling LETTERS since 1994.

E n r i c o S a n g i o r g i
team has made impor-
tant progress, is the
study of the effects of
statistical device variabi-
lity due to intrinsic
sources, e.g. discrete
dopant distribution, line
edge roughness, etc.
This issue is becoming crucial because at na-
A 3-D analysis shows the impact of surface potential pinning and doping nonuniformity in
noscale dimensions the matter itself become
the gate and the dependance on grain boundary orientation (Poly-Si gate variability) :
discrete! The team at the University of Glas- (a) pinning in the middle of the band gap ; (b) increased doping concentration around the
gow, a world authority in this field and part of grain boundaries ; (c) combination of (a) and (b). (doc. University of Glasgow)
the Pullnano Device Physics Cluster, has des-
cribed for the first time in two recent publica- the best technological options (materials and Could you give details about the impact of
tions originated by Pullnano, the effect of the device architecture) available for the 32 and IUNET* on Pullnano ?
Poly-Si gate related variability in decanano- 22nm nodes. Last but not least, the results of The IUNET scientists are strongly contributing
metre MOSFETs with conventional architec- the device simulation will be “lumped” in up- to most aspects of the modeling effort in the
ture and the quantitative evaluation of graded compact models, starting with MA- Pullnano project and share the same spirit of
statistical variability sources in a 45nm tech- STAR which is a handy tool for engineers who cooperation which has been the key aspect
nology. want to compare the influence of different sustaining the success of IUNET with all the
At the same time, we are working on the stan- technological choices on device performance. other members.
dardization of the so-called “template de-
vices”, i.e. “ideal” structures, used by all
Unstrained silicon Strained silicon
partners to implement and test the models
and at the same time fabricated by the main
technological Pullnano partners to provide the
necessary experimental feedback to the theo-
retical modeling effort.

What is the agenda for the Device Physics

cluster through the end of this project?
We are now entering the last and crucial part
of the project. Most of the models ingredients
When considering the silicon hole band structure (at a fixed energy) for the "regular" (unstrai-
have been developed and implemented in the
ned) and strained silicon, it is visible that holes in strained silicon behave in a completely diffe-
simulation codes developed by the different rent way, as if it were "another" material and not just an "enhanced" material (doc. IUNET)
groups. These simulation codes reflect the dif-
ferent degree of complexity required to tackle As per specific examples, at last December
the fundamental physical phenomena (quan- *IUNET : the Italian Universities IEDM, IUNET has presented the “first time”
tum effects for example!) and attain a global Nanoelectronic Team examination of the experimental extraction
view of the device performance versus the dif- IUNET is a consortium of leading Italian procedure for the so called “ballistic-ratio”
universities which are active in the field which is a measure of the degree of ballistic
ferent technological options. In the next 8
of nanoelectronics. The IUNET mem-
months of the project, the Device Physics bers contributing to the Pullnano pro- transport achieved in nanoMOSFETs . The
cluster will be busy comparing the results of ject, namely the universities of “surprise” is that the ballistic-ratio extracted
the newly developed models and the imple- Bologna, Milano, Pisa, and Udine, have applying this so far well established procedure,
mentations in the different simulation codes a long standing tradition in the field of severely underestimates the actual degree of
semiconductor device physics and mo- ballisticity achieved by modern technologies.
featuring different degrees of complexity. This
deling. At the last IEDM conference in
will be done with the experimental data star- Washington D.C. , IUNET was repre- One further example is the development of the
ting to become available from the technologi- sented with 10 papers, a number simi- first “multi-subband” Monte Carlo simulator for
cal partners. A rigorous comparison will allow lar to the top industrial companies and the drain current of nanoscale p-MOSFET
to measure the degree of confidence in the research institutions (e.g. Stanford, which has been presented by IUNET at the re-
IBM, Toshiba, Samsung, etc.). cent ULIS Conference in Udine ■
new models and get some first ideas about

“Pullnano and the earlier projects like Nanocmos, have played a

crucial role in creating a large scientific and industrial community of world-
top researchers who learnt to work together. This is an extremely important
heritage, of which the European Community should be proud of, and
which we must carefully
nurture and further develop. ”
VIMaterial refore, a more pressing problem may be crea-
ting a stable amorphous or monocrystalline

High-K material dielectric material without trap assisted or

grain boundaries generated leakage mecha-
Will Gadolinium succeed to Hafnium ? nisms. On top of that finding an amorphous
dielectric materials able to withstand the 900-
Over the last decades, transistor scaling has been relatively easy, 1000°C without crystallization is a challenge of
with SiO2 the gate oxide of choice. Today, the R&D is still in full 64 importance.
swing for the 22nm node, with the dedicated Pullnano academic It has already been demonstrated that rare-
cluster looking at the High-K material of the future. earth-oxides can be stabilized in the amor-
phous phase by converting them into silicates.
For generations, SiO2 with tage. In an overview of At the same time this conversion consumes
its dielectric constant at 3.9 A possible dielectrics for the the native SiO2 interface layer. The High-k-
was the perfect gate oxide. 22nm bulk LSTP (low Group is presently focusing its efforts on ma-
The leakage current increase standby power) techno- king stable gadolinium silicates starting from
due to continued thinning logy (1), the Pullnano High- the already favourable gadolinium oxide
has required the switch to k-Group compared the Gd2O3, The results are encouraging, with a
gate materials with a higher B leakage current between total equivalent oxide thickness reduced after
dielectric constant (“k different dielectrics. For annealing while the k-value of this part of the
value”). After hafnium-based example, it included an stack slightly increased from 14.4 to 15.5.
dielectrics at the 45nm and estimate of band offset vs Composition analysis shows that the final ga-
(a) TiN/Gd2O3/SiO2 stack as deposited
32nm nodes, there could dielectric constant as re- dolinium rich layer contained about 10% sili-
(b) TiN/GdSiO/SiO2 stack after 900C/1s an-
well be another switch at neal. Notice the change in SiO2 thickness. quired by the 22nm node. con. Electrical characterization is on going. The
22nm by stepping to another The ideal dielectric has to academic cluster is optimistic; atomic number
area of the periodic chart to gadolinium-based fullfill a combination of properties better trans- 64 Gadolinium will give a good fight to atomic
dielectrics, for example.Ideally, the gate oxide lated by a highest possible product between number 72 Hafnium ! ■
should function as isolation (with a band gap > offset value and k-value; thus, increasing one For more information: Olof Engström
5 eV), show a thermodynamic stability with si- of these quantities allows for decreasing the e.mail :
licon, form a good electrical interface with sili- other. For so called “fully depleted double gate (1) The ITRS roadmap specifies transistors for high perfor-
con, have the least possible number of SOI transistors”, the conditionsare such that mance (HP) logic, low standby power (LSTP) logic and low
operating power (LOP) logic, in different types like FD DG
defects, be compatible with today's fabrica- the requirements compared with standard (fully depleted double gate) SOI or planar bulk SOI, etc. The
tion techniques (stability at process tempera- “bulk” transistors can be considerably relaxed. LSTP type is generally dedicated for mobile consumer ap-
tures of about 1000°C). That's why scientists From figure 1, one can see that a number of plications, and therefore one of the main target in european
are currently working on many different solu- materials, matching the requirements, are avai-
tions using materials with a dielectric constant lable. The limiting curves are calculated by as-
between 8 and 24, together with a gate elec- suming that the current is determined by direct
trode stack from grainy polycrystalline silicon tunnelling. As a number of possible oxides are
to pure metal, and various poly+metal combi- on the right side of this limit, one may conclude Training Events 2008
nations in between. that the most important problem for future gate ULIS 2008: 12 March 2008, Udine, Italy
“Device aspects from a circuit point of view”
dielectrics will be to keep under control lea- (Pullnano lecturers)
Already a low leakage candidate in its oxide kage mechanisms other than tunnelling. The- AEC/APC 2008: 9th European Advanced
Control/Advanced Process Control on 31 March
phase 2008, Tel Aviv, Israel
However, in the quest of “General Introduction to APC”.
ESSDERC/ESSCIRC 2008: on 15 September
gate dielectrics for the 2008, Edinburgh, UK
22nm node, rare-earth “Characterization and Metrology for advanced
Si technologies”.
oxides are of primary inte- Dedicated schools
rest in spite of their typi- MIGAS 2008: on 28 June - 4 July 2008, Autrans,
cally low dielectric “Nanoscale CMOS and Si-based Beyond-CMOS
constants in the range of Nanodevices“.
SINANO Summer School: on 1-5 September
12 to 15 for the k value. 2008, Bertinoro, Italy
The reason is that lower k “Device-Modeling”.
Other events
values are connected with Workshop (ESSDERC/ESSCIRC 2008)
high energy barriers “CMOS variability research in Europe : from atomic
scale to circuits and systems”
(“band offset values”) for Courses at IMEC
electrons to penetrate “Plasma Etching for CMOS Technology and
ULSI Applications”:
from the silicon crystal, 3-day course on 13/5-15/5
which in turn contributes “Silicon-on-Insulator” :
2-day course on 15/5-16/5
to keep tunnelling currents Fig.1
“Silicon Processing for sub-90nm circuit fabrica-
low, i.e. a decisive advan- Borders for the 22nm LSTP node : bulk node (blue curve), FD DG SOI (red curve) tion” : 3-day course on 11/6-13/6
Symposium “Advanced Physical and electrical
characterization”, end of 2008
Director of Publication : Gilles Thomas (ST) PULLnano is a project supportyed by the Euro- Date and location still to be confirmed
Managing Editor : Chantal Cochini email : pean Commission from the IST Programme
Contributing Editor : Elizabeth Feder within the European Union 's Sixth RTD Fore more information : Herman MAES,
For more information on Pullnano: Framework programme. e.mail :

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