Pride Workshop Day 1 Reflection Paper

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Running Head: PRIDE WORKSHOP DAY 1 1

Pride Workshop Day 1 Reflection Paper

Lisbeth Gratereaux

International College of the Cayman Islands


Melisa Hamilton
Pride Workshop Day 1 2

The workshop started with a brief self-presentation, which I believe it was great because

it served well as an icebreaker for the whole class. The introductions also allowed the presenter

Mrs. Holness relate to us and make a warm ambiance. Mrs. Holness is the senior trainer of the

Pride workshop; she has also been with the Department of tourism for thirty-three years. As per

Mrs. Holness (2018), the Pride program started out by an American couple. We discussed that

the Cayman Islands are marked and ranked separately and in different categories in the Tourism

world; for example, Grand Cayman is categorized as cosmopolitan, Cayman Brac as rustic and

Little Cayman as tranquil.

Today I learned that when we experience customer service, we indirectly expect eye

contact, full attention, recognition, confident body language, and a cheerful personality – this are

traits that we do not ask for but expect. The reason for these expectations is because it makes you

feel acknowledged and helped, and that is what customer service is all about. For the first time

we were informed of the average amount of income a tourist brings to the Cayman Islands per

day, and that is “an estimate of CI $5,600 per day” (Holness, 2018).

Currently, what I have learned about the Cayman Islands in the book Founded upon the

Seas (Craton, 2003) is about the discovery of the Cayman Islands and the history. Thus far what

we earned this day it does not directly relate to the context of the book. However, the past is

what has made the CAYMANKIND what it is today. Holness (2018) referred to

CAYMANKIND as an experience, the kindness, and expression of how we treat visitors and our


Interestingly, we also obtained information about where the income of tourism is

expended, and that is in the promotion of the Cayman Islands around the world, supporting the
Pride Workshop Day 1 3

national air carries, road cleanliness, elderly medical care, the creation of recreational areas like

parks, etc. Overall, the most exciting aspect of this day was the way of engagement of the

presenter. I enjoyed her approach and how she related to us as a Caymanian and as a student.

Pride Workshop Day 1 4

Craton, M. (2003). Founded upon the seas: A history of the Cayman Islands and their people.
Kingston: Randle.

Holness, J. (Conductor). (2018, May 16). Pride Workshop. Live performance in International
College of the Cayman Islands.
Department of Tourism

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