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Running Head: PRIDE WORKSHOP DAY 3 1

Pride Workshop Day 3 Reflection Paper

Lisbeth Gratereaux

International College of the Cayman Islands


Melissa Hamilton
Pride Workshop Day 3 2

On May 18th, 2018 we continued the Pride workshop, this day we went on an all-island

tour which included the Botanical Park, Pedro St. James, Boggy Sands Cayman, and a Segway

tour of Camana Bay and Seven Mile beach. In the botanical park we learned about the different

plants that grow in the Cayman Islands, and although some are not indigenous like the mint tree,

callaloo, and others, the Cayman Islands have the perfect weather they require to grow. Mr.

Stacy Eden, a born and raised Caymanian gave us a tour of Pedro St. James. There we learned

that slavery was very dominant in the Cayman Islands, and that there is a letter which states that

the freedom of slaves is an act that would not beneficiate the slaves as much as it will be a more

significant loss for their masters.

It is interesting to see that many of the information provided by the tour guides are

relevant to the information contained in Founded upon the Seas (2003). In Pedro St. James

Castle Mr. Eden walked us to the theater, and there we watched a presentation about the up

brining’s of Pedro St. James which was initially built by the Eden’s. As we did our tour with

Segway Cayman the tour guide walked us over to the tower in Camana Bay, and although he did

not make a direct reference to the book he makes mentioned about the ten wreck sail.

The most enjoyable part of this day was the Segway Tour. We learned how to ride

Segway’s, and interestingly, they mentioned that we are the largest group of Cayman Residents

that they have had. The locals are not the primary target market, but I would be nice to see the

local community support business run and operated by Caymanians like is Segway Cayman.

Part of this day concluded with us viewing the old Caymanian homes which are still standing

Pride Workshop Day 3 3


Craton, M. (2003). Founded upon the seas: A history of the Cayman Islands and their people.
Kingston: Randle.

Eden, S. (Conductor). (2018, May 18). Pride Workshop. Live performance in Pedro St. James
Department of Tourism

Holness, J. (Conductor). (2018, May 18). Pride Workshop. Live performance in International
College of the Cayman Islands.
Department of Tourism

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