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From: "Gayle Holman, Public Affairs Rep" <gholman@westlandswater.

Date: 19/02/2016 13:29:29
Subject: Lost Farming Opportunities

Lost Farming Opportunities

Some call it Lost Water...I call it WASTED WATER

I thought you should know... the last two years have been very dry, but the regulatory constraints imposed by the biological
opinions have made the water supply crisis even worse. Despite the much needed rainfall and the snowpack, which in some
regions has caused flooding and property damage, more than 500,000 acre-feet of water has been released out to the ocean...
uncaptured, unused, and gone forever. To put that into perspective...that's more than ONE AND A HALF TRILLION
GALLONS of water.

This chart below illustrates the absurdity of this failed policy that flushes fresh water while urban communities and farmers
continue to suffer-- especially farmers and farmworkers who are facing a third consecutive year of ZERO allocation.

When water is not pumped into reservoirs and the weather warms, people throughout the state will question the wisdom of
wasting millions of gallons of water.

Please share...

Johnny Amaral
Deputy General Manager, External Affairs
Westlands Water District
(559) 241-6238 (office)

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Westlands Water District | 3130 N. Fresno Street| P.O. Box 6056| Fresno | CA | 93703-6056
From: "Johnny Amaral, Deputy General Manager for External Affairs" <>
Date: 10/03/2016 13:42:39
Subject: Please READ, SHARE, and FORWARD

Fresno Bee Editorial:

Bureau of Reclamation should increase
Delta water exports
Biological opinion for threatened Delta smelt allows more pumping than is taking place

After three years of intense drought in California, people, farms and cities need water

Why, after recent rain and snowfall, are vast amounts of water being allowed to roll out to ocean?
By The Editorial Board

There's no other way to say it. The federal Bureau of Reclamation's decision Wednesday to export less water south from the Delta than is legally allowed defies common sense.

Rain and snow finally have returned to California following three years of intense drought. This most recent storm was big enough to inflict damage on coastal areas and bury the
northern Sierra under deep blankets of snow.

Reservoirs need to be filled, and Valley farmers dependent on federal irrigation water deliveries need to know that they will get some much-needed relief after having to fallow
hundreds of thousands of acres of cropland because of the drought.

But the Bureau of Reclamation, acting on a U.S. Fish and Wildlife determination of current Delta water temperatures, isn't operating the pumps at the maximum set by the biological
opinion that seeks to improve conditions for the threatened Delta smelt.

An official with Westlands Water District told a Fresno Bee Editorial Board member Wednesday that pumping operators and fish agencies should recognize how dry the last three
years were.
"This should be a time to maximize water supply deliveries for people, farms and cities, said Johnny Amaral, the district's deputy general manager for external affairs. "We are in a
huge water hole because of the drought."

The tragedy is that this biological opinion - or management plan - for the Delta smelt is based largely on what fish experts believe to be true or is probably true, rather than proven
science. The Delta smelt faces other challenges beyond getting caught in the pumps. These include non-native species, contaminants and the loss of tidal habitat in the Delta, scientists
have said.

Understand: We don't want to see the Delta smelt go extinct. It is an important indicator of the Delta's health. But the Bureau of Reclamation must also consider the economic impact
of its decisions on Valley farmers. In this specific case, its decision to pump less than is allowed under the biological opinion is a blow to our region's agriculture-powered economy.

Last year, ironically, with the Department of Interior unable to meet its contract demands for water deliveries, it borrowed 200,000 acre-feet of water from Westlands. This was water
that the district had bought and then stored in San Luis Reservoir. Under their agreement, the Department of Interior was supposed to return the water by Dec. 31, 2015.

The failure of federal agencies to maximize water deliveries right now - when water is readily available - is a sure-fire way to delay the promised repayment of water or even create a
situation in which it is never paid back.

Even as bone-dry California is receiving precious rain and snow from the heavens above and water is pouring into the Delta, vast amounts of water are being allowed to roll out to
the Pacific Ocean.

It makes no sense. Especially when long-range scientific modeling suggests that this season's El Niño could transition into a La Niña and increase the threat of more drought for

The Bureau of Reclamation must do better. It needs to stop kicking farmers in the teeth.

Read more here:

Westlands Water District, 3130 N. Fresno Street, P.O. Box 6056, Fresno, CA 93703-6056


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From: "Gayle Holman, Public Affairs Rep" <>
Date: 16/03/2016 13:31:39
Subject: Johnny Amaral's PowerTalk Radio Interview Re: Water Supply Impacts

Hear Johnny Amaral on the Trevor Carey Radio Show talking water.

Johnny Amaral's Interview on the Trevor Carey Radio Show

on March 15, 2016
Take 15 minutes to listen to Johnny Amaral's frank discussion about water
management (or rather, mismanagement) taken from his recent radio interview on the
Trevor Carey Show found HERE. His interview begins at approximately Minute

Please Forward and Share this radio interview. We need to get this message to the

Gayle Holman
Public Affairs Rep
Westlands Water District
(559) 241-6233

Westlands Water District, 3130 N. Fresno Street, P.O. Box 6056, Fresno, CA 93703-6056


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From: "Gayle Holman, Public Affairs Rep" <>
Date: 08/04/2016 12:10:21
Subject: LA Times Regarding Westlands' 5% Water Allocation

Rainfall, snowpack -- and a paltry allocation to a powerful water district

As we dust ourselves off from last week's dismal 5% water allocation announcement, Johnny
Amaral and Sarah Woolf had the opportunity earlier this week to meet with the LA Times and
convey our disappointment and outrage. Here is the article.

Gayle Holman
Public Affairs Rep
Westlands Water District
(559) 241-6233

Rainfall, snowpack -- and a paltry

allocation to a powerful water district
Robin Abcarian

In the weeks leading up to the Bureau of Reclamation's announcement about how much water
would be available to Californians next year, some users waited with anticipation, others with

Heavy rains in March and a plentiful snowpack had raised hopes for farmers denied their usual
allotments of inexpensive federal water by the four-year drought. Bureau officials had just
dumped thousands of cubic feet of water from the Shasta Reservoir, the state's biggest, because
it was in danger of overflowing from early snowmelt.

When the announcement came last Friday, many were relieved. Many of the water districts
served by the Central Valley Project would receive allocations of 100%.

For one small but powerful group, however, the bureau's allocation was infuriating. The
Westlands Water District, known for its affluent Republican farmers, its political clout and its
bedeviling lack of water, would receive a paltry 5% of its federal water allocation.

Its 1,000 square miles of once-arid range land lie along the east side of Interstate 5, southwest of
Fresno. Next year, growers will have to rely on water they have banked in the San Luis Reservoir,
buy it at market rates from other users, or fallow more fields.

"Despicable," said Fresno County Agricultural CommissionerLes Wright.

"We are furious," said Jason Peltier, executive director of the San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water
Authority, which includes Westlands.

"A complete joke," said Fresno County SupervisorBuddy Mendes.

Maybe. But it wasn't a surprise.
From:"Johnny Amaral" <>
"Dennis Falaschi"
Date: 12/05/2016 14:51:16
Subject: FW: documents
Attachments: Drainage Messaging Points_9 15 2015_Final.docx
Drainage Settlement Factsheet Final.pdf
Drainage Side-by-side Double Standard version.pdf
USBoR Westlands v United States Settlement.pdf

Lon and Dennis,

Sorry for the delay in getting this to you. I just got back to my desk. Please take a look at these documents and let
me know if you have any questions.

My cell number is 559-799-6192

Date: 18/05/2016 07:45:32
Subject: Re: Pre-Hearing meeting with Costa

good idea, last spare didn't`t last long .

-----Original Message-----
From: Johnny Amaral <>
To: Dennis Falaschi <>
Sent: Tue, May 17, 2016 3:58 pm
Subject: Re: Pre-Hearing meeting with Costa

Bring a spare liver in your carry on!!!


Johnny Amaral

On May 17, 2016, at 3:56 PM, Dennis Falaschi <> wrote:

Yes both meetings work for me keep in touch

Sent from my iPhone

On May 17, 2016, at 3:07 PM, Johnny Amaral <> wrote:

Yes and yes. The times work for us


Johnny Amaral

On May 17, 2016, at 3:05 PM, Petersen, Scott <> wrote:

Good afternoon Denis and Johnny,

Based on the Congressman’s availability and the mes that were

indicated that you had availability, Jim would like to meet with Denis and
Tom prior to the hearing at 10:30. Jim has time from 9:30-10:00 am on that
Tuesday morning, and would like to meet with you at that time to discuss
final details before heading into the hearing. Also, he’d love to have
dinner with you all that evening, if you have availability?

J. Scott Petersen, P.E.
Deputy Chief of Staff
Rep. Jim Costa (CA-16)
1314 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-3341
From: "Gayle Holman, Public Affairs Rep" <>
Date: 08/04/2016 12:10:21
Subject: LA Times Regarding Westlands' 5% Water Allocation

<> Rainfall, snowpack -- and a paltry
allocation to a powerful water district
As we dust ourselves off from last week's dismal 5% water allocation announcement, Johnny Amaral
and Sarah Woolf had the opportunity earlier this week to meet with the LA Times and convey our
disappointment and outrage. Here is the article <
=lQCPWih6S-TSNGUAsyiiX43VkdccU5iebODNxYpj2ZOr2zaGgqnkFQ==> .

Gayle Holman
Public Affairs Rep
Westlands Water District
(559) 241-6233


Rainfall, snowpack -- and a paltry allocation to a powerful water district

Robin Abcarian <


In the weeks leading up to the Bureau of Reclamation's announcement about how much water would be
available to Californians next year, some users waited with anticipation, others with dread.

Heavy rains in March and a plentiful snowpack had raised hopes for farmers denied their usual
allotments of inexpensive federal water by the four-year drought. Bureau officials had just dumped
thousands of cubic feet of water from the Shasta Reservoir, the state's biggest, because it was in
danger of overflowing from early snowmelt.

When the announcement came last Friday, many were relieved. Many of the water districts served by
the Central Valley Project would receive allocations of 100%.

For one small but powerful group, however, the bureau's allocation was infuriating. The Westlands
Water District, known for its affluent Republican farmers, its political clout and its bedeviling lack of
water, would receive a paltry 5% of its federal water allocation.

Its 1,000 square miles of once-arid range land lie along the east side of Interstate 5, southwest of
Fresno. Next year, growers will have to rely on water they have banked in the San Luis Reservoir, buy it
at market rates from other users, or fallow more fields.

"Despicable," said Fresno County Agricultural Commissioner Les Wright <

TSNGUAsyiiX43VkdccU5iebODNxYpj2ZOr2zaGgqnkFQ==> .

"We are furious," said Jason Peltier <

Q==&ch=lQCPWih6S-TSNGUAsyiiX43VkdccU5iebODNxYpj2ZOr2zaGgqnkFQ==> , executive director
of the San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority, which includes Westlands.

"A complete joke," said Fresno County Supervisor Buddy Mendes <
TSNGUAsyiiX43VkdccU5iebODNxYpj2ZOr2zaGgqnkFQ==> .
Maybe. But it wasn't a surprise.
For weeks, Westlands officials had prepared growers for bad news. They expected a zero allocation for
the third year in a row. In the complicated, legally fraught hierarchy of federal and state water allocation,
Westlands has little priority.

It is also at the mercy of environmental rules that determine when Northern California water can be
pumped across the environmentally fragile Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta into the pipes, aqueducts
and canals that bring water south. Those rules tightened up considerably after much litigation a decade
or so ago. Westlands growers are now finely tuned to the biological vagaries of the endangered delta

People who don't like what we do use phrases like, 'They are irrigating a desert.' Well, the whole damn
state of California is a desert.
- Johnny Amaral, Westlands' deputy general manager for external affairs

Did farmers overplay their anger to make a point? Maybe.

"The outrage is because we see all this water, we see that we've had decent rainfall and a snowpack,"
said Sarah Woolf, whose family are major Westside growers. "But if you went in and asked the
Department of Water Resources and the Bureau of Reclamation how they make their decisions, you
can't get an answer. There's no accountability."

She is correct. It's not possible to get a straight answer about how, exactly, the allocation was
determined. There is no published formula, no magic algorithm. State and federal agencies knock
heads to divvy up an uncertain water supply. Some farmers, and fish, come before other farmers.

"A lot of it has been timing and their location," said reclamation bureau spokesman Shane Hunt.
"Unofficially, I call it the hangover effect of the drought. We're hopeful that next year will be much better
for them."

Like many Californians who have observed this complicated, emotional conflict over the years, I support
efforts to preserve endangered species and to promote a healthy delta. I cringe when I hear Republican
political candidates describe the environmental rules as "putting fish before families," or see the signs
along Highway 99 fields proclaiming a "Congress-made drought."

But vilifying growers - even big, powerful, whiny ones who do unethical things to keep water rates low,
as the Securities and Exchange Commission <
TSNGUAsyiiX43VkdccU5iebODNxYpj2ZOr2zaGgqnkFQ==> has charged <
TSNGUAsyiiX43VkdccU5iebODNxYpj2ZOr2zaGgqnkFQ==> - does not cut it for me. These folks are
not making bombs; they are feeding the world.
The other day, I stopped in to see Bill Diedrich, a thoughtful, fourth-generation California grower in
Fresno, who told me that Westlands' bad rap is partly self-inflicted.

The water issues are severe, but growers appear to be managing fine: "We have been crying wolf
since 2009, and people look around and say, 'I don't see anything the matter here. There are a few
empty fields, but look at your county production! You guys just set another record, but everyone is
screaming 'No water!'"

Well, certainly no cheap water.


On Tuesday, I met with Johnny Amaral, Westlands' deputy general manager for external affairs. A former
chief of staff to San Joaquin Valley Republican U.S. Rep. Devin Nunes <
=&ch=lQCPWih6S-TSNGUAsyiiX43VkdccU5iebODNxYpj2ZOr2zaGgqnkFQ==> , he is one of
Westlands' many deeply experienced political hands.

We chatted in the water district's well-worn conference room under a map showing the 29 water
agencies, including Westlands, served by the San Luis Reservoir. About a third of Westlands' 600,000
acres are fallow, partly because of long-standing drainage problems, partly because of water scarcity.
Still, its growers produce a billion dollars' worth of food each year.

"This is the most productive land on the planet," Amaral said. "We have the perfect soil, the perfect
climate. All it takes is water, and it's a growing machine. People who don't like what we do use phrases
like, 'They are irrigating a desert.' Well, the whole damn state of California is a desert."

I take his point.

So much of the California we inhabit is a dream realized by human ingenuity yoked to a vast disregard
for the laws of nature - including, say, the survival needs of tiny fish.

On my way out of the Valley, I stopped at the San Luis Reservoir visitors center, where I spotted a
yellowed 1971 newspaper clipping. Just east of the Grapevine, California Gov. Ronald Reagan
presided over a groundbreaking for State Water Project pumps that would lift water over the
Tehachapis, helping quench the thirst of a booming Southern California.

"There are members of the Eastern press who are always sharpening their pencils to write about all the
oddball things we do in California," Reagan said. "Well, I hope they've got their pencils sharpened to
write about what we're doing here today. We're moving more water in a man-made project than anyone
has ever done, farther, and moving all of it uphill."

We've been trying to finesse the fallout from these kinds of ambitions ever since. <>

<> Westlands Water District,
3130 N. Fresno Street, P.O. Box 6056, Fresno, CA 93703-6056
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From: "Petersen, Scott" <>
To: "Johnny Amaral" <>
"Denis Falaschi" <>
Date: 17/05/2016 15:05:31
Subject: Pre-Hearing meeting with Costa

Good afternoon Denis and Johnny,

Based on the Congressman's availability and the times that were indicated that you had availability, Jim
would like to meet with Denis and Tom prior to the hearing at 10:30. Jim has time from 9:30-10:00 am
on that Tuesday morning, and would like to meet with you at that time to discuss final details before
heading into the hearing. Also, he'd love to have dinner with you all that evening, if you have availability?


J. Scott Petersen, P.E.

Deputy Chief of Staff

Rep. Jim Costa (CA-16)

1314 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

(202) 225-3341
From: "Lon Martin" <>
To: "Johnny Amaral" <>
"Dennis Falaschi" <>
Date: 12/05/2016 16:30:53
Subject: Re: documents

Much appreciated Johnny.



From: Johnny Amaral <>

To: "" <>; 'Dennis Falaschi' <>
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 2:51 PM
Subject: FW: documents

Lon and Dennis,

Sorry for the delay in getting this to you. I just got back to my desk. Please take a look at these
documents and let me know if you have any questions.

My cell number is 559-799-6192

Date: 28/09/2015 12:58:44
Subject: Re: Hey there

the 14th I will be in deposition out of the state.

-----Original Message-----
From: Betty <>
To: Dennis Falaschi <>; Anna Jimenez <>
Sent: Mon, Sep 28, 2015 9:51 am
Subject: FW: Hey there

Good morning, Anna! What does Dennis’ schedule look like on Oct. 14th?

From: Betty [ <> ]

Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 9:48 AM
To: 'Johnny Amaral'
Subject: RE: Hey there

Good Morning, Johnny! I am actually in Water Treatment classes Oct. 14th and 15th. Could you possibly
come on the 13th?
If not, I will check Dennis’ calendar on the 14th and he could show you around! Let me know.

Betty Hurley Lindeman

Panoche Drainage District
Drain Water Treatment Plant Coordinator
San Joaquin River Improvement Project Assistant
52027 West Althea Ave
Firebaugh, CA 93622
Office: 209-364-6362 Ex:101
Fax: 209-364-6122
Cell: 209-509-5595

From: Johnny Amaral []

Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 9:31 AM
To: 'Betty'
Subject: Hey there


Are you available on October 14th? Tom Birmingham and I are taking Ken Rooney from Den. Feinsteins staff
on a CVP tour and would like to show him your project.

Hope you’re well.

Johnny Amaral
Deputy GM – External Affairs
Westlands Water District
From: "Johnny Amaral" <>
To: "Petersen, Scott" <>
Date: 17/05/2016 15:07:45
Subject: Re: Pre-Hearing meeting with Costa

Yes and yes. The times work for us


Johnny Amaral

On May 17, 2016, at 3:05 PM, Petersen, Scott <

<> > wrote:

Good afternoon Denis and Johnny,

Based on the Congressman’s availability and the times that were indicated that you had availability, Jim
would like to meet with Denis and Tom prior to the hearing at 10:30. Jim has time from 9:30-10:00 am
on that Tuesday morning, and would like to meet with you at that time to discuss final details before
heading into the hearing. Also, he’d love to have dinner with you all that evening, if you have availability?


J. Scott Petersen, P.E.

Deputy Chief of Staff

Rep. Jim Costa (CA-16)

1314 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

(202) 225-3341
Date: 04/02/2015 15:36:05
Subject: Fwd: Devin Nunes - tonight

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Lindemann <>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Sent: Wed, Feb 4, 2015 2:19 pm
Subject: Fwd: Devin Nunes - tonight

Subject: Devin Nunes - tonight

I will be on the Kelly File tonight discussing terrorism. Tune into Fox News during the 6PM hour PST. -
Devin Nunes

Sent from my iPhone

Tom Lindemann
Date: 11/12/2014 08:45:39
Subject: Fwd: Devin Nunes

please send contact info to tom, thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Lindemann <>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Sent: Wed, Dec 10, 2014 5:18 pm
Subject: Devin Nunes

I need to contact Devin regarding the solar project in Panoche Valley.

what's the best way?


Tom Lindemann
Lindemann Properties, Inc.
Tel - 559-479-1658
Lic. 00861260

NOTE: E-mails sent or received shall not create a

binding contract until and unless a written contract
is signed by the parties.
From: "Johnny Amaral" <>
To: "Denny Rehberg" <>
"David Bernhardt" <>
"Smith, Ryan A." <>
"Dennis Falaschi" <>
"Catherine Karen" <>
Date: 20/05/2016 08:32:46
Subject: DC Itinerary
Attachments: Washington DC Itinerary May 23-26.docx

Attached. There are a few pending that should be confirmed either today or this weekend.
Washington DC Itinerary, Westlands Water District

May 23-26, 2016

Tom Birmingham and Johnny Amaral

5:30 pm Pre hearing prep with team


1350 I Street, NW, Suite 510

Washington, DC 20005


7:15 pm Dinner meeting with Rep. Valadao and staff

The Oceanaire Seafood Room DC

1201 F Street, NW

Washington, DC 20004

Phone: 202.347.2277

Reservations under: Johnny Amaral – party of 7

8:00 am Coffee with Mike Doyle, Fresno Bee

Longworth Cafeteria
9:00 am Meeting with Kiel Weaver

1524 Longworth House Office Building

9:45 am Pre hearing briefing with Rep. Costa and staff

1314 Longworth House Office Building

10:30 am House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water and Power

Hearing on San Luis Drainage Act

1334 Longworth House Office Building

7:15 pm Dinner with Rep. Costa and staff and Dennis Falaschi

Del Friscos Double Eagle

950 I Street, NW

Washington, DC 20001

9:30 am - Meeting with Rep. Nunes and staff

1017 Longworth House Office Building

10:30 am Meeting with Sen. Flake and staff

Russell 413
12:00 pm Lunch with Kris Polly

Water Strategies office

4 E Street, SE

Washington, DC 20003

2:00 pm Meeting with Rep. Calvert and staff

2205 Rayburn House Office Building

3:00 pm Meeting with Rep. Garamendi and staff

2438 Rayburn House Office Building

4:00 pm Meeting with Sen. Feinstein and staff

331 Hart Senate Office Building

7:00 pm Event with Sen. Steve Daines

Denny Rehberg to provide details

10:30 am Meeting with Sen. Cantwell Staff

Details - TBD

Pending requests:




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