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Andrew Mendes

Facing History
Brianna Balke

Facing History Reflection

1. Describe the Facing History activity.

The facing history activity we had was mix it up. We were mixed up with different grades and
we played to get us to talk and to get to know each other.

2. What did you notice during this activity?

I noticed that i knew most of the kids in the group that I was in. I noticed that most of the kids
knew each other and that is what I think makes Blackstone Blackstone.

3. How did the activity feel?

The activity felt familiar because every time I meet new people in school we alway play those
types of games.

4. What did you learn?

I learned that it’s good for the grades to mix and talk to each. So it's easier for the young kids to
get a custom to the Blackstone way.
5. What did you contribute?
I contribute a lot in the activates. In the dance contest I feel I did pretty. I tried to bring other
people into the activates as well.

6. What are left wondering about?

I was not left wondering anything.

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