Energy Content of Foods

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Hypothesis: yam has less calories than sweet potatoes.

Aim: to determine if yam has less calories than sweet potatoes.

Apparatus: yam, potato

1. pour 40cm3 of water in a can calorimeter.
2. Attach the calorimeter to a clamp stand.
3. Use a thermometer to record the temperature (initial) of the water.
4. Cut both yam and potato samples that have been dried into 5cm3 dimensions and
record the masses on a top loading balance.
5. Place a hot plate below the can calorimeter and place the yam sample on it.
6. Allow he yam to completely burn then measure the temperature (final) of the water
7. Record the results in a table.

Expected results:

Initial mass of food Final mass of food Initial temperature Final temperature

Explanation of results:
The energy content of food can be determined by burning a portion of it and capturing
the heat released to a known amount of water. This technique is called calorimetry.
The energy content of the food is the amount of heat produced by the combustion of 1
gram of the food, and is measured in kilojoules per gram (kJ/g).
The food sample that has the more energy would have the more calories.

1. Heat Energy = (mass of water) * (specific heat) * (change in temperature)

2. Energy content per gram = Heat Energy / Mass of Burned Food

Manipulated: energy content in the food samples

Responding: change in temperature of the water

Controlled: mass of food samples

Precaution: ensure that the thermometer is not touching the sides or bottom of the
container when taking temperature readings.

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