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• Seperangkat konsep, definisi, dan proposisi (pernyataan) yang saling berkaitan secara

sistematis yang diajukan untuk menjelaskan dan memprediksi fenomena akuntansi.

Praktik tersebut dilandasi oleh penalaran logis.
• Pelaporan keuangan yang berjalan merupakan hasil dari perekeyasaan pelaporan
keuangan. Perekayasaan pelaporan keuangan membutuhkan konsep dasar.
• Perlu pedoman umum di tingkat rerangka konseptual untuk dasar penentuan perlu
tidaknya penyajian suatu informasi diatur dalam bentuk standar.
• Salah empat informasi yang diatur adalah definisi, pengukuran dan pengakuan Aset,
Kewajiban, Pendapatan dan Biaya.

(Aset adalah manfaat ekonomik masa datang yang cukup pasti atau diperoleh atau
dikuasai/dikendalikan oleh suatu entitas akibat transaksi atau kejadian masa lalu).
Characteristics of Assets
Paragraph 25 defines assets as "probable future economic benefits obtained or controlled by a
particular entity as a result of past transactions or events." Paragraphs 26-34 amplify that
definition. The following discussion further amplifies it and illustrates its meaning under three
headings that correspond to the three essential characteristics of assets described in paragraph 26:
future economic benefits, control by a particular entity, and occurrence of a past transaction or

Future Economic Benefits

Future economic benefit is the essence of an asset (paragraphs 27-31). An asset has the capacity
to serve the entity by being exchanged for something else of value to the entity, by being used to
produce something of value to the entity, or by being used to settle its liabilities.

The most obvious evidence of future economic benefit is a market price. Anything that is
commonly bought and sold has future economic benefit, including the individual items that a
buyer obtains and is willing to pay for in a "basket purchase" of several items or in a business
combination. Similarly, anything that creditors or others commonly accept in settlement of
liabilities has future economic benefit, and anything that is commonly used to produce goods or
services, whether tangible or intangible and whether or not it has a market price or is otherwise
exchangeable, also has future economic benefit. Incurrence of costs may be significant evidence
of acquisition or enhancement of future economic benefits (paragraphs 178-180).

To assess whether a particular item constitutes an asset of a particular entity at a particular time
requires at least two considerations in addition to the general kinds of evidence just described:
(a) whether the item obtained by the entity embodied future economic benefit in the first place
and (b) whether all or any of the future economic benefit to the entity remains at the time of

Uncertainty about business and economic outcomes often clouds whether or not particular items
that might be assets have the capacity to provide future economic benefits to the entity
(paragraphs 44-48), sometimes precluding their recognition as assets. The kinds of items that
may be recognized as expenses or losses rather than as assets because of uncertainty are some in
which management's intent in taking certain steps or initiating certain transactions is clearly to
acquire or enhance future economic benefits available to the entity. For example, business

Liabilities are probable future sacrifices of economic benefits arising from present obligations of
a particular entity to transfer assets or provide services to other entities in the future as a result of
past transactions or events.

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