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1. The main idea of the text is to inform people that they believe that remains that belonged
to vikings were found. This proves to us that vikings actually did have a huge impact on
2. The connection I made between this article and others is that if you dig enough, you can
actually find something amazing all because of investigation.
3. The author's purpose is to inform us about something huge that has been discovered.
a.) The author tends to use the phrase recently confirmed, proven, found evidence a lot
throughout the text.
4. The audience is mainly people who are interested in history or people who believe that
the vikings did not have an impact in England to prove them wrong.
a.) The author doesn’t seem to have a specific audience it’s just to inform whoever is
interested in this topic.
5. The most relevant evidence the author gives us are the remains of the vikings and the
studies they do to see the accurace to their conclusion.
6. The most prevalent in the writing is logos.
a.) “Among the remains, archaeologists also found evidence of warfare such as axes and
knives. (Not all Viking warriors were men. ​DNA recently confirmed one famous warrior
was a woman​)”(Gibbens). “​According to that chronicle, hundreds of Viking ships carried
the Great Army to England’s east coast in 865. The Vikings snatched up Anglo-Saxon
kingdoms and took over large swaths of land”(Gibbens). “When scientists date human
bones, they look at the amount of radioactive ​carbon-14​ present. This form of carbon
decays over time, so the amount of carbon-14 in bones can tell scientists how long it’s
been since the bones formed”(Gibbens).
b.) In this article the author states facts to inform the readers.
7. The possible theme for this text would have to be the vikings did have an impact on
a.) “It’s clear that the Vikings had an impact in England. One sign of the Vikings’
Scandinavian influence is the presence of English towns ending in”(Gibbens). “What
happened to the Great Viking Army, a massive force that seized great swaths of England
in the 9th century but left barely a trace?”(Gibbens). “Archaeologists now report that a
mass grave in England may contain nearly 300 ​Viking​ warriors—the only remains of the
Great Viking Army’s warriors ever found”(Gibbens).
8. This text added context helped me understand the background information. It also
explains some theories.
9. I would change the counterclaim
a.) The counterclaim basically over throughs all the article stating that this most likely be
false to further testing.
The article tried to prove to us that the vikings had a great impact on england. The
overuse of commas to list the place or information.“Archaeologists first uncovered the burial site
in the 1980s, in Derbyshire, England, and thought it might contain remains from the Great
Viking Army, also known the Great Heathen Army”(Gibbens). The overuse of commas were for
the listing of countries or places the vikings made an effect to the counties.This shows that the
author wanted to prove to us or inform us the the vikings did have a great impact in all these

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