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was 9 to 3, who decided that

Phra Viharn Temple is under
the sovereignty of Cambodia.
PRASAT Prasat Khao Phra Viharn
Temple case is a conflict
Most of Thai people were not

KHAO PHRA between the Kingdom of agree with the result and
Thanat Korkant, the Minister of
Cambodia and the Kingdom
VIHARN of Thailand which began in Foreign Affairs, sent a letter to

TEMPLE 1958. The main problem

was the map that made by
protest the judgment of the
16 JUNE, 1962 
the French officers to
show the border of two
However, the judgment was
On 15 June 1952, countries. The dispute
ended but Prasat Khao Phra
International Court of started because Thailand
and Cambodia were Viharn Temple case still seems
Justice or ICJ decides that
holding a different map so to be not end for everyone.
Cambodia had sovereignty
there was the problem of This case does not solve the
over the whole territory of
overlapping areas of both problem of overlapping
the promontory of Preah sides. territory between Thailand and
Vihear or Prasat Khao Phra
Cambodia in that area and still
Viharn Temple after being At the International Court
a chronic problem.
disputing with Thailand for of Justice, during the trial
of Phra Viharn, there were
four years. “Q&A: Thailand-Cambodia Temple Dispute.” BBC News,
14 judges and the result  BBC, 7 Nov. 2013,
Cuba also has a higher
standing in world affairs.
Moreover, the direct hot
line was created to use
for communication
between the Soviet
Union and the United
States. They try to avoid
the war as much as they

People who were in the

period of the Cuban
Missile Crisis were also
afraid of the war that

CUBAN and anti-communist so

USA supported that idea of
could happen at any
time. Even though
MISSILE governing. Cubans started Thailand was not allied

CRISIS the revolution and created

the communist system.
to any side but Thai
People did not want any
3 NOVEMBER, 1962  Lastly, they allied with the war to occur. No one
BY SUPAWAN wants the war to happen
Soviet Union.
and everyone wants to
American President keep the world in peace.
The Cuban Missile Crisis
wanted to invade Cuba by The future of United
which occurred in October
using ‘Bay of Pigs Invasion’ States and the Soviet
1962 was a direct
but the plan was failed. Union tends to be in a
encounter between two
After that, the Soviet good way. They both
superpower countries
Union installed nuclear avoid the situation that
which are United States
missile in Cuba to warn can lead to another
and the Soviet Union
U.S. UN tried to stop the nuclear missile war and
during the Cold War. Cuba
Soviet Union but they did their relationship
was the country that the
not follow so U.S. started becomes better. 
Soviet Union installed the
to blockade the island to
missile. After that, the
prevent the weapons
conflict happened. “The most terrifying moment
in my life was October 1962,
The situation first started Both countries were about during the Cuban Missile
from the Cuban to start the nuclear missile Crisis. I did not know all the
Revolution. When Cubans war but they negotiated facts - we have learned only
were fought against their and ended the crisis. The recently how close we were
corrupt government. The Soviet Union removed to war - but I knew enough to
government ruled the missile from Cuba and the make me tremble”
country with autocratic United States will not
invade Cuba again. After - Joseph Rotblat -
the crisis, it increases
nationalism in Cuba and  U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of State,                      


‘Prince Tisavarakumarn, the Prince Damrong Rajanubhab’

“The satisfaction of our own from the good

things we did is the best reward. Other
people will not appreciate it or recognize
about it but that is not important”
- Prince Tisavarakumarn, the Prince
Damrong Rajanubhab -

He was talented in literature specifically,

history, archaeology, art, culture,
philosophy, religion,literature, and law. He
wrote about his knowledge of various
Prince Tisavarakumarn, the Prince Damrong
branches and more than 1,000 of his story
Rajanubhab, known as The Father of Thai
were kept in the National library.
History, was praised by the UNECO as the
Therefore, his works and goodness were
world's most distinguished persons after 100
recorded by UNESCO.
years of his birth.

After UNESCO praised him as a famous

Prince Tisavarakumarn, the Prince Damrong
person of the world, he became more well-
Rajanubhab was the prince of Thailand, son of
known and his fame created the better
King Mongkut and brother of King
image of Thailand. Moreover, Thai people
Chulalongkorn. He was the founder of modern
have a better living conditions because the
education and provincial administration and
country was developed in a good way by his
was Thailand’s leading intellectual of his
works. Thai people feel thankful and
generation. He has made various tasks which
appreciate him. Also, many people in other
are all big for Thailand and it was the
countries respect him. He will become a
important force to manage the country for
good model and his works will inspire other
example, to plan and operate the National
Museum and National Library, Established the
place for medication distribution, and manage
the medical school.
Diskul, M. C. Subhadradis. “Damrong Rajanubhab, Prince.”
            Oxford Art Online, 2003, doi:10.1093/gao/9781884446054.article.t021285.

SINO – INDIAN WAR 25 OCTOBER, 1962 – Supawan Chewpraditkul

Thailand did not allied with any of

both sides so Thai people did not
want them to fight. It can cause the
big loss if the war continue and it
can get bigger if they do not stop.
Also, Thai people can feel
depressed because we lose people
during the war. For another view
point, Thai people may worry about
the war. Apart from the loss of a lot
of people during the war, Thailand's
economy can be affected. Trading
rate between the countries will
decrease because both China and
India are spending on their
weapons for the war. Both of them

SINO - INDIAN China announces that Aksai

Chin is part of Xinjiang. India
are putting money on the war to

WAR says that Aksai Chin is part of

“Before any substantial
Sino – Indian war also known as Ladakh. This controversy
lasted for 5 years until October commitment to defend India
the Sino-Indian Border Conflict
against China is given, we should
was a war between China and 20, 1962, they declared war.
recognize that in order to carry out
India that occurred in 1962.
that commitment against any
China declared that Aksai Chin Later that, India was supported
substantial Chinese attack, we
which located China and India by the United States. The cold
would have to use nuclear weapons.
was their area. After that, they war still continuing. Therefore,
Any large Chinese Communist
started to fight. one of the main reason that the
attack on any part of that area
United States came to help is
would require the use of nuclear
Aksai Chin is a vast plateau that US try to fight against the
weapons by the U.S., and this is to
located between China's Kunlun communist country which is
be preferred over the introduction
Mountains and Karakoram China. It is unpredictable that of large numbers of U.S. soldiers.”
Mountains in northern India. In the big communist country or - Defense Secretary Robert
1950, China occupied Tibet. Five Russia will come and support
McNamara advised the American
years later, in 1955, China sent
China or not. The war is president -
troops into Aksai Chin and cut
continuing and it can become
through Aksai Chin to link Tibet
worse if two countries refuse “India-China War of 1962: How It Started and
with other parts of China.  What Happened Later.” India Today, India Today, 21 Nov. 2016,
to compromise in peace.

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