Chap 1

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Chapter 1: Introduction: Physics and measurement

Chapter 2: Vectors
Chapter 3: Motion in one dimension
Chapter 4: Motion in two dimensions
Chapter 5: Force and motion: Newton’s laws of motion
Chapter 6: Applications of Newton’s law
Chapter 7: Work and kinetic energy
Chapter 8: Potential energy and conservation of energy
Chapter 9: Impulse and linear momentum
Chapter 10: Rotation about a fixed axis and torque
Chapter 11: Angular momentum and center of mass
Chapter 12: Equilibrium and elasticity
Chapter 13: Gravity: Newton’s gravitational law, Kepler’s law
Chapter 14: Fluid mechanics: hydrostatic, hydrodynamic

• Assignments/exercises: 10 %
• Quiz (2-4): 10 %
• Mid semester exam: 30 % (early September)
• Final exam: 50 % (25 October – 14 November)

Why do we study physics?
• The most basic knowledge in science
• Related with the fundamental principles of the universe;
ranging from the astronomically large, such as solar
system, to the microscopically small, such as the atom.
• Foundation to other sciences eg. astronomy, chemistry,
medicine, geology etc.
• Physicists scrutinized and want to understand in detail
how something happens. Among them are:
o Particles elements, atom, nucleus, molecule,
o Solid, liquid, gas, plasma
o Living cells, living organisms, human brain
o Planet, atmosphere, planets, stars, galaxies,
• Contributed to the modern technology and give impact to
our lives:

o Electronics and computer industries
o Transportation industries
o Telecommunications
o Medical field

• Physics can be divided into two:

1. Classical physics – developed before 1900
o Classical mechanic - motion of large objects with
speed slower than speed of light
o Thermodynamics - heat, work, temperature,
statistical behavior of group of particles
o Electromagnetisms - electrical and magnetic
properties, electromagnetic fields
o Optics – light and interaction with materials
2. Modern physics (end of 19th century)
o Relativity - objects with speed approaching speed of
o Quantum mechanics – theories related to behavior
of matter (atom, nucleus, electron, etc.)

• What does physics education offer?
o Fundamental theories in physics
o Mathematical skills
o Develop computer programmes
o Design Instrumentation
o Materials fabrication
• Science seems very hard and difficult to be understood
but with a good understanding of the fundamental
physics, phenomena and complicated devices can be
analyzed and described.
• The skills in physics can also be used in other fields:

Medical Biology

Chemistry Geology


• The importance of applied physicists:
o Fundamental research: creating new technologies
from fundamental physics understanding
o Research and development in industries, government
sectors and higher education: designing new devices
and techniques
• Example:
o Medical physics – medical tools eg. nuclear radiation,
imaging, laser techniques
o Materials physics – new materials with high quality
and cheap production cost
• Where will I go after graduated from UKM?
o Teacher
o Continue studies
o Researchers
o Engineers
o Medical physicist
o Develop computer simulation software
o Testing and characterization of materials

Physics and Measurement
• Physics is based on:
o Observation
o Identify fundamental laws governing the phenomena
o Develop theories quantitatively
o Mathematical formulations to link theories and
o Predict future experiments/reproduce measurements
• Physical quantities must be standard to be understood and
used by different people
• 1960: international Physics unit: Systѐme International)
• Fundamental units:
• Length (m), mass (kilogram), time (second), temperature
(kelvin), current (A), luminous intensity (candela),
amount of substance (mole)
• Quantity - Fundamental quantities
- Derived quantities

Dimensional Analysis
• Dimension – physical nature of quantity (symbol: [ ])
• Eg. acceleration
o Symbol- a = v/t
o Dimension – [a] = [v] /[t] = LT-1/T = LT-2

Significant Figures

• Measured quantities has uncertainty due to various

• Number of significant figures can be used to explain the
• Example:
Length (16.3 + 0.1) cm: lies between 16.2 and 16.4
Width (4.5 + 0.1) cm: lies between 4.4 and 4.6
16.3 - 3 s.f., 4.5 - 2 s.f.
Area = length x width = (16.3 cm)(4.5 cm)
= 73.35 cm2 (4 s.f.)
The final answer for area = 73 cm2 (2 s.f.)

For multiplication or division: the no. of s.f. in the final
answer is the same as the no. of s.f. in the quantity having the
smallest no. of s.f.

• Zeros may or may not be significant figures

o 0.003 - 1 s.f.
o 0.00456 – 3 s.f
o 46000 ?? – use scientific notation
4.6 x 103 - 2 s.f.
4.60 x 103 – 3 s.f.
o 1.5 x 10-2 = 0.015 – 2 s.f.
1.50 x 10-2 = 0.0150 – 3 s.f.

For addition and subtraction: the no. of decimal places in the

final answer must be equal to the smallest no. of decimal
places of any term in the sum

• Example:
o 2.35 + 111 = 113 (not 113.35)
o 2.008 – 0.991 = 1.017

Exercises 1:

1. A rectangular plate has a length of 21.3 cm and a width

of 9.8 cm. Calculate the area of the plate.

2. How many significant figures are in the following

(a) (78.9 + 0.2)
(b) 3.788 x 109
(c) 0.0053

3. The sum of 756, 37.2, 0.83, 2 is ?

The product of 0.0032 x 356.3 is ?


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