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SPE 86504

Diversion and Cleanup Studies of Viscoelastic Surfactant-Based Self-Diverting Acid

Bernhard Lungwitz, SPE, Chris Fredd, SPE, Mark Brady, SPE, and Matthew Miller, SPE, Schlumberger; Syed Ali, SPE
and Kelly Hughes, SPE, ChevronTexaco

Copyright 2004, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

When acid enters the formation with the highest injectivity it
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE International Symposium and Exhibition creates highly conductive flow channels, called wormholes, by
on Formation Damage Control held in Lafayette, Louisiana, U.S.A., 18–20 February 2004.
dissolving the carbonate-containing minerals. Consequently,
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in a proposal submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
the injectivity will be further increased. The other zones are
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to left untreated by the acid. To overcome this problem, a
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at diverting agent is used. Mechanical diverters such as ball
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
sealers, degradable ball sealers, rock salt, and benzoic acid
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is flakes are used alone or in conjunction with chemical diverters
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to a proposal of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The proposal must contain conspicuous based on foams or polymeric gels.1,2 These materials can work
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. effectively only in a narrow permeability contrast and may
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
result in residual damage.3 These characteristics are highly
undesirable, particularly in low-pressure gas wells, and in long
Abstract vertical and horizontal sections.
A self-diverting-acid based on viscoelastic surfactant (SDVA) Polymer based systems such as in-situ crosslinked gelled
has been used recently on stimulation treatments of carbonate acids (XLGA) have been used in the field as self-diverting
formations. The new system has been proven successfull in fluids. These systems rely on a pH-triggered increase of
more than 250 field applications. viscosity during the acid spending process. Essentially, the pH
The decrease of acid concentration during the spending change activates a metallic reagent that crosslinks the polymer
process viscosifies the fluid by the transformation from chains, and the resulting viscosity increase causes a higher
spherical micelles to an entangled wormlike micellar structure flow resistance.4,5 Further increase of the pH deactivates the
while penetrating the carbonate rock. The highly viscous fluid metallic crosslinker and breaks the fluid down to the original
acts as a temporary barrier and diverts the fluid into the linear gel with dissociated polymer chains. However, because
remaining lower-permeability treating zones. After treatment, of the nature of the long polymer chains, potential damage of
the SDVA barrier breaks when contacted either by formation the formation may occur.3
hydrocarbons or pre-and post-flush fluids. Quantifying Recently, a new polymer-free self-diverting acid system
diversion, fluid efficiency, and cleanup are important factors was developed with a fluid stability in temperatures greater
for successful candidate selection and job design. Laboratory than300oF.6,7 The fluid system has been applied successfully
tests defining these key factors are presented in this paper. in both matrix8 and acid fracturing9,10 treatments. It causes
This paper demonstrates the diverting ability of the acid as rapid viscosity development throughout the spending process.
a function of permeability, characterized by introducing the The reduction in acid concentration, together with the
concept of maximum pressure ratio (dPmax/dPo) supported by simultaneous release of ions in solution, promotes the
core-flow and acid conductivity tests using limestone and transformation from spherical micelles into worm-like
dolomite cores. Results demonstrate high dPmax/dPo in high- micelles, resulting in increased viscosity of the fluid. The
permeability cores and low dPmax/dPo in low-permeability highly viscous fluid subsequently diverts the remaining acid
cores. Retained permeability measurements are presented that treatment fluid into zones of lower injectivity by reducing the
assesses the level of cleanup. Flow initiation experiments of acid loss into wormholes, resulting in an improved zonal
spent acid systems with gas and brine were performed to coverage of the treatment interval. Diversion tests using
illustrate the cleanup behavior of SDVA in comparison to multiple parallel cores with varying permeabilities showed
gelled acid systems under conditions encountered in gas and effective stimulation in all cores.6,7
oil wells. The results indicate that SDVA systems clean up This paper presents new data providing further insight into
easily and that SDVA provides higher regained permeability the understanding of the unique properties of this self-
than conventional gelled acid systems. diverting acid (SDVA) based on laboratory studies.
Specifically described are the chemical and physical properties
Background of the SDVA fluid, including cleanup efficiency that is
The purpose of matrix stimulation in limestone and dolomite relevant to low-pressure reservoirs.
reservoirs is the formation of wormholes, which can bypass
the damaged areas and increase the effective wellbore area.
2 SPE 86504

Experimental Results and Discussion

Core-Flow Experiments. The core flow apparatus is shown Diversion Ability. Linear coreflow experiments were
schematically in Fig. 1. The flow procedure unless otherwise performed to evaluate the pressure response and stimulation
noted was as follows: efficiency with three fluid systems. The fluid systems
1. Carbonate cores (0.1 to 50 mD) were saturated with 2 evaluated include the self-diverting viscoelastic acid (SDVA),
wt% potassium chloride brine. The cores were 1 or the in-situ crosslinked acid (XLGA), and the gelled acid (GA).
1.5 in. wide and 5 to 6 in. long. These fluids were all formulated using 15 wt% HCl. The tests
2. The initial permeability of the core was measured by were performed at 200 to 240°F using limestone and dolomite
injecting 2 wt% KCl at 1mL/min. cores.
3. Acid was injected into the core at a constant injection Fig. 3 shows the pressure response during the injection of
rate of 1 mL/min. SDVA (15 wt% HCl with 7.5% VES surfactant) into a 4.5-mD
4. The injection was stopped as soon as the core was dolomite formation core at 1 mL/ min and 208 oF. It can be
fully penetrated, as indicated by the differential seen that the maximum pressure is about 20 times higher than
pressure dropping to zero. the initial baseline pressure (dPo) observed during the
5. The regained permeability to 2 wt% KCl brine was injection of KCl brine. We define this maximum pressure
measured in the reverse direction. The measurement ratio as dPmax/dPo. A dPmax/dPo greater than one indicates
of regained permeability of the fully penetrated cores the viscosity of SDVA increased to create a temporary plug
was in most cases not applicable, because no pressure within the wormhole and can be considered an indication of
drop was detected resulting in an the diversion capabilities of the fluid system. Although
infinite permeability. difficult to see on the log scale, irregular changes in pressure
were observed throughout the SDVA injection process as the
Acid Fluid-Loss Experiments The fluid-loss tests were wormholes were plugged and the acid was subsequently
performed in the above-described core apparatus on Indiana diverted to continue wormhole formation in a different
limestone cores (1 to 3 mD) at 150oF (except where noted) location. This continual plugging and diversion within the
according to a procedure published by Crowe et al.11 At the wormhole resulted in a highly branched wormhole as shown in
beginning of the test, 2 wt% KCl brine was flowed through the Fig. 4. (Fig. 4 shows a Woods metal casting17 of the
core to establish the differential pressure required for wormhole structure.) It is also noted that the inlet face of the
1mL/min initial leakoff velocity. This differential pressure core is free from any residue indicating that diversion occurred
was applied during the leakoff test, and the change in flow rate inside the core (Fig. 5). SDVA required 1.1 pore volumes to
was monitored versus time. create a wormhole that penetrated the length of the core, as
shown by a sharp pressure drop in Fig. 3. The ratio between
Conductivity Experiments. The conductivity apparatus the final regained permeability to KCl brine and the initial
consists of a 125,000-lbf-load press with automated hydraulic permeability (k/ko) was 3625mD, indicating the formation of a
intensifiers and a modified API conductivity cell with a 12-in.2 highly conductive wormhole after brine flowback.
flow path. Fig. 2 shows a schematic diagram of the apparatus. A similar test was performed under the same conditions
The apparatus can attain a maximum closure stress of 10,000 with an in situ crosslinked polymer acid system (XLGA- 15
psi and a maximum temperature of 350°F. The temperature of wt% HCl with 70 lbm/thousand gal of polyacrylamide
the conductivity cell is controlled by heated platens contacting polymer). No wormhole breakthrough was observed despite
the sides of the cell and hot oil circulated through the pistons. the high dPmax/dPo ratio of 11.4 and the fact that 15.2 pore
Pressure transducers are used to measure the system pressure volumes of fluid were injected (Fig. 6). The k/ko was 0.19,
and the pressure drop across the length of the fracture. The indicating that the core was damaged under these test
transducers are plumbed with 1/8 in. lines and checked with conditions. A wormhole was observed on the core face
manometers to an accuracy of 1 in. of water. A digital caliper covered with polymer residue (Fig. 5). It can be concluded
is used to measure the fracture gap width. The apparatus is that the permeability increase caused by the partially
capable of running both proppant and acid conductivity. penetrating wormhole channel is not compensating for the
The fluid is loaded in the acid reservoir and pumped with a permeability reduction caused by the polymer residue.
diaphragm-metering pump. The pump is capable of pumping
a maximum rate of 1500 mL/min against 3,000 psi of Diversion in Dolomite and Limestone Cores. The pressure
backpressure. Before the fluid enters the conductivity cell, it buildup in dolomite and limestone cores as a function of initial
passes through the reservoir simulator, where the fluid is core permeability is shown in Fig. 7. The results indicate that
heated to the test temperature. the maximum pressure (dPmax/dPo) generated during SDVA
ISCO Chromatography pumps are used to pump brine acid injection increased with original core permeability, over
through the cell during conductivity measurements. The the range of 1 to 500 mD. The other polymeric systems (GA
pumps draw nitrogen–sparged 2 wt% KCl brine from a 100- and XLGA) exhibit essentially the same response over the
gal flowback reservoir. Before the brine enters the same permeability range, showing that the ability of each fluid
conductivity cell, it passes through the reservoir simulator and to divert is consistent under these conditions. For comparison,
a silica saturation system (for proppant conductivity). The the pressure responses for straight 15% HCl without any
apparatus is discussed in more detail elsewhere in diverter are included in Fig. 7 and these data show that no
the literature.12 pressure increase. Therefore no diversion is taking place.
SPE 86504 3

Performance comparisons for the SDVA system in Attempts were made to measure the effective diffusion
dolomite and limestone cores at 200 to 208oF are shown in coefficient of the SDVA system using a rotating disk
Fig. 8. The SDVA fluid resulted in wormhole breakthrough apparatus. However, a direct measurement of the SDVA
after 1.1 and 1.6 pore volumes injected into 4.5 and 0.5 mD diffusion coefficient by rotating disk is not possible because of
dolomite cores. The maximum pressure ratios (dPmax/dPo) its highly non-Newtonian behavior. Anomalies in the rate of
were 20 and 4, respectively. Two experiments were also reaction and the scatter in the data were observed due to a
conducted in limestone cores at a similar temperature. The transition from reverse flow to toroidal flow to centrifugal
cores used were of 1.7 and 38 mD, and the responses showed flow (all of which are laminar flow regimes), which occurs
similarly effective stimulation as observed for the dolomite with non-Newtonian fluids as the rotating speed is increased.18
cores. These results demonstrate that the generation of both In addition, the complex viscosity gradient during SDVA
CaCl2 and MgCl2 during the reaction of acid with dolomite is spending could have affected the ability to obtain
not detrimental to the effectiveness of the viscoelastic representative samples during the spending process. The
surfactant in stimulation and diversion. highly viscous nature of the fluid also prevented the use of a
diffusion cell for the diffusion coefficient measurements.
Acid Fluid-Loss Tests. Acid fluid loss-tests were These same problems occur when trying to measure the
performed to compare the SDVA with that of a self-diverting effective diffusion coefficients of crosslinked gelled acids.
polyacrylamide polymer system (XLGA) under constant Unfortunately, despite these technical issues, erroneous data
pressure conditions. Straight 15% HCl and a linear gelled acid have been used to incorrectly claim that gelled acids are
(GA) (incorporating 70 lbm/thousand gal of a polyacrylamide highly retarded.19
polymer) were also included in the comparison. Fig. 9 shows To overcome these measurement issues, the theory of the
the fluid-loss tests for these fluids. The XLGA system has a existence of an optimum Damköhler number was used to
comparable initial viscosity to the unspent SDVA fluid of estimate the apparent effective diffusion coefficient from the
about 30 cp at 170 1/s and 70oF, and both exhibit the same pore volume-to-breakthrough curve for SDVA. It is reported
leakoff control characteristics. An additional experiment was that the minimum number of pore volumes to breakthrough
conducted in which a mutual solvent [10% EGMBE in KCl occurs for a variety of acid and chelant systems at about the
brine] was injected as a preflush to the SDVA system and the same optimum Damköhler number of 0.29.15-17 Under the
results show no detrimental impact to leakoff control. As assumption that SDVA follows the same dependency on the
expected, the straight HCl without diverter and the GA system Damköhler number, an approximate effective diffusion
show lower leakoff control than the self-diverting fluids. coefficient of 2.5E-05 cm2/s was estimated for SDVA at
The effects of temperature on the leakoff characteristics of 200oF. For comparison, straight 15% HCl, gelled 15% HCl,
SDVA are shown in Fig. 10. Significant leakoff control was and emulsified 15% HCl have effective diffusion coefficients
achieved with limestone cores over the temperature range of of about 5.0E-05 cm2/s, 3.1E-05 cm2/s, and 2.5E-06 cm2/s,
150 to 250oF. respectively, at 200oF.20 Hence, the apparent effective
diffusion coefficient is estimated to be slightly lower than that
Fluid Efficiency. Wormhole formation during the for straight HCl and comparable to that of gelled acid.
injection of an acid in a carbonate core is typically
characterized by the number of pore volumes required for Regained Permeability. The effects of various acid
wormhole breakthrough (PVbt) as a function of the injection systems on the regained permeability were evaluated under
rate. Fig. 11 shows the number of pore volumes to two experimental conditions. In the first type of experiment,
breakthrough for SDVA and straight HCl injected in limestone one pore volume of the acid system was injected such that the
cores in the 1 to 3 mD permeability range. The data for 3.4% wormhole did not break through the core. These experiments
and 15% HCl were reported by Wang et al.14 The SDVA were designed to evaluate the cleanup characteristics of the
system exhibits the characteristic pore volumes to fluids under realistic conditions encountered in carbonate
breakthrough curve associated with the transition in wormhole formations (i.e., during acid spending and viscosification in
structure from face dissolution to dominant wormholes to the vicinity of the wormhole). Fig. 12 compares the regained
ramified wormhole. It is noted that a minimum number of permeability of dolomite cores after injecting SDVA and GA
pore-volumes-to-breakthrough for SDVA (ca. 1.1 PVbt) occurs acid systems. It is apparent that the SDVA system causes
at an optimum injection rate of about 1 mL/min at 200oF. This negligible permeability reduction to the core, given that the
optimum injection rate is similar to that observed for 15% HCl regained permeability as a fraction of the original permeability
at 70oF. The optimum injection rate for 3.4% HCl shifts is greater than one (k/ko). However, the polymer system, GA,
towards larger values (from 1 mL/min to 4 mL/min) as the showed a significant reduction in regained permeability with
temperature increases to 122oF based on the data form Wang k/ko values less than 0.1 despite a partial wormhole
et al.14 Additionally, at higher temperature, the acid volume penetrating the core faces. This reduction in permeability
required to breakthrough increases (from 1.5PV to 3.2PV). indicates that residual polymer inhibits the cleanup of
This change in the optimum injection rate has been shown to the cores.
depend on the effective diffusion coefficient of the acid
system and can be predicted based on the theory of the Cleanup Behavior. Although not representative of actual
existence of an optimum Damköhler number.13,15-17 The SDVA spending in carbonate formations, a worst case
SDVA system is expected to exhibit the same dependency. scenario was evaluated in which one pore volume of fully
spent fluid (i.e., viscosified and non-reactive) was injected into
4 SPE 86504

1 in.-diameter by 6 in.-long limestone cores with A series of experiments were conducted according to a
permeabilities ranging from 1.27 to 3.22 mD. Nitrogen or 2 procedure described in the literature24 to evaluate the
wt% KCl solutions were used as displacements fluids under wettability and surface tension of spent acid systems on
constant pressure to simulate the cleanup with gas or carbonate surfaces. A comparison was made with a benchmark
formation fluids. The pressure was increased in 250-psi fluid, typical of that utilized by the industry for carbonate
increments for 30 min until a steady flow rate was detected. acidizing treatments in depleted United States reservoirs: a
The retained permeability was measured after establishing a linear gelled acid (GA) with 15% HCl and a combination of
stable permeability in the production direction using 2 wt% surfactants designed to maximize spent acid cleanup. A spent
KCl brine at 1 mL/min. This test procedure does not represent SDVA fluid formulation (used to stimulate carbonate
actual well treatment conditions as the viscosification process formations in West Texas and Wyoming) was mixed with
is not allowed to occur locally in the pores as a result of acid EGMBE in a 50-50 ratio. Table 1 shows that the surface
reaction, and the viscous fluid will not penetrate the entire tension, contact angle, and capillary pressures (calculated
core, but rather be limited to regions of the porous media in based on a pore diameter of 0.1 microns) are very similar for
and immediately around the wormhole channels. Therefore, the two fluids. A comparison is included in the table for
in these experiments, the viscous fluid penetrates a measurements of two powerful surfactants, a fluorocarbon,
significantly larger percentage of the pore space and will result and an environmentally friendly alternative, Surfactant A,
in unrealistically low regained permeabilities. obtained using sand-packed capillary columns.23 The results
Results for relative cleanup pressures for SDVA using 2% show that the SDVA system in contact with mutual solvent,
KCl are shown in Fig. 13. A mutual solvent based on representative of mixing during well flow back, is strongly
ethylene glycol monobutyl ether (10% EGMBE in KCl brine) water-wetting and induces a comparatively low capillary
was used as preflush to aid in the cleanup. The polymer-based pressure. Another experiment was conducted using spent
XLGA shows the highest flow initiation pressure (FIP) and SDVA without EGMBE, also demonstrating that the system
was used as the baseline to normalize the other data to a was water wetting. The surface tension measurement was not
percentage. SDVA exhibited a FIP of about 40% of that possible due to limitations of the experimental method whilst
required to initiate cleanup of XLGA. Using EGMBE as a using viscous non-Newtonian fluids.
preflush for SDVA further reduced the flow initiation pressure
of the SDVA fluid to about 20%. As seen in Fig. 13, the Acid Conductivity Tests. Acid conductivity tests were
regained permeability of the core after the spent XLGA performed to evaluate the fluid-loss characteristics and acid
injection was relatively low at 6%, compared to 97% (SDVA) conductivity achieved with straight 15% HCl and SDVA.
and 80% (SDVA with the EGMBE preflush). It should be Tests were performed with Edwards limestone cores at 240oF.
noted, that the pressure was increased by 250 psi increments, The 15% HCl resulted in a large amount of dissolution near
leading to an experimental error of approximately ±15%. the entrance of the flow cell (left end of cores in Fig. 15) and
Fig. 14 presents the results using nitrogen as displacement created a large wormhole that broke through the 2.5 in. thick
fluid. SDVA shows the highest FIP, which can be reduced by core within about 1.2 min (Fig. 17). The acid-etched fracture
38% using EGMBE as a preflush. The SDVA/ EGMBE (FIP conductivity was 137 mD-ft at a closure stress of 2,000 psi
of 62%) system has a comparable FIP to that of XLGA (FIP of and decreased significantly at about 2,500 psi closure stress
50%). However, the regained permeability for SDVA (65 to due to the crushing of the acid etched fracture faces (Fig. 18).
100%) is significantly higher than that observed for the XLGA In contrast to straight HCl, SDVA created effective
system (12%). differential etching of the fracture faces (Fig. 16) and provided
These cleanup experiments represent a worst-case scenario leakoff control with a wormhole that broke through in about
in which spent acid gel was unrealistically forced through a 2.5 min (Fig. 17). Therefore, leakoff control was observed
low-permeability core. These tests do, however, show that under acid fracturing conditions. The differential etching of
any spent SDVA gel that enters the matrix is removed at least the fracture faces resulted in a fracture conductivity of 1,426
as easily as XLGA systems, which have been applied mD-ft at 2,000 psi and 147 mD-ft at 4,500 psi closure
successfully on a global basis. With XLGA as the benchmark, pressure.
we show that the final regained permeability is significantly The conductivity results demonstrate that SDVA exhibited
better with the SDVA systems. better leakoff control relative to straight HCl. Differential
etching was created when VDA was used to stimulate
limestone cores (similar results also observed with dolomite),
Surface Tension and Capillary Pressure Measurements. resulting in higher conductivity than observed with HCl.
Numerous studies have been performed that demonstrate
the impact of surface tension and contact angle on capillary Conclusions
pressure generated by various fluids in porous media.21,22 This Laboratory tests confirm the good performance of viscoelastic
is a very important aspect to consider in the formulation of all fluids as diverting agents in field applications.
well stimulation fluids. In fact, the industry has developed
surfactants, specifically designed to ensure a water-wet • SDVA provides highly efficient wormholing
formation, reduce surface tension and minimize capillary behaviour in limestone and dolomite cores over a
pressures to facilitate recovery of both treatment fluids and wide range of conditions.
pay zone hydrocarbons.23 • SDVA exhibits similar pressure responses and
leakoff behavior as in situ crosslinked gelled acids.
SPE 86504 5

• SDVA and XLGA exhibit significantly better leakoff 4. Mukherjee, H., Gudney, G.: “Extension of acid fracture
control than straight HCl and non-crosslinked penetration by drastic fluid loss control”, paper, JPT, Feb.
gelled acid. 1993.
5. Saxon, A., Chariag, B., Reda, M.: “An Effective Matrix
• Core flow and acid fracture conductivity tests both Diversion Technique for Carbonate Formations”, SPE
demonstrate good leakoff behavior with SDVA. 37734, presented at the 1997 Middle East Oil Show held in
Hence, SDVA can be effectively used to control Bahrein, 15-18 March 1997.
leakoff during acid fracturing treatments. 6. Taylor D., Kumar P.S., Fu D., Jemmaly M., Helou H.,
• The pressure response observed during the injection Chang F., Davis S., and Al-Mutawa M.: "Viscoelastic
of SDVA increases with increasing initial core Surfactant based Self-diverting Acid for Enhanced
permeability and is similar for limestone and Stimulation in Carbonate Reservoirs,” paper SPE 82263
dolomite cores. presented at the 2003 SPE European Formation Damage
Conference in Den Hague, The Netherlands, May 13-14.
• SDVA exhibits similar or better cleanup behavior 7. Chang F., Qi Q., Frenier W.: "A Novel Self-Diverting-Acid
than polymer based acid systems, as demonstrated by Developed for Matrix Stimulation of Carbonate
the low FIP and the high regained permeabilities Reservoirs," paper SPE 65033 presented at the 2001 SPE
using gas or brine as displacement fluids. The data International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry held in
show that the spent SDVA system should be more Houston, Texas, February 13-16.
easily recovered from low-reservoir-pressure 8. Al-Mutawa, M,. Al-Anzi, E., Ravula, C., Al Jalahmah, F.,
environments than in-situ cross- linked gelled Jemmali, M., Samuel, E. and Samuel, M.: “Field Cases of a
acid systems. Zero Damaging Stimulation and Diversion Fluid from the
Carbonate Formations in North Kuwait”, SPE 80225,
• Differential etching of the fracture faces was created presented at the International Symposium on Oilfield
when SDVA was used to stimulate Edwards Chemistry held in Houston, Texas, 5-8 February 2003.
limestone cores at 240oF. This differential etching 9. Al-Muhareb, M., Nasr-El-Din, H., Samuel, E., Marcinew,
resulted in higher conductivity with SDVA than that R. and Samuel, M.: “Acid Fracturing of Power Water
observed with straight HCl. Injectors: A New Field Application Using Polymer-free
Fluids”, SPE 82210, presented at the 2003 SPE European
Acknowledgements Formation Damage Conference in Den Hague, The
The authors would like to thank ChevronTexaco and Netherlands, May 13-14.
10. Artola, P., Alvarado, O., Huidobro, E., and Salmorán, A.:
Schlumberger for the permission to publish this paper.
“Non-Damaging Viscoelastic Surfactant-Based Fluids Used
Special thanks to Toan Bui, Jack Lie, and Aaron Galt for their for Acid Fracturing Treatments in Veracruz Basin,
hard work on laboratory testing. Thanks to Dr. Ernie Brown, Mexico”, SPE 86489, presented at the International
Curtis Boney, Dr. Dan Fu, and Dr. Steve Davies for Symposium and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control
discussions and for the critical reading of the manuscript. held in Lafayette, Louisiana, U.S.A., 18–20 February 2004.
11. Crowe C.W., Hutchinson B.H., Trittipio: “Fluid Loss
Nomenclature Control: The Key to Successful Acid Fracturing”,
SPE16883 presented at the 1987 62nd Annual Technical
Da = Damköhler number Conference and Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum
Engineers held in Dallas, Texas, September 27-30.
De = effective Diffuision coefficient, cm2/s
12. Navarrete, R.C., Holms, B.A., McConnell, S.B., and
dPo = baseline pressure drop to brine Linton, D.E.: "Emulsified Acid Enhances Well Production
dPmax/dPo = maximum pressure ratio in High-Temperature Carbonate Formations", paper SPE
FIP = flow initiation pressure, psi 50612 presented at the 1998 SPE European Petroleum
L = length scale, cm Conference, The Hague, The Netherlands, October 20-22.
PV = pore volumes 13. Fredd, C.N.: "Advances in Understanding and Predicting
PVbt = pore volumes to breakthrough Wormhole Formation", Reservoir Stimulation, 3rd Edition,
PVinj = pore volumes injected Edited by K. Nolte and M. Economides, (2000).
Q = injection rate. cc/min 14. Wang Y., Hill A.D., Schechter R.S.: “The Optimum
Injection Rate for Matrix Acidizing of Carbonate
Formation,” paper SPE 26578 presented at the 1993 68th
References Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Petroleum
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6 SPE 86504

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24. Rosen, M., Dahanayake, M.: Industrial Utilization of
Surfactants: Principles and Practice, Amer Oil Chemists
Society, (2000).
SPE 86504 7

Table 1. Comparison of surface tension, contact angle and capillary pressure for SDVA (EGMBE) and a GA
system formulated with a surfactant blend.

Sample Surface Tension Contact Angle, q Capillary Pressure, Pc

g or ST, mN/m degrees psi
SDVA (EGMBE) 31.5 9.7 90
GA 31.2 8.9 89
Surfactant A 33.0 81.6 141
Fluorcarbon23 21.0 54.8 351
Water23 72 0.0 2089

Baseline 3% Regain 3% NH4Cl at 9

Inlet Pressure SDVA at 1
NH4Cl at 1 ml/min ml/min (3625 mD)
Gauge ml/min
(4.5 mD)
Differential 10000.0 100.000
Pump Gauge 1000.0 10.000
100.0 1.000
Back Pressure = 20



10.0 0.100

1.0 0.010

Hassler Cell 0.1 0.001

Water Inlet 0.0 0.000

11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0
Pore Volume
Figure 3. Coreflow test with SDVA in dolomite at 208 F; initial
Computer Automation Overburden Pressure permeability= 4.5 mD; regained permeability=3625 mD; 1.1 pore
volumes to breakthrough.

Figure 1. Core flow apparatus for acid response and regained

permeability studies.

Figure 2: Schematics of Conductivity Apparatus.

Figure 4. A Woods metal casting of a wormhole formed by SDVA

injected at 1 ml/ min into a 4.5 mD dolomite core at 208 F.
8 SPE 86504




1 10 100 1000
Initial Perm [mD]
Figure 7. Pressure buildup during the injection of various acid
Residual systems as function of permeability (limestone and dolomite)
damage 45 1.8
Dolomite Limestone
40 1.6
35 1.4
30 1.2


25 1

20 0.8

15 0.6

10 0.4

5 0.2

Figure 5. Wormholes penetrating the inlet core faces after 0 0

exposure to SDVA (top), and GA (bottom). 4.5 mD 0.5 mD 38 mD 1.7 mD

Figure 8. Pressure buildup and pore volumes to break through

during the injection of SDVA as function of permeability for
dolomite and limestone cores.

10000.00 100.0000 GA

1000.00 10.0000 25
Fluid Loss [mL]

100.00 1.0000


10.00 dPmax/dPo 0.1000

= 11.4
1.00 0.0100
0.10 0.0010

0.01 0.0001
8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0

Pore Volume 5

Figure 6. Coreflow test with XLGA in limestone at 208 F; initial

o 0
permeability= 1.51 mD; regained permeability=0.29mD; 15.2 pore 0 2 4 6 8
volumes to breakthrough.

Figure 9. Leakoff characteristics for various acid systems at 150 F
using 1 to 3 mD Indiana limestone cores.
SPE86504 9

120 120
25 250 F Rel. FIP
Leak-off (ml)

200 F Reg. Permeability

20 100 100

Reg. Permeability [%]

150 F
15 80 80

Rel. FIP [%]

60 60
0 40 40
0 2 4 6
Time^0.5 20 20

Figure 10. Effects of temperature on leakoff characteristics of

0 0
SDVA in Indiana limestone cores. SDVA XLGA SDVA/EGMBE

Figure 13. Relative flow initiation pressure (FIP) and regained

9 permeabilities using 2% KCl as displacement fluid.
SDVA; 15% HCl; 200F
8 3.4% HCl; 70F
Pore Volumes to

15% HCl; 70F


3.4%HCl; 122F
6 120 120
4 100 Rel. FIP 100

Reg. Permeability [%]

3 Reg. Permeability

Rel. FIP [%]

80 80
0 60 60

0.01 0.1 1 10 100

Flowrate [ml/min] 40 40

Figure 11. Pore volumes to break through versus injection rate for 20 20
SDVA and HCl.
0 0

Figure 14. Relative flow initiation pressure (FIP) and regained

2.00 permeabilities using nitrogen as displacement fluid.




SDVA/16 mD GA/3.6 mD GA/0.7 mD

Figure 12. Regained permeabilities of cores after injection of one

pore volume of SDVA and GA systems. No wormhole break Figure 15. Post-acidizing picture of top and bottom limestone
through occurred in these tests. cores after exposure to 15% HCl at 240 F.

Figure 16. Post-acidizing picture of top and bottom limestone

cores after exposure to SDVA at 240 F.
10 SPE 86504

1200 10000
1000 SDVA
Fluid Loss [ml/min]




400 10
0 2000 4000 6000 8000
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Closure Stress (psi)
Figure 18. Acid fracture conductivity results with SDVA, GA and
o o
Figure 17. Fluid loss during conductivity experiments at 240 F. HCl with Edwards limestone at 240 F.
The rapid increase in fluid loss rate corresponds to wormholes
breaking through the 2.5 inch thick cores.

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