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Steps Location STATUS REMARK

Pre filling checks initial for test
1 Ensure hotwell both drains closed condenser pit
near steam drain
2 Ensure all MAL drains MIV closed flash tank
Ensure installation of separate clear pipe/tube level gauge for level near Condenser
monitoring pass B i/l
3 waterbox
near Condenser
Ensure pipe/tube gauge glass MIV opened pass B i/l
4 waterbox
5 Drain condenser waterbox both pass turbine 0m
6 Close all CEP r/c MIV
Open the drip MIVs and Ctrl valves of all the LP Heaters connected to
Flash tanks
8 Open HP Heaters drip MIVs and ctrl valves to flash tank
9 Close TDBFP- A & B exhaust MOV. 8.5 mtr
10 Close Condenser vacuum pump common suc. MIV at 8.5mtr 8.5 mtr
11 Close CEP suction MIVs CEP pit
12 Close HRH and MS strainer drain MIVs TG 0M
13 Close CRH Pot drain MIV TG 0M
Keep the main turbine gland seal steam leak off valve bypass MOV
14 open 8.5m
15 Keep the TDBFP A,B gland seal steam leak off valve bypass MOV open 8.5m
16 Place Jacking arrangement at base of condenser 0m
17 Close condenser vacuum breaker MIV 8.5m
Start filling water
18 Inform DM plant about flood test
19 Ensure CST/DMST tanks level more than 8.5 mtr
20 Open Emergency or Normal hotwell makeup for filling 3.5m
21 Keep a close watch in the clear pipe level gauge 8.5m
22 If level reached >3 mtr check 0m drains for any hotwell drain left open
Once 8.5 meter level reached
23 Stop DM Source to hotwell (MIVs) for checking 3.5m
24 Inform TMD about the same
Start inspection of the lines connected to condenser, flash tanks,
25 hotwells 0m
For level Clear pipe water level >8.5m
26 Inform TMD about the same
27 Open hotwell filling MIVs and start raising level
28 Keep close watch of clear tube level gauge installed
29 Ensure slow filling of condenser as level tend to raise rapidly
30 Keep close watch for turbine speed in DCS

31 Moniter HP & IP casing and Exhaust temp. for possible drop


Normalisation Status REMARK

for test post test
1 Ensure condenser pit dewatering p/p available
2 Open hotwell drains bit slowly upto 8.5m
3 After water reached 8.5m open Cond. Vacuum breaker MIV
4 increase drop rate suited to cond. Dewatering p/p capacity
5 Open Condenser vacuum p/p Suc . MIV at 8.5m
6 Normalize the condenser jacking system

After reaching desired below DCS visible level

6 Stop draining of hotwell
7 open all CEP R/C MIVs
8 open CEP Suc. Strainer vent

Crack Open CEP Suc. Valve and ensure proper venting

9 through strainer vents
10 Open All MAL drains MIV
11 Open HRH, MS strainer drains MIV
12 Open CRH Pot drain MIV
13 Open TDBFP A & B Exhaust MOVs
14 Keep All gland seal steam Leakoff valve bypass mov open
15 Keep the LPH drip MIVs and Ctrl valves to Flash tanks open
16 Keep the HPH drip MIVs and Ctrl valves to flash tanks open
17 Open Emergency and normal hotwell makeup MIV
18 Remove Clear tube level gauge
19 Close the clear tube level gauge MIV tight.
Drain the both condenser vacuum p/p casing and suction by
20 opening the pneumatic suction valve

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